Ferret owners

missdaisy79 Posts: 566 Member
What inspired you to share your lives with these delightful furry maniacs? I live with two ferrets who are complete mentalists, and we kinda ended up with them through a crazy set of chances and a chap at the hospital I work at who was giving them away because his landlord complained...

No denying they can be hard work, but absolutely rewarding at the same time.

Also, lets see some pictures :) There are some piccies of mine in my photos, I don't have any others here at work.


  • starbucksbuzz
    starbucksbuzz Posts: 466 Member
    My husband and I have always loved ferrets. Not really sure what it is about them we just always found them fascinating. I grew up with a bunch of cats and dogs and other random animals (geese, goats etc.) and his family has a dog, so when we got married we really missed having pets around. However he's allergic to animals so cats were out, and I'm not a fan of the pets that always stay in a cage and aren't interactive. So it was the perfect opportunity to get a ferret. We let him out when we're around, and he sleeps the rest of the time. The hardest thing for us to deal with is the smell, but we clean the litter box a lot, and put that stuff in his water so that helps a lot. He's adorable, and always trying to steal everything... remotes, our broom and dustpan... he even tries to steal the bathmat which is 3x as big as he is. I posted some pics of him in the introduction thread, he's hard to get good pictures of because he moves so fast. haha
  • missdaisy79
    missdaisy79 Posts: 566 Member
    Do you just have the one ferret? We have two - a hob and a gill. Originally we had two hobs, but one of them had to be put to sleep last year. I didn't want Chilo to be on his own, so we went to the RSPCA and adopted the sweetest little bino. She was very shy at the time but now she is a complete maniac :D
  • starbucksbuzz
    starbucksbuzz Posts: 466 Member
    We just have the one - we've talked about getting another one but I'm afraid that we wouldn't be able to keep up with the litter box as we really don't like emptying it now with one, two would be even worse. In a one bedroom apartment if it needs to be done its pretty noticable. :sick:
  • missdaisy79
    missdaisy79 Posts: 566 Member
    I completely understand where you are coming from with the litter box! We just empty the poop out once a day when we get them out for play time, but we're fortunate enough to have a 2 bed house so we can close the smell away a bit better!
  • Wuggums
    Wuggums Posts: 339 Member
    One of the (many) pets we had as kids was a ferret named Nosy. What a wonderful little guy he was - lived up to his name completely! He was also quite the thief - he used to steal all kinds of little things from around the house and hide them in his favorite spot behind the furnace in the basement. We'd have to raid his hiding spot every few weeks to recover our stolen goods!
  • Pocket_Pixi
    Pocket_Pixi Posts: 1,167 Member
    I have 2 girls, Akida and Rue. Akida is 6 (almost 7) and Rue is 4. I got them because I was lonely and living in an apartment that didnt allow cats or dogs (oddly enough they allowed ferrets). They are so hilarious, Kida is a bit on the lazy side while Rue is my wild child, she is constantly on the go. They are currently living with my mom as Kida got sick and needed round the clock care that I couldn not provide at the time and now I will never get them back because my mom has fallen in love with them lol that and they have made friends with her pot bellied pig and to removed them from her home would make them sad.

    I do still see them all the time, and they are still my babies - when they see me they run to the edge of their room that has been made just for them and completely ferret proofed and make all kinds of crazy noises until I go in and play with them. And they have my brother and mom there for every other day I am not so they are never alone.