Need a jump start!!!! And some accountability...

carolina_r Posts: 359 Member
This group came at just the right time!!

I started 30DS a while back, but fatigue got the better of me and I petered out...

Why am I so tired? Well, I'm currently on mat leave with my 9 month old son - who has, in the past few months, started sleeping like a one month old again (teething!!!!).

I tried once before to get back at it, but without success...I was trying to do the workout at the end of the day, after he was in bed, but I always found myself too exhausted at that point and making all kinds of excuses.

My new plan? Go to bed early, and then wake up before he does (gulp...) and get the workout out of the way! I always feel so great when it is the first thing I do - it just sets you up to have a good day.

Good luck everyone!


  • chugglebunny
    I'm similar (not with a child but excuses)...I am planning on going to bed earlier too and doing it every morning to get it out the way. It's only 30 minutes. If I can find time to watch TV I can find time to do this...I AM going to stick to it!
  • Goosie71
    Goosie71 Posts: 24 Member
    I know exactly how you feel, would love to loose a little weight for Christmas enough to sustain the loss over Christmas. I've got two toddlers well a 1.5 year old and a 3 year old, a full time job which demands a 60 hour week and a husband who suffers from house work blindness. I'm trying to claw back some time for myself and get back in shape. With 70-100 lbs to loose. So good luck to everyone
  • carolina_r
    carolina_r Posts: 359 Member
    Well...I didn't get up as early as intended (can't believe I actually snoozed for an HOUR...) And when I finally did get up, so did the baby.

    However, I have made this commitment, in front of you all, and I am going to stick to it! Guess it will be an evening 30DS for me.
  • timjai
    timjai Posts: 113
    *gives carolina his he'll be making sure look* ;)
  • carolina_r
    carolina_r Posts: 359 Member
    *gives carolina his he'll be making sure look* ;)

    Hah!!!!! Love this! I will be sure to report back...