How are you preparing for Thanksgiving??

dreamjo Posts: 104 Member
We all know that the holidays is a stressful time anyway, but when you are on a weight loss program, it is even MORE stressful.

How are you preparing for tomorrow and this weekend? What are your concerns about your control and the "pushers" who mean well but keep wanting you to eat!

I found out that my sister in law is deep frying her turkey.. kinda worried what this will mean for my points but I have been preparing by saving more weekly points than usual and instead of eating chocolate cake which they have every year, I am making low fat pumpkin dip and bringing fruit to dip in it.

We just all will have to watch our portions and know our limits! :)

How are you preparing for tomorrow and this weekend?


  • isisbryan
    isisbryan Posts: 105 Member
    Well, I never really use my weeklies and I exchange my activity points first. I have been preserving my activity points for Thanksgiving. So, I have 30 activity points and my 49 weeklies for this week. Thanksgiving is only one day out of the year. So, I plan to eat normally and use my activity points. I will also do some exercises to give me some more points to work with, which will help with MFP calories. I also eat mostly vegetables anyway. We have corn, green beans, greens (favorite), and cornbread dressing with our turkey. I saved for the pies and cakes. So, I will only eat one piece of pie (sweet potatoe or pecan pie). If there is a pound cake, I may eat a piece of that.

    That's my plan, just to enjoy my holiday and not be too focused on how many calories/points I am eating. :happy:
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    dreamjo...don't stress too much about the turkey...I couldn't even find a point value on the website for it! Great strategy to bring your own dip and fruit. I hate food pushers. I have learned to handle mine with honesty...and some feelings were hurt at first, but they have long since gotten over it and I have not lost any friends d/t my honesty. Some strategies that include white lies: food allergies, I've eaten so much already I am sick, small bites of everything on your plate to make it look like you eaten a lot, you already had one dinner at a friend's house, your diabetic...but really I have found honesty is the best policy.

    Thanksgiving is small for me (just my hubby and I)...and I control of all. Turkey...make stuffing and mashed potatoes and only take about a quarter cup of each...have my healthy sweet potatoes, cauliflower and cranberry sauce standing by ready to go. I even found some pumpkin souffles (at trader joes) that you just pop into a muffin pan and bake, that looked very reasonable on the nutrition value (haven't calculated points, but I estimate no more than 4)

    I have spent years overstuffing myself on holidays, and I am finally beginning to realize it is not worth it. It takes me almost a week to recover from just one day. Remembering how I felt after past holidays and some extra exercise, in addition to planning are how I plan to prepare and survive Thanksgiving!