Is John Teller Still Alive???

Ok, so I have been seeing this topic a lot lately on some facebook forums. There are some conspiracy theories out there that John Teller isn't really dead. Some people think that Unser actually helped John Teller to get out of the club and faked his murder, and he has now come back as ATF agent Lincoln Potter. The only reason I am buying into this theory is because I remember one of the first episodes where they introduced Lincoln Potter they showed his picture on the wall when he was in a motorcycle club, and I told my husband I thought he looked like John Teller there.
Just wondering what everyone else thinks?


  • rebecca_lc28
    rebecca_lc28 Posts: 93 Member
    Hey .. I use to think the same but Kurt has flat out said that porter is not JT for the fact JT would be as old as piney & in his 70's and gemma spoke to him in the first episode and you would think a wife would not forget her husband... potter looks too young I think there is some kind of connection to him & the club but I guess we will find that out in the last 2 episodes :D:D
    xASHYxSMASHYx Posts: 175 Member
    yea that makes sense, I didn't really think about the age difference. He would be a lot older. But yea I think there is definitely some connection to the club.
  • pitbullmama
    pitbullmama Posts: 454 Member
    hmmmm maybe Jax's brother by another Mother?
  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    I was thinking more along the lines of Thomas, Jax's brother that they say died years ago.
    Was never really explained too well. I wouldn't be surprised to find out he is still alive somewhere.
  • jenready
    jenready Posts: 2,658 Member
    Him being Thomas is a good theory. He is just so strange.