One holiday left

lgmain Posts: 5 Member
Well, we've made it past Thanksgiving. This year, since there was just the grown-ups, we decided to go out to eat. Ended up choosing Brother's in Young Harris. It was a wonderful choice - no one had to cook, the food was pretty good, and, best of all, there are no left-overs in my kitchen tempting me to come eat them!

I hope that by joining this site and beginning my journey again, I will be a little bit better off by the next holiday - CHRISTMAS! We've already finished the outside decorations and have the tree up...will have it decorated before the weekend is over. I'm excited and inspired by this "new" start as well as by the wonderful season that is upon us!


  • moonshadow07
    Hi, I live in Blue Ridge.... I would like to join your group.
  • lgmain
    lgmain Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! Sorry I've been slow in responding... I'm relatively new to this site and just now saw your message. My name is Laurie - WELCOME!:smile: