Stopping smoking........

As you may be able tell from the subject this is about stopping smoking. I was wondering whether or not there are any smokers out there that are planning on stopping smoking as of next Monday and I'm looking for quit buddies!

I've got back into the fitness lifestyle these past few weeks and smoking needs to be kicked to the kerb and the plan is to stop from Sunday evening.

Anybody out there looking to stop, or even just to give me moral support, it'd be nice to hear from you and compare notes!


  • Andylee63
    Andylee63 Posts: 154 Member
    Yes matey..
    I am looking to quit smoking again...
    Stopped earlier this year, but an accident caused me to go to nearest shop and buy 10 *kitten*..
    Smoked 5 by the time I got home (10mins)..

    I have stopped and started god knows how many times..
    The longest was around 6 months when I was on tour in Northern Ireland (while the troubles were still on)..

    I will join you on this and give you all the encouragement I can...
    It is going to be hard for me because my missus and son smoke..
    Will power will prevail though... I just have to be tough with myself eh..
  • LazyDavid
    Cheers fella! I'll be having my last smoke on Sunday evening and then its full steam ahead!

    When/where you in N. Ireland? I was out there for 3 months in 1984 and then again from 1985 to 1987; based at Ballykinler.
  • Andylee63
    Andylee63 Posts: 154 Member
    Tours of N.I...
    6 Month tours 82, 84, 92, 94. North Howard Street Mill, Springfield Rd, Divis Flats, Armagh and Londonderry
    2 year tours 1988-91 Omagh
    Got my distinguished service medal for time served out there..

    Missed Falklands because in N.I.
    Missed Gulf 1 because in N.I.

    Seems I love the place lol
  • LazyDavid
    Got to admit at the side of you my time in NI makes me look quite the red @rse!
  • moonlightuk
    moonlightuk Posts: 42 Member
    Hi, I am also trying to quit, have stopped and started that many times now. Tried a few weeks ago and was doing well but with my partner still smoking I gradually started having the odd one again. He stopped on Friday so going to give it a go again tomorrow and would be good to have the support of other people going through the same thing. So please feel free to add me.

    How are you doing today? and good luck, you can do it :)

  • Andylee63
    Andylee63 Posts: 154 Member
    Sorry David and Moonlight..
    Still smoking today..
    Had to put doggie to sleep at 3am this morning. Buried her at 9am..
    Obviously at the mo I am not in the mood, so will try for next weekend..

    Yet again, another knock back...
    This would have been a real test if I had stopped earlier...

    You will get my full support for this, and if you want to PM me, no probs..
    My worse time for wanting a *kitten* is first thing in the morning...
    Because I can get up anywhere between 4 and 6am in the morning, it makes my day a long one.
    If I can manage past midday, I know I will be ok for the rest of the day..

    Good luck to all of you and I will join you soon..

  • LazyDavid
    Sorry David and Moonlight..
    Still smoking today..
    Had to put doggie to sleep at 3am this morning. Buried her at 9am..
    Obviously at the mo I am not in the mood, so will try for next weekend..

    Yet again, another knock back...
    This would have been a real test if I had stopped earlier...

    You will get my full support for this, and if you want to PM me, no probs..
    My worse time for wanting a *kitten* is first thing in the morning...
    Because I can get up anywhere between 4 and 6am in the morning, it makes my day a long one.
    If I can manage past midday, I know I will be ok for the rest of the day..

    Good luck to all of you and I will join you soon..

    Sorry to hear about your dog. I had to put my baby to sleep a few months ago. Yen was an American Akita and I'd had for 16 years; it hurts mate so no worries!

    With regards to stopping smoking I had some cigs left over myself this morning and (yep colour me weak!) I smoked them! And my better half also smokes so how's about moonlightuk, yourself and me agree a date and we go for it@
  • moonlightuk
    moonlightuk Posts: 42 Member
    So sorry to hear about your dog Andy x

    And David, setting a date sounds good to me...I still have some tobacco left so going to try to have a little as possible tomorrow, think it will be a gym and swim day ..the one place where I dont want a cig.

    So what date suits you both?

  • Andylee63
    Andylee63 Posts: 154 Member
    I am willing for next Monday to be the quit date..
    Gives us time to sort our heads out and get into the zone..

    We have obviously got to get the backing of those that smoke near us.
    I am gonna get rid of the ashtrays over the weekend, and smoke outside from now on..
    (I know I will not want as many if I have to go outside)..

    I am getting into the mood for this now, but at the mo, still grieving over Sasha..

    I am willing to change my date if you both want to start earlier....
  • moonlightuk
    moonlightuk Posts: 42 Member
    Hi Andy, I can't speak for David but Monday is good for me. Will be good to have friends who are going through the same challenges.

    Hope your week is getting better, Susan x
  • Andylee63
    Andylee63 Posts: 154 Member
    Hi Andy, I can't speak for David but Monday is good for me. Will be good to have friends who are going through the same challenges.

    Hope your week is getting better, Susan x

    Cheers Susan
    That would be a great help...
  • Andylee63
    Andylee63 Posts: 154 Member
    Well today I am really grovelling for a *kitten*...
    Woke up this morning and didn't reach for my baccy... Felt really strange..
    I said no to my missus when she asked if I wanted one and told her I am quitting for the last time.

    I am about to have lunch and hope I don't crave one after..

    How you all doing...

  • Andylee63
    Andylee63 Posts: 154 Member
    Well it's now Wednesday...
    Only had 3 *kitten* so far this week...

    I tend to make myself gag with every drag, so I don't smoke all of it...
    I find it's the best way to give up without all the patches and stuff..
  • LazyDavid
    Well it's now Wednesday...
    Only had 3 *kitten* so far this week...

    I tend to make myself gag with every drag, so I don't smoke all of it...
    I find it's the best way to give up without all the patches and stuff..
    How goes it with the not smoking?

    I had my last one on Christmas eve and not touched once since! I decided rather than using patches etc to go cold turkey.
  • neenie12
    Hi all!

    I know how hard it is - I gave up with the help of a friend and some brain retraining. I will have my 2 year anniversary next month!!!! I found the first week the hardest - going from 20+ a day to nothing but it does get easier. A lot of my friends still smoke and I have trouble being really close to them because I don't like the smell!!!! I guess it would be even harder if your partner smokes too. I was lucky in that respect. Anyway, I just wanted to say hi and good luck.

  • LazyDavid
    Cheers Neenie and thanks for the support! Still going strong and taking it one day at a time! Thankfully my better half has also quit, she has a week on me, and she's also going strong!

    Watch this space! :o)
  • Anna_43
    Anna_43 Posts: 117

    Will be watching you all for motivation.

    Changed from ciggies to roll ups about 6 months ago so smoke less but still do and way too much.

    Got nicorette inhallers at home (from my GP) and just waiting for the right moment I guess.....

    Andy, sorry to hear about your dog - I have a GS myself, she is only 5.5 but has hips displasia and artritis and always so worried about her... Just over a year ago had my 10 yo cat PTS - kidney cancer.

    You do get used to them furies, don't you?

  • Anna_43
    Anna_43 Posts: 117
    Anyone has plans to give up smoking at any point in time sooner rather than later?

    I am THINKING that when I drop down to 70kg I will try to stop.

    That is still a bit away but.... rather than set date.. If my scale shows me 70kg for 3 days in a row, will try.
  • blondeboms
    blondeboms Posts: 73 Member
    I woke up this morning feeling a bit wheezy and decided that i have to quit smoking. I had previously said I was going to quit when i was 30 but why wait another 3 years. Not sure when this is going to happen but I need to do this.
    Hows everyone getting on? Do you find it harder trying to lose weight at the same time? I've quit before and found that I would eat instead of smoke.
  • Anna_43
    Anna_43 Posts: 117
    And I woke up with a sore throat and 73.7 on the scales so 3.7 kg to go before my attempt..

    Where is everyone else from this thread?

    Gave up? Still smoking?