Runner's World Book

ninamm3 Posts: 107 Member
My copy of Runner's Wolrd "The Runner's Diet came in the mail today. I'm super sleepy this evening, but I did get a start on reading it. Has anyone else read it? Are there any other books you've read that really influenced or educated you?

I'm always reading and sharing on my blog (not on MFP, but

Second Half Marathon in late March! Thinking about every aspect of training...again!


  • 321blueeyes
    321blueeyes Posts: 279 Member
    I read The Runners Diet too, although I wasn't impressed. Seems mostly geared toward the beginning runner OR the runner who is getting back into it after some years of inactivity. Nutrition advice was pretty generic (i.e. don't drink a 300-cal Gatorade before a 2 mile run)

    My training isn't too intense, ~ 20 miles/wk in 4 days of varied distances, a bit longer or shorter depending on where I am in the training cycle (I run 4-6 Half Marathons + more short races each year). I do mix up my days with intervals, tempos, fartleks, and long runs.

    Personally I found The Complete Book of Women's running a much more useful guide that applies to both beginners and more advanced runners - even though only about 1/3 of it was devoted strictly to nutrition.