

  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 994 Member
    Also - don't be embarrassed. Just do it. I'm a diabetic and I have no issues with checking my sugars and taking my shots in public. My feeling is that a) people that know me know I'm a diabetic and I have to do it and b) people that don't know me don't have the right to make a judgement about it. The same will hold true for monitoring your food. When I was at my friend's house the other night there was a person there who I did not know and who had an issue with my entering my food intake into my phone, My response to her was simple - when I have a stroke or something happens that I can no longer fend for myself is she going to take care of me? Her response - no why? And I rested my case.

    Remember - this is not a case of being selfish but rather of being healthy long term. If others can't deal with it then it is their problem not yours....

    I like what you said! Good point! I've been called obsessive and replied that I'm trying to be healthy. They still don't get it, but it usually gets them to back down.
  • PAWeissenstein
    PAWeissenstein Posts: 37 Member
    OK - So winter is over here in the Northern Hemisphere or at least in North America. And many people start to pack up their Crock-Pots (slow cookers) and put them away until the fall. DON'T! One of the biggest sabotagers in any weight loss program is the five finger taste test - you know - where you just have to taste what you are cooking - maybe every 20 minutes!.

    Here's something that I find really useful. I have TWO 6 quart.Crock-Pots (approximately 5.5 liters) and one every week or so I cook two different basic meals in them. When they are done and all cooled down I freeze them into portions so that I have meals ready to go over a period of time. The frozen meals will keep up to 6 months so if you do this every week (or two days in a row for few weeks) you will have a large variety of meals in your freezer that you can remove in the morning to defrost. It's also great if you have company coming as you can just pull out what you need from the freezer that morning. Of course eating out is the easiest if you are disciplined but this is a very close second (other than making Lean Cuisine or other diet tv dinners.) If you have friends nearby who are also dieting then talk with them and arrange a food exchange. If they do the same thing you will find that you have an even wider variety of meals. Don't be scared to keep it simple as well. At least once a month I cook a chicken to the point where it falls off the bone and then freeze the meat with some stock. It makes the basis for any number of quick meals - lunches, dinners, etc. And if you own a big deep freezer you can even prepare more... Just add some salad or veggies. Making your food healthy and convenient to fix will keep you out of the kitchen so you don't sabotage yourself!