Day1 a lil late

I hope it isn't too late to join in. I'm on day one! First time ever and I just complete day 1 level 1. I'm ashamed of myself because I found it so difficult. The pushups really got me. I don't think I did them the correct way. When does this get easier? If you have done this before, when do you see results? First time I have worked out in over a year. Embarrassing I know. But I'm changing.


  • meckiemelt
    meckiemelt Posts: 27 Member
    I hope it isn't too late to join in. I'm on day one! First time ever and I just complete day 1 level 1. I'm ashamed of myself because I found it so difficult. The pushups really got me. I don't think I did them the correct way. When does this get easier? If you have done this before, when do you see results? First time I have worked out in over a year. Embarrassing I know. But I'm changing.
    Good for you! It is never too late to make a change. I don't know when you will start to see the change but I am on day 6 and it is easier than day one. I worked out 3 to 5 days a week before doing this and it still kicked my butt. Stay motivated we are doing this with you.
  • =D don't worry I'm a bit behind too (day 4) but Day one kicked my bum. I had to stop A Lot and I drank 1L of water in the 20 min and the sweat ewwwwwww! Haha... But today I feel great - I can keep up with nearly everything (the skipping still beats me haha) and with the push ups I follow the blonde chick Anita? I've definitely got results - maybe not weight loss but I know that I've lost cm and that's just on day 4! Good luck its so worth it =D
  • LosingWeight2012
    LosingWeight2012 Posts: 62 Member
    Thanks girls. I was so sore today. I'm wondering if it is normal to be this sore. Just sitting down on the toilet felt like a disaster. My thighs were burning. Ever feel like that? I'm coming from a completely sedentary lifestyle. Thanks for the motivation. I feel so bad about how out of shape I am. I know it is late at night but I'm going to try to do something I think. I'm just so insanely sore all over. Every muscle. Sorry to sound like a cry baby
  • kristennwinter
    kristennwinter Posts: 100 Member
    ^ I was the exact same way! walking hurt, sitting hurt, everything hurt.