Harder as you age.

jaabee11 Posts: 322 Member
It really is harder as you get older isn't it?

That's no reason to give up though , I keep telling myself as I watch the young bunnies losing pound after pound while I struggle to move the dial just that little bit.
My joints hate me as I exercise, menopause is a night mare, medication is against me. A life time of bad habits beckon at every corner. ughh.

I thought, I was just using age as an excuse but my daughter shared this with me and it helped me to move on.

She started Weight watchers a few weeks ago , a few older woman were first timers that week as well. She said they were all 50 +. The first weigh in she lost 2.2 kilos and was pretty happy as she hadn't exercised and had eaten out a few times, not really giving it her full attention. The others were all miserable as they had all worked out laboriously, stuck to their points and even though they had loss it was a very small amounts. My daughter felt so sorry for them especially as she hadn't really put in the work they had.
They asked the instructer what had happened and she promptly asnswered, " it's the age group". It' s that simple.. It takes longer. Seems it does.

We can do it, we just have to be kind to ourselves, and be patient. . We can get there, remember the tortiose and the hare?

*note to self. reread this every time you feel discouraged*


  • AlanWarren
    Yeah you have to approach things differently as time goes along. Funny I had some thoughts about the tortoise and hare analogy myself. But still if there is a need to get things done just to be able to live better, then a more moderated approach is what needs to be applied. I don't want to set any strict time driven agendas just am determined to keep plodding along in the proper direction.
  • shunyata13
    shunyata13 Posts: 71 Member
    If it makes you feel any better my dr has said the same thing about it taking a little longer. We do have different issues to deal with than the younger people do but we can still accomplish our goals. If we can raise children, work all day, take care of the house, do laundry and still have a relationship we can loose a few pounds! Reminds me of the old saying "Getting old ain't for sissies!" Just when you think you are at a point in your life you can coast a bit, something happens and we gain more weight than we have control over. For me, I view it as a temporary setback - it might be a long setback but a setback none the less. What I try not to do is listen to all those people telling me how much longer its going to take because the more we tell ourselves that then it will become that. If the normal weight loss is loosing 1 -2 pound a week and we loose 1 pound a week then we are in the normal weight loss range and as nothing to do with our age. I plan on being a sexy senior citizen and if anybody doesn't agree I will hit them with my cane!!! LOL
  • jaabee11
    jaabee11 Posts: 322 Member
    @ shunyata....lol, good advice
  • cclark1203
    cclark1203 Posts: 244 Member
    I have been trying to lose weight for ever! But... I have finally learned a few things this year and I am 53. First we lose muscle mass every decade and that's where the good calorie burn is at. Second, we eat less calories than we should. This I have learned the hard way, always trying to stay at the minimum calories needed. Eating below my BMR and exercising and then I wouldn't lose or I would lose 2 lbs and put it back on the next week. So now, I have been eating above my BMR and I weighed last Wednesday and then this morning and I lost 3.4 lbs. (Again I will let you know in a couple of weeks). I feel better and I am never hungry, that 's amazing for me, I have a huge appetite. It has taken me almost 4 years to lose 37 lbs on my own and I have another 47 left to go and have worked out 2x's a week with a personal trainer since March and I box 1 or 2 days a week and do cardio a couple of other days. Some weeks I get it all in, others I do not, it all depends on what my feet and knees have to say about it. I just know that we definitely have to work harder at this then the younger folks. It's important to eat as nutritiously as we can too now. We want to be glowing in our skins as we continue our journey. I wish all of us determination and perserverance because luck does not play into this!!
  • chedges9090
    chedges9090 Posts: 208 Member
    It is harder at our age. However, when I was younger, I was just thin. Not healthy. I didn't eat right. .. not concentrated excercising (some dancing at the Clubs.. ) but not healthy. So, at this age, while it is more difficult-- I am doing things RIGHT. Things that will help me as I continue to age. And, as I look at those in their 70's-- there are folks that are just really amazing-- working at staying healthy and mobile . I want to be them when I grow up!
  • cclark1203
    cclark1203 Posts: 244 Member
    It is harder at our age. However, when I was younger, I was just thin. Not healthy. I didn't eat right. .. not concentrated excercising (some dancing at the Clubs.. ) but not healthy. So, at this age, while it is more difficult-- I am doing things RIGHT. Things that will help me as I continue to age. And, as I look at those in their 70's-- there are folks that are just really amazing-- working at staying healthy and mobile . I want to be them when I grow up!

    Me,Me,Me. I want to be those people too!!
  • shunyata13
    shunyata13 Posts: 71 Member
    Yeah!!!! I lost 10 pounds and am no longer in the diabetic range! Double Yeah!!!! Thanks to MFP I was able to see what foods I needed to change, still feel full and not miss the foods that were causing me to stay heavy. I look forward to loosing the other 35 - 40 pounds I want to loose and fit into my clothes that I used to wear before my car accident! Good luck to everyone on their journey to good health and a thinner body!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • gods_gal
    gods_gal Posts: 305
    Yeah!!!! I lost 10 pounds and am no longer in the diabetic range! Double Yeah!!!! Thanks to MFP I was able to see what foods I needed to change, still feel full and not miss the foods that were causing me to stay heavy. I look forward to loosing the other 35 - 40 pounds I want to loose and fit into my clothes that I used to wear before my car accident! Good luck to everyone on their journey to good health and a thinner body!

    Congratulations, shunyata13!! That is wonderful. My husband lost 20 on WW and he's now good, too. Proud of you!!