When do you work out? What do you do for fitness?



  • lovinmysoldier
    lovinmysoldier Posts: 156 Member
    Sunday mornings hubby doesn't work until 9 so I usually go for a run outside (so much better than a treadmill).
    Monday I volunteer at the hosptial for 5 hours and then pick up kids from school, and run around doing chores and getting dinner ready, but I do try to squeeze in JM 30day Ripped and at least some time on the elliptical (aka:laundry holder)
    Tuesday, Thursday and Fridays, gym day. Older kids get dropped off at school and I take my youngest to hourly care for exactly 1 hour, it's so expensive, but I meet up with a couple friends at the gym and then we have a Starbucks date after.
    Wednesday, 30day Ripped and elliptical

    Hubby and I have started doing some workouts together in the evening once the kids are in bed. Plus my oldest two are in basketball right now so we've been going to the gym and shooting hoops a couple times a week.
  • NavyWifeTwinMom
    NavyWifeTwinMom Posts: 98 Member
    So, I'll just jump in to the boards... I find if I don't workout in the morning, it just won't happen at all. I homeschool my 6yr. old twins so going to a gym (or finding any time alone, especially right now in the midst of a deployment) is not in the cards. I have been doing P90x for a while and started X2 on 1/1/2012. When my hubs is home, I love to trail run on the weekends...I so miss that right now! I love weights and lift as heavy as I can at home...addicting!
  • jenny95662
    jenny95662 Posts: 997 Member
    i got a ymca membership and i also do the elliptical and videos at home and the wii. my daughter is 5 and i have her do videos with me she loves that and we crack up at how bad we are lmao