
What are your weight loss goals?

Do you have any goals when you reach your target weight?


  • pammyedmunds
    pammyedmunds Posts: 608 Member
    My weight loss goal is 165.5lbs

    My offical goal when I reach my goal weight is:

    1. Ziplining
    2. Walk Amongst the trees
    3. Doing the Warrior Dash!
    JRRCLR Posts: 338 Member
    My weight loss goal is to hit 165.

    I'm hoping my weight loss will help me with PCOS and infertility issues.
    I was thinking of getting a tattoo of the Weight Watchers stars when I hit my goal.
  • my weight loss goal is to reach 160-165 pounds. I havent been that weight since i was about 13 and would love to feel what its like to be tone and sexy.

    when i reach weight loss goal i would like to maintain it for as long as possible.
    I do modeling on the side and would liek to do some of the shots that ive been to afraid to shoot do to my weight.
  • i love the idea of getting the ww stars tattoo. U can do it girl ! :)

    ps - love your packers meter haha
  • jennysmission
    jennysmission Posts: 391 Member
    My short term goal is 199...next goal is 150 Ultimate goal is 135 by 35 I turn 33 in 12 days LOL

    I dont have anything planned for when I reach it maybe I should start thinking about it..

    Def like the ww star tatoo!
  • alienblonde1
    alienblonde1 Posts: 749 Member
    Ideally I would love to get in the 140's. But for right now I would like to start losing again. Was hoping to be in onederland by Christmas but doubt that will happen.
  • jennysmission
    jennysmission Posts: 391 Member
    Ideally I would love to get in the 140's. But for right now I would like to start losing again. Was hoping to be in onederland by Christmas but doubt that will happen.

    You'll be there before you know it!
  • My final goal is to reach 155 by 30! I turn 29 in Feb so I may be pushing it but I'm going to give it my best shot. I do have a goal to be 175 - 180 by July for my bestfriends wedding.

    I would like to have a trip to paris for my birthday and appreciation to my weight loss!
  • My weight loss goal is to hit 165.

    I'm hoping my weight loss will help me with PCOS and infertility issues.
    I was thinking of getting a tattoo of the Weight Watchers stars when I hit my goal.

    PCOS is such a pain. I suffer from that also! Infertility takes so much out of you. Hang in there! One day it will all work out. I have to believe that! I take it you are from WI. Can I ask what area? I am thinking of doing the Green Bay 1/2 Marathon this year.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I've been contemplating the insane goal of thru-hiking the Appalachian Trail once I reach goal, although family obligations might delay that an extra year or so. It's a six month or more continuous hike.
  • amybell68
    amybell68 Posts: 275 Member
    My Goals:

    Starting Weight 10-31-2011 **212** (my highest weight ever!!)

    Current Weight 11-9-11 **206**
    Current Weight 11-17-11 **203**
    Current Weight 11-22-11 **202**
    Current Weight 11-30-11 **201**
    Current Weight 12-2-11 **200**

    Christmas Goal 12-25-11 **190**

    Valentines Goal 2-14-12 **175**

    Easter Goal 4-8-12 **160**

    June Goal 6-15-12 ** 145**

    Independence Day 7-4-12 **125** ( My FAVORITE HOLIDAY always spent at the beach, this time I WILL be at my goal weight!!!)

    Calories 1250

    Exercise: Right now I am walking/Jogging I'm going to try and do 5 miles a day.
  • gods_gal
    gods_gal Posts: 301
    My weight loss goal is to hit 165.

    I'm hoping my weight loss will help me with PCOS and infertility issues.
    I was thinking of getting a tattoo of the Weight Watchers stars when I hit my goal.

    That's my goal weight also! I'll pass on the tat of the WW stars! LOL!! :smile:
  • jennysmission
    jennysmission Posts: 391 Member
    I've been contemplating the insane goal of thru-hiking the Appalachian Trail once I reach goal, although family obligations might delay that an extra year or so. It's a six month or more continuous hike.

    my inlaws hiked over 400 miles of the appalachian trail!! I'm not sure that I could ever do that but man it would be a awesome experience! and you meet a lot of great people!
  • jennysmission
    jennysmission Posts: 391 Member
    My Goals:

    Starting Weight 10-31-2011 **212** (my highest weight ever!!)

    Current Weight 11-9-11 **206**
    Current Weight 11-17-11 **203**
    Current Weight 11-22-11 **202**
    Current Weight 11-30-11 **201**
    Current Weight 12-2-11 **200**

    Christmas Goal 12-25-11 **190**

    Valentines Goal 2-14-12 **175**

    Easter Goal 4-8-12 **160**

    June Goal 6-15-12 ** 145**

    Independence Day 7-4-12 **125** ( My FAVORITE HOLIDAY always spent at the beach, this time I WILL be at my goal weight!!!)

    Calories 1250

    Exercise: Right now I am walking/Jogging I'm going to try and do 5 miles a day.

    wow you are doing fantastic!
  • amybell68
    amybell68 Posts: 275 Member
    thank you!!
    JRRCLR Posts: 338 Member
    PCOS is such a pain. I suffer from that also! Infertility takes so much out of you. Hang in there! One day it will all work out. I have to believe that! I take it you are from WI. Can I ask what area? I am thinking of doing the Green Bay 1/2 Marathon this year.

    I lost 70 lbs years ago and had my son...hoping that if I lose it again he can get a sibling!
    I am from WI...Close to the Eau Claire area. We love to visit the "Holy Land" (Lambeau Field) when we can!
  • Queen_JessieA
    Queen_JessieA Posts: 1,059 Member
    My goals are:

    199 - reward myself with a new custom tatt (I have no clue what...I may just add on to my back piece, but whatever it is, it will be origional :) I don't like flash art!!)

    160 - goal weight. I know that this is gonna sound weird, but I really want another baby. I want to start off ONE (and my last) pregnancy at a healthy weight.
  • PCOS is such a pain. I suffer from that also! Infertility takes so much out of you. Hang in there! One day it will all work out. I have to believe that! I take it you are from WI. Can I ask what area? I am thinking of doing the Green Bay 1/2 Marathon this year.

    I lost 70 lbs years ago and had my son...hoping that if I lose it again he can get a sibling!
    I am from WI...Close to the Eau Claire area. We love to visit the "Holy Land" (Lambeau Field) when we can!

    I'm about 40 mins west of Eau Claire area. I haven't had any children. We have started the adoption process though and hope to have a child in the near future. "Holy Land"....LOL My husband wishes I felt like that but I am a Bears fan. Don't hate me to much for that! The GB game was pretty good last night though!
  • SunshineKB
    SunshineKB Posts: 177 Member
    My short term goal that I initially set was to be 200 by December 29th. I've already met/surpassed that goal so that makes me happy!!

    Long term...I'm not sure yet what my "ideal weight" is going to be. I was about 165 in high school when I was in the best shape...but I know that would look very different on me 3 kids & 13 years later. So I'm saying 165 then taking it from there! I was hoping to hit 165 by April of this coming year...but I'm not sure if I'll make it by then or not, BUT this is the rest of my life so the when doesn't matter near as much as the what! :)
  • AmberCHM
    AmberCHM Posts: 425 Member
    My (very) short-term goal is to be under 200 by the New Year...preferably by Christmas. My long-term goal is to match my drivers' license weight of 155. I would really like to be in single digit sized jeans one day too :)