
How long after you get up do you eat breakfast?

I find I am not hungry in the morning, especially after the lemon water (which I add fiber to). Most times I try to eat when I get to work, but sometimes get busy and don't get to it until 9:30 or 10, which should really be considered a snack time.


  • DonnaLFitz
    DonnaLFitz Posts: 270 Member
    IMHO, all meals are snacks. I eat 6 times each day. Each meal is approximately the same size, though my lunch is a little more packed with calories than the others.

    You should eat when hungry -- not on a schedule.

    I wake up at 6:45am, but don't get to eat until closer to 9am. I have to get both kids ready and off to separate schools, then get myself packed and ready for work, then drive to work, then -- ahhhh! -- I can sit down and eat.