Thougths on using HRM for determing BMR?

kg6blue Posts: 59 Member
Wanted to get peoples thoughs on this idea...

I am struggling with trying to figure out what MY BMR is... the tool here says 1474, a couple years ago, I went and got the formal personal BMR test with the whole breathing tube and computer etc... that said less than 1200, but the personal trainer that tested me said (of course) nobody recommonds anyone be lower than 1200 calories.

So, I have this HRM that calculates my calories burned while exercising... would it be a good idea and put me in a better range, if I wore the HRM all day long to see what my body burns in the day? Then I could use that as my BMR? Or a bit less since BMR is for "resting/laying still and body function only" and not walking around doing chores, etc.

What does everyone thing about this???

Thanks for the help!

I'm at the stage where the scale doesn't move...I've increased the strength training, adjusted the calories to net within 1200-1400 most days... and I'm just not sure if I'm eating too much or not enough...


  • olivia3263
    olivia3263 Posts: 263 Member
    Don't confuse your BMR with your TDEE. Your BMR is your basal metabolic rate - the number of calories you would burn if you were in a coma. I believe the standard calculations are also used in hospitals, so I think they're pretty accurate. The only thing that might affect your BMR aside from this calculation is your Body Fat percentage - the higher your lean body mass, the higher your BMR. I think the Katch McArdle equation takes body fat into the equation. But your TDEE is your total daily energy expenditure. I think that's what you'd be trying to determine with your heart rate monitor. I think traditional heart rate monitors are only good for exercise and are meant to be worn for short periods of time. People who have Body Bugs or BodyFit Media's seem to swear by them. They're kind of like heart rate monitors but they are meant to be worn all day and they tell you how many calories you burn each day. People use them much like this method - they know what their TDEE is by their BodyFit media and then create a deficit from that.