Happy Monday Dec 5!

drbaska Posts: 157 Member
Good morning ladies! I hope you are all still on FIYAH!! Weekends are always kind of challenging - our routines get thrown off. But Monday is always a clean slate, right?

I'm doing Fire 55 today.

I'm totally loving being back to working out with Chalene! I love my TF/CHX hybrid plan. It is giving me just the right amount of strength, cardio and variey to keep me motivated!


  • JacciSimms
    JacciSimms Posts: 212 Member
    I'm so ready for this new week. The weekends are a challenge for me especially when I work the overnight shift at the hospital. I couldn't login to this database last night, so I didn't log my food or exercise. Something's going on with my computer.

    Tonight it's Fire 45EZ and Stretch 10 (prep schedule) for me. I've found that having two protein shakes and a sensible lunch works for me.
  • deb968
    deb968 Posts: 144 Member
    I did fire 30 this morning before work! Gained 2 lbs over the weekend. Bread yesterday! Damn it! I am back at it today! I have bowling tonight and then a little work out then bed! Hope everyone is having a great Monday! Rock it out!

  • Eponine7
    Eponine7 Posts: 161
    Hi everyone!

    I did Fire 55 today--definitely a fun workout! Probably my favorite of them all!

    Jacci--are you in healthcare too? I'm an RN--sometimes these crazy schedules can be challenging with establishing routines, huh? GOOD JOB on Fire 45 today!!

    Deb--please don't sweat the "gain"...my God, if I freaked out everytime the scale showed a blip like that I would be back up all 70 lbs. I've lost in no time. It will come off...no worries!

    Still feeling the afterburn here :)
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    Yesterday, I did Fire 45 & Stretch 10. Sunday I had a really "off" day emotionally & felt mentally exhausted & completely drained. I decided against working out & took a much needed break. HOWEVER, because I'm such a pefectionist & strict to schedule, it was completely boggling my mind that I had "missed a workout". SO, today I will start week 5, and I'll work right through my rest day this week. I've learned this week that it's okay to make concessions for yourself when you're struggling. It's okay to take a break when you need one...but don't let that break extend too long, or spill over. Get right back up & do it again when you're feeling better. Don't let life get in the way.
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    After I complete 20 weeks of Turbofire, I'll be doing the TF/CLX hybrid. I can't wait. I miss lifting. I think my body had much better shape & form when I was lifting weights. Only on week 5, so it'll be another long while before I do, but am looking forward to it.
  • drbaska
    drbaska Posts: 157 Member
    @Eponine7 - I did Fire 55 EZ yesterday too and the time just flew by. I'm so glad I took a break and did Insanity - because now my TF and CHX are all new again! I love it!

    @MissAnjy - you did the right thing! I love how you gave yourself the break you needed, without letting it slide all together.

    @Deb968 - I like to weight at least once a week - otherwise I think lbs can creep back on before we realize it. Those 2 lbs will probably be off today with a good eating plan and your workout.

    I really feel like these are my "soulmate" workouts - so effective, so fun, and I just enjoy them! What more could you ask for?
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I agree. Chalene is definitely my "go to girl" for anything fitness related.
    I love her style of motivating & how she does the workouts with you. She really has a way of making it fun & of course...i LOVE to box, so obviously I would love Turbofire :))

    but even CLX i REALLY enjoyed. I loved what clx did for my figure. It really leaned me out. I seemed to have lost a lot of that :(
    after turbofire, im going to the hybrid & i'm hoping to get the desired look.