Bikini by Summer of 2012

Channing Posts: 617 Member
... Or at least a really cute retro one piece. I took a "before" bikini pic today in front of my Christmas tree, so I can spend the next 5 months making an "after". I've got the long, now I just need the lean to make me feel comfortable enough to wear it out this Summer. Don't know if I'm brave enough to post it, but maybe when I have the results to go with it!

I like this one...

Anyone else working towards a bikini this Summer?


  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    I have so much hanging skin on my lower stomach that i probably will never wear a bikini but i would go for a super cute tankini! I am hoping to be down 15lbs by the summer.
  • lik_11
    lik_11 Posts: 433 Member
    I can't picture myself EVER wearing a bikini- but that sailor one is SUPER cute! It might even hide the extra lower belly skin... maybe I could pull off a bikini??? haha. Hubby would LOVE it- he collects pin-up pictures. Ooh... Channing, you may have given me a new goal! :)
  • bt_13_21
    bt_13_21 Posts: 47 Member
    A bikini is my "probably never going to happen, but wouldn't it be nice" goal.

    I agree that the retro ones with the high bottoms are ideal. A little extra control.

    hmmm... thinking about joining you....
  • Jenn152
    Jenn152 Posts: 373 Member
    I am totally going for a bikini next summer :bigsmile: ... I wore a very inappropriate bikini in May on a beach weekend, when I should NOT have :noway: ... hahahahaha but what the hell, I have never been shy, overweight or not. So, I cant wait to ROCK one this summer! :tongue:
  • Channing
    Channing Posts: 617 Member
    Yay! We should all post pics this Summer when we rock those bikinis! And yes, I love the high waisted ones... they cover love handles and stretch marks.:blushing:
  • bt_13_21
    bt_13_21 Posts: 47 Member
    So since we're all tall, we can compare. What is a good bikini weight for us tall girls? So if I'm 6 ft, what should I aim for to rock a bikini? 170? 160? 150? 140?
  • Channing
    Channing Posts: 617 Member
    I'd love to get down to 160 or a bit below by bikini time, but that's just me. So I'm aiming for about 15 more pounds...

    Here is some more inspiration!
  • Jenn152
    Jenn152 Posts: 373 Member
    So since we're all tall, we can compare. What is a good bikini weight for us tall girls? So if I'm 6 ft, what should I aim for to rock a bikini? 170? 160? 150? 140?

    Well, ill probably rock one at 190... Maybe 180 if I get ambitious after I get to my 190 goal weight :o)
  • bt_13_21
    bt_13_21 Posts: 47 Member
    Channing - those suits are to die for! SO cute. Something else I like about them.... I'm super fair, and it seems like I'd look ok being pale in a retro suit vs a modern suit. KWIM?

    Jenn - you are brave to wear a bikini at 190. Good for you.

    I'm 197 right now, and my goal is 162 (which will be 40 lbs total).

    When is our end date? Say, June 1? That's little short of 6 mo away. So, let's see, if I want to lose 35 more lbs in 6 mo that'd be a little less than 6 lb a month. I'd really have to bust my butt (literally), but it's doable, right?

    OK, I'm in.
  • Jenn152
    Jenn152 Posts: 373 Member
    Jenn - you are brave to wear a bikini at 190. Good for you.

    hahahh I wore one at 245 (shouldn't have, but I did... I bought a one piece after those pics lol) I have no shame, and I could wear one now at 210 I think I look awesome. So, I can only imagine what I'll look like at 190! I haven't been that weight since freshmen year of college! woot woot! :O) I looked great at 180 when I was 18. I have never been under that as a grown person. lol
  • inlander
    inlander Posts: 339 Member
    I have NEVER worn a bikini in my entire life. That's why my goal this summer is to wear a bikini. If I don't meet my goal by this summer, I still have to wear a bikini. To avoid embarrassment, I'd better be at my goal. Ha. ;)
  • inlander
    inlander Posts: 339 Member
    So since we're all tall, we can compare. What is a good bikini weight for us tall girls? So if I'm 6 ft, what should I aim for to rock a bikini? 170? 160? 150? 140?

    Mine isn't really a weight goal, since even if I were 140 I'd have problems with how I look. My goal is to lose about 20 lbs but spend the next 6 months firming, toning, lifting, etc. I want a muscular body, not a skinny body. Think SHAPE magazine models. :) (eta. losing 20 pounds for me at 5'9.25" would make me 170 lbs or so.) I want to look like Angelina Jolie in Tomb Raider, ha. (See my profile photo)
  • gossja23
    I too wear a bikini even if maybe I shouldn't. It is all about finding one you feel comfortable in. I am more comfortable in a bikini that fits well than a one piece that rides up in places it shouldn't because I could never find "cute" suits that were long enough. Eventually I just stopped looking! I love that retro look!
  • Channing
    Channing Posts: 617 Member

    Mine isn't really a weight goal, since even if I were 140 I'd have problems with how I look. My goal is to lose about 20 lbs but spend the next 6 months firming, toning, lifting, etc. I want a muscular body, not a skinny body. Think SHAPE magazine models. :) (eta. losing 20 pounds for me at 5'9.25" would make me 170 lbs or so.) I want to look like Angelina Jolie in Tomb Raider, ha. (See my profile photo)

    This is what I need as well. I need to lose about 10-12 more pounds but REALLY tone up. I'm not great about strength training. I can run all the time, but I really have to find a toning program that i can get into. I don't want to jiggle when I move!
  • bt_13_21
    bt_13_21 Posts: 47 Member
    Channing, I liked that new bikini you posted on pinterest. I may have to make it my "reward" when I hit my goal weight!

    I have not worn a bikini in eons. I'm a scaredy.
  • sisierra
    sisierra Posts: 707 Member
    Yea gurl! I got tattoos to show off! lol, i want to lose at least 25lbs by my birthday in June!
  • mrsdizzyd84
    mrsdizzyd84 Posts: 422 Member
    Oh yes indeed! Operation "Bikini-by-2012" Is in FULL effect! I need to lose about 35 pounds to get there. I'm shooting to reach that target by June!
  • cantobean
    cantobean Posts: 287 Member
    I can't even imagine what I would look like with my body. I've never ever worn a bikini (I did have a tankini once...) and my tummy has never been flat. I'll give it a shot but even when I wasn't technically "overweight", I didn't feel right in a bikini...
  • clur85
    clur85 Posts: 187 Member
    This is one of my biggest goals for next Summer - I get married in May 2012, we go to new york for a few nights and then Barbados for a lovely beach week - and I want to look hot in a bikini! I don't know if i'll be confident enough to get my belly out as it's my biggest bugbear, and doubt i will ever have a washboard stomach - but I am tempted to do the same as you and take a bikini picture now to give me motivation over the next few months. good luck! x
  • bt_13_21
    bt_13_21 Posts: 47 Member
    Oh yes indeed! Operation "Bikini-by-2012" Is in FULL effect! I need to lose about 35 pounds to get there. I'm shooting to reach that target by June!

    Me too! Keep me updated on your progress!