How Do You Get Your Zumba Fix?!?!?

Hi All...

As a fellow Zumba lover...just wanted to get a feel for how you get your Zumba in....

My favorite is LIVE CLASSES...the energy of the group and instructors push me to go further!
I also love Zumba Exhilarate & I play Zumba for Wii...mostly to battle with my 9 year old...

Can't get enough!

What's Your Pleasure?!!?:wink:


  • For me live classes are the way to go..Zumba has given me a new lease on life...loosing weight, have more energy, less depression and I sleep soundly...that's on the serious...on the play...Zumba is so much fun.....good music, high energy...I could do it all day...but for now Monday, Wed, Thurs and Saturday are my Zumba days:smile::smile:
  • For me live classes are the way to go..Zumba has given me a new lease on life...loosing weight, have more energy, less depression and I sleep soundly...that's on the serious...on the play...Zumba is so much fun.....good music, high energy...I could do it all day...but for now Monday, Wed, Thurs and Saturday are my Zumba days:smile::smile:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I took a live class for two years and then stopped for a year. During that time I purchased and used the Zumba Fitness DVD, I am back in a class now and am finding it a lot more fun. I had a class last night and I am sure that I burned a lot of calories.
  • Hey everyone, I totally love Zumba Toning class w/ the weights I started back taking this class 2x a week and I take the Zumba cardio class 3x a week. I LOVE Zumba because I feel like I'm not exercising but dancing. My instructor is totally the best. I plan to one day get Zumba certified when I'm in my 100s lbs range:) till then I'm going to drop the pounds with Zumba.
  • Can anyone tell what are we doing in this group or inbox me some info about it please because i just joined tonight and what the talk is about.
  • may5220
    may5220 Posts: 101 Member
    I love my Zumba class I go twice a week, the atomsphere feels like dancing at the club. I love the great energy and sweating off some calories.
  • nettie23
    nettie23 Posts: 42 Member
    I love Zumba, I go to live classes about 3 times a week. I also play on the WII with my daughter.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I just looked at the new YMCA brochure. So disappointed. They have changed the time for the Zumba classes. One of them will be at the same time as my Hip Hop class. I am thinking of dropping the Hip Hop class as I don't feel that I am getting my money's worth. I paid for the month of November and no one but me showed up so I didn't get any classes all month. When I mentioned that I feel that I am owed a refund I was told that if I wanted they would schedule make up classes. The problem is that I don't have time for any make ups and I really don't feel that I should have to go out of my way when I did show up but didn't get the classes. What does everyone else think of this situation?
  • Im starting to love the zumba toning class... now I'm with 2lb weights dancing with every other song. My goal by the end of the month to increase to 3 lb weights!!
  • Dragongrl
    Dragongrl Posts: 186 Member
    Just got Zumba for Kinect. I have tryed 15 minute workouts On-Demand and I loved them.
  • banjobaby
    banjobaby Posts: 46 Member
    i started taking zumba classes in august and for the most part i go 4 times a week. i also just got the zumba dvds for christmas. my plan is to still go to classes and supplement with the dvds. so far i really like the dvds but it really doesn't compare to the classes! i just love the energy!
  • KriscoOil
    KriscoOil Posts: 305 Member
    I am having Zumba DT's! I haven't done any Zumba for over a week! My daughter recived the Dance Central game for xbox Kinect and I have been playing with that! I want to get the Zumba wii game and the Zumba for Kinect so I can get back into it!
  • kgolem
    kgolem Posts: 1
    I have 3 different instructors all totally different teaching styles and attitudes -- Party girl, Drill Sargent and Zumba/Kick Box instructor -- One of them is even my WW leader -- She really kick my booty when I told her I wanted to quit WW.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I have signed up for another session of Zumba. The classes are twice a week.
  • Valarie73
    Valarie73 Posts: 24 Member
    I go twice a week, but would go just about daily if it fit my schedule. I LOVE my Zumba classes. I just got the Zumba 2 for the Wii and I got the Gold's Gym Dance thing for the Wii [has some zumba-like moves] so I hope to incorporate those on some evenings as my schedule allows.

    I have a full-time job, two young kids, and a husband with a wacky schedule, so finding extra time is tough - but I'm gonna try like hell to find time for the extra home workouts.

    LOVE my classes though!
  • RedMuse
    RedMuse Posts: 50 Member
    Zumba is my new drug!!! I love working out, but with Zumba, i have this wonderful high afterwards that stays for hours. I can't explain how good it makes me feel. Sweaty, hair messed up, but enjoying every minute of it. I go only once week due to scheduling but if I could I would go every day..

    Nothing like it!!!
  • KriscoOil
    KriscoOil Posts: 305 Member
    got my zumba fix through the exhilarate dvd tonight! haven't done zumba in 2 weeks and finished without collapsing, lol
  • i have hear good thigs about Zumba and am interested to try it one day bit for right now my budget doesn't allow me so just doing some routines at home.
  • KriscoOil
    KriscoOil Posts: 305 Member
    Monday - 20 mins Rush
    Tuesday 20 mins Rush
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I am in need of some encouragement. I signed up for Zumba once again. AND, once again I am finding any excuse to not go.