Hey =3

I am Mindi, and I am proudly Bisexual. I would date a girl just as soon as I would a guy, and I see no problem with this, no matter what others say.

it'll be nice to get a little more emotional support on here, as well as for health =3


  • MusicKeepsMeSane
    I absolutely agree with you :)
  • david581c
    best of both worlds, if I were to handicap it.

    sounds like you're a free spirit with plenty of moxie. welcome.
  • GaiaGirl1992
    GaiaGirl1992 Posts: 459 Member
  • jordsv
    I'm late, but here it is. Yes, there is always the pressure to take sides, which is ridiculous... people want to be accepted but themselves don't accept other people that are just slightly different. Just ignore... even they are your friends (often they are)....