do you see yourself as always bigger/manlier than other wome



  • SuperStorm
    SuperStorm Posts: 119 Member
    Every day!!
    All of our friends (male and female) are so much shorter than me and I just feel like a big ol' man LOL
  • paulcer
    paulcer Posts: 167 Member
    I've always seen myself as very feminine, both in personality/demeanor and aesthetically, but when it comes to men.. I, more now than ever, feel like they don't see me as feminine "enough" because of my height. It's weird, I got way, way more attention when I was heavy. I thought once I got thin guys would approach me, life would be grand, but now I feel more lonely and insecure than ever before. I feel like they automatically write me off because of my height and my larger build. It sucks because I get angry at myself for feeling this way, because I am so proud of my height and am so against society's ****ed up notion that women should be smaller than/"protected" by their male partner. But I do think it hurts the most because I know that this is widely accepted as truth by many, especially, being where I'm from, where the population is heavily dominantly Asian. I always see men with women shorter (often much shorter) than them, regardless of ethnicity or build. Apparently, it's ok to be overweight and short, but being tall and lithe now renders me some kind of circus freak. Whatever :(

    So many points I'd love to touch on here, I've noticed that I'm more approachable when I'm heavy. I think being more "attractive" does make you more difficult to approach. If this is making you feel lonely and insecure, perhaps you are building a bit of a protective wall as well.

    And yes, in general the largely Asian population can make life in Hawaii difficult for us tall girls. Been there done that.

    Keep your chin up beautiful lady.
  • slamazon
    slamazon Posts: 43 Member
    I am 6'1. When I was younger, I hated being tall because I stood out. As an adult, I LOVE being tall because I stand out :)

    I see myself as a strong, independent woman who just happens to stand head and shoulders above most other women (lots of men too!!).

    I see myself as bigger than other women because I am bigger and I like it. I can reach things on a high shelf. I don't get lost in a crowd and at rock concerts ... I can always see the band :)

    I definitely feel feminine ... with a touch of 'saucy' and LOVE it when my kids tell their friends "my mom could kick your dad's a**" :)
  • sarahp86
    sarahp86 Posts: 692 Member
    I do feel bigger but that's down to my weight. I'm just over 6 ft but I don't feel tall comPared to my friends until I see pictures. My dad is 6'6" and my younger brother is 6'7" and my man is 5'8" so I feel normal at home. I work in a male dominated environment do I'm the same height if not taller that most of my colleagues.

    I don't feel manly because I have curves and love make up. Men, especially short men seem to have a fantasy about taller women. My best friend describes me as amazonian and I love that!
  • mrsdizzyd84
    mrsdizzyd84 Posts: 422 Member
    Bigger, definitely yes. But the accompanying adjective is not manly. It's smarter, more confident, more competent, leader, etc. All those positive qualities men get assigned without having to do anything about it. I LOVE my tallness accompanied by smartness and confidence!

    I agree with this completely. I don't feel manly at all. I may be taller than other women, but I love that feeling. I have a very womanly shape, and feel like I am proportionate from top to bottom. If I were more boxy, I might feel manly. But I relish the fact that men will check me out before they will check out my short friends. Men are drawn to tall women :o)

    I absolutely agree with both of these women. I may be tall, but I am very feminine. I like being feminine. I like dressing the part, wearing makeup, and wearing high heels. My husband is 6'2". When I wear my heels I am as tall as he is. I still feel very feminine. People see a women who is comfortable with her height and they see a women who is confident, competent, and ready for the world. You've got to love that!
  • TrillianJones
    TrillianJones Posts: 14 Member
    I constantly feel a bit on the 'manly' side, not so much specifically about my height, but my build (I am quite a 'big' girl) and stuff like having quite large hands (and not in a good, long-elegant-fingers kind of way). This, coupled with the fact that my sisters-in-law, mother-in-law and loads of my friends are quite petite, does make me wish I was a bit smaller in stature. If I decide to wear something nice, I always feel that I have to check with my hubby that I don't look like 'a bloke in a dress'
  • You ladies are all beautiful and should be proud of that height. Remember, Heidi Klum and Tyra Banks are OUR height. ;)
  • CarBro1
    CarBro1 Posts: 7 Member
    I sure do feel manly. I used to get "sir-ed" pretty frequently. I think that has influenced me to dress more feminine, and I now NEVER leave the house without earrings and usually wear my hair down. I am pretty broad shouldered and combined with my height and weight I feel like I have a "manly" figure. I am much larger framed than my ex-husband and I think that contributed to the "ex" part of things. Also when I'm out with my girls I always feel like I have to bend over to hear, and like I'm twice the size of EVERYONE else. It's paranoia not reality, and I have to remind myself of that! Gotta take the bad with the good I suppose!
  • Legally_Natural
    Legally_Natural Posts: 101 Member
    You ladies are all beautiful and should be proud of that height. Remember, Heidi Klum and Tyra Banks are OUR height. ;)

    Yes! I love love love my height!!!! Actually when I was younger, I wanted to be taller. We should be proud of our height.

    Note: What I have seen from a lot of tall women who have, over the years, tried to hide their height is that they have a hump on the top part of their back from trying to curve their back and bend down to look smaller. Good posture helps the ab muscles. :wink:
  • AtomicLemon
    AtomicLemon Posts: 63 Member
    Yes, yes, yes! I'm 5"11", and when I was younger and at a lower weight, I felt like a supermodel when I walked into a room. Now I feel like Shrek :(

    Whenever I put on a dress, it looks ridiculous. I look like a big man in drag.(and not a pretty one!) It's awful. When I get down to around 170, I'll start feeling more feminine, but until then, I feel like a monster.
  • lrichardson2360
    lrichardson2360 Posts: 225 Member
    My height never bothered me. I'm 6' 1" and my brother is 6' 4". We're the freaks of the family since everyone else is 5' 7" and under, but it never bothered me. My weight has ALWAYS been the issue. I adore being a tall woman. My husband (who's 5' 9") loves his amazon wife! :love:
  • ymhand
    ymhand Posts: 188
    Yes. In the past when I have had my nails done I feel like I have man hands. I do not carry a purse because I feel it is too femine for me due to the way I look. I have bigger arms which make me feel like a football player. I do not wear make up because it makes my skin feel dirty and I do not want to attract attention to myself.
  • cantobean
    cantobean Posts: 287 Member
    Sometimes, yeah. If I'm looking at pictures in which I completely dwarf my petite and skinny friends, yeah. Sometimes I feel silly wearing short skirts and dresses because they are SO short on my loooooong legs. But generally, I just don't think about it. I wear clothes that make me feel professional and somewhat feminine, and I'm usually pretty comfortable in my own skin.
  • Jenn152
    Jenn152 Posts: 373 Member
    Yes! I love love love my height!!!! Actually when I was younger, I wanted to be taller.

    When I was growing up, I wanted to be 6'3... and I fell about 4 inches short Damnit! hahaha I LOVE BEING TALL!
  • cupcake721
    cupcake721 Posts: 22 Member
    I'm almost 6'1" and I feel MUCH bigger than everyone around me.

    I wish I could be like some of you girls; I love all of this positivity and tall girl power. I like being tall kind of, but I do wish I was more like 5'9" or something. At least then I could probably buy pants in stores and I could wear heels without feeling TOO gigantic.

    You ladies are my heroes!! :)
  • Legally_Natural
    Legally_Natural Posts: 101 Member
    I'm almost 6'1" and I feel MUCH bigger than everyone around me.

    I wish I could be like some of you girls; I love all of this positivity and tall girl power. I like being tall kind of, but I do wish I was more like 5'9" or something. At least then I could probably buy pants in stores and I could wear heels without feeling TOO gigantic.

    You ladies are my heroes!! :)

    You should see the shoe thread. I will put my 4 or 5 in heels on in a quickness. No one is going to make me feel bad about my height or size. I know I am FLY!
  • miseryhead75
    miseryhead75 Posts: 40 Member
    I'm naturally a tomboy. I feel "manlier" at a heavier weight. When my curves are more defined, that's when I put on the heels! I'll feel better when I'm more comfortable in a skirt! Soon!
  • cowgirlslikeus86
    cowgirlslikeus86 Posts: 597 Member
    I have more issues with feeling "Manly" when I am overweight.

    I am 5'10" and built with curves and natural muscle. When I get over 170-175 I stop wearing heels because I feel insecure, like a giant blob. When I am 150-160, I feel tall, athletic and beautiful. Peoples actions and comments changed alot when I lost weight a few years ago.

    It's like your pride in yourself shows through and people draw off of it. I understand the "unapproachable" thing a little, but, when your actions and demeanor begin to reflect strength and confidence, it changes you from unapproachable to "Hmm I thike the way she carries herself, think I'll give it a whirl".

    Larger gals tend to hide behind their personallity I think.They tend to smile alot and talk alot. As we get smaller in size, I think, our outgoing-ness tends to get smaller too. You have to keep being outgoing or let your new found confidence take over, I suppose, in order to stay approachable.

    Anyways, just my thoughts an observations.
  • mjanemorgan
    mjanemorgan Posts: 43 Member
    yes definately! especially as all my friends growing up were round the 5"5 height, and i'm 5"11. i always ended up feeling like the giant! i never wear heels as i'm scared people will think i'm a man in drag! lol! even though i see lots of women my height wearing them and think, how do they manage to do it, looking all glamorous and girly?!! i think it's made worse when short men are awkward around you being tall so for some reason end up treating you like a bloke!! lol
  • FitnessBarbie99
    FitnessBarbie99 Posts: 277 Member
    A coworker told me a very long time ago that folks were speculating that I was a lesbian because I was so tall, had short spikey hair (it was the 80s!) and wore such tailored clothes. I was wearing what I could afford that fit. I was not especially curvy -- leaned more on the athletic side -- lanky. That really hit home. Oh, nothing against lesbians, but I didn't like the idea that everyone thought I was butchy.

    I started wearing a bit more make-up and jewelry -- made sure I had earrings in every day. I let my hair grow out a bit and chose a softer, curlier style.

    I am not a pinkie twinkie either, but I do purposely choose feminine colors to mix in with all the black. In the winter, I make sure I've got a pashima or scarf on if I am wearing a black leather coat. Now that I'm older, I can't wear long hair -- it's just too thin -- so I want to make sure I'm not mistaken for a man from the back.

    I love being tall, but I do not love being overweight and tall.