Is Your Husband The "Boss"?

kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
Who all stands by the idea of the "husband" being the head of the household?
Since Christianity is the most popular religion in America, I was wondering who all stood by the idea of the husband being the head of the house. Just tell me, are you Christian and is your husband the boss? Also, if you are not Christian but believe in another religion, is your husband the head of the household? If your husband is the head, are you happy with the situation? How are decisions made?

Personally, in my marriage, we are equal partners and we make decisions together ranging from the petty decisions up to major ones. There is no "boss" in our house.


  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    My husband is the head of our family. I wouldn't necessarily say he's the "boss", though. We both make independent decisions on things, but anything really big will be discussed together.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    I don't believe in God and I don't believe in a monarchy in our household. We make important decisions together. It's a partnership.
  • Bahet
    Bahet Posts: 1,254 Member
    I'm agnostic with Christian leanings. My husband and I are equal partners. I didn't vow to "love honor and obey". My father didn't give me to my husband like some sort of prize cattle. We make decisions together. Sometimes his views trump mine, other times mine trump his. It depends who cares about the issue the most.
  • adrian_indy
    adrian_indy Posts: 1,444 Member
    No, and I don't want to be. If I want a employee I'll start a business. If I want to be the superior, I'll buy a dog. If I just want a person to do what I want to do, I'll get a hooker.
  • Lizzy_Sunflower
    Lizzy_Sunflower Posts: 1,510 Member
    Short answer? Yes. Whether I like it or not ;)

    But everyone in the household has responsibility. Even my 8 year old.

    ETA: Yes, we are Christian.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Its pretty equal in my house
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    We make all decisions together. He actually refers to me as, "The Boss" because I know our schedule. You know, "That sounds good, let me check with The Boss."
  • We are christian and we have a mutual/equal partnership in our marriage. We have been married 40 years, so I guess it works. When someone asks my husband says, "I am the boss of my household and I have my wife's permission to say so". makes us laugh every time.
  • bbygrl5
    bbygrl5 Posts: 964 Member
    My husband is not the boss. We have no children and because of it, it's easy to live fairly equally, but I still try to make him feel like 'the man' from time to time, lol.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    its mostly equal, but if my other half felt very strongly about something id always give him the final say.
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,271 Member
    Yes, And Yes I'm what you refer to as "the boss" but that's not technically how it is.
    We make mutual decisions together everything is done together. My wife, as the bible refers, is my "help mate". Even though I am the head, When at all possible she is a major part of the decision making process many times her wisdom/ideas/thought process is what makes the final decision. But in the end Its Me who has to pull the trigger on what ever decision is made. Being the "Head of the house" in a biblical sense is not about being in power or making all the decisions as final. Its more about me being responsible for my family and to God. When I make a final decision I'm making it and the consequences and the results fall on me not my wife and kids. I am the one the takes the heat for a bad decision. Its my responsibility to protect my family and that's why I am the sole responsible party. Even though my wife is my equal Its not her that anything will fall on should a decision be a bad one; Its me. And as Christ directs I am to protect her and the children from anything. Thats why the buck stops here!

    In addition, I dont require her to be submissive to me. Its not like I own her its more a of a business structure. Not everyone can be the president of the company. So she voluntarily puts her self underneath my protection and leadership.

    And most importantly...There is a section to this that you are leaving out. Biblically the wife should submit but no one ever brings up what the husbands responsibility is to his wife.... "He is to love her like Christ loved the church" And ultimately what that means is I am to love my wife to the point of death where I would give my own life to protect her and save her. Its a two way street and those two commands are together in the same thought.
  • killerqueen17
    killerqueen17 Posts: 536 Member
    Even though I am the head, When at all possible she is a major part of the decision making process many times her wisdom/ideas/thought process is what makes the final decision. But in the end Its Me who has to pull the trigger on what ever decision is made. Being the "Head of the house" in a biblical sense is not about being in power or making all the decisions as final. Its more about me being responsible for my family and to God. When I make a final decision I'm making it and the consequences and the results fall on me not my wife and kids. I am the one the takes the heat for a bad decision. Its my responsibility to protect my family and that's why I am the sole responsible party. Even though my wife is my equal Its not her that anything will fall on should a decision be a bad one; Its me. And as Christ directs I am to protect her and the children from anything.

    Yes! This is the way my husband and I understand it too. I am naturally a very planning-oriented person, so I have quite a bit of input on decisions we make, and that sort of thing. I'm also the one who pays the bills and keeps an eye on the checking account, tries to create the budget (an ongoing process!), etc. etc. But we know that my husband is ultimately the one with the burden of responsibility. If I have some crazy idea, and he agrees with me, then the responsibility is on him. So far, we haven't had an instance where he has to "veto" me or anything, because we really try to work through big decisions together and get on the same page as each other.
  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    Ha if my husband was the 'boss' nothing would get done. Kids wouldn't have clean clothes, they would miss doctor's appointments, bills wouldn't be paid, etc. I handled all the bills/finances, appointments, kids' school stuff, laundry, shopping etc. My husband actually has it quite easy. A bit frustrating at times when he throws a hissy fit about not having time to play his video games.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Yes, And Yes I'm what you refer to as "the boss" but that's not technically how it is.
    We make mutual decisions together everything is done together. My wife, as the bible refers, is my "help mate". Even though I am the head, When at all possible she is a major part of the decision making process many times her wisdom/ideas/thought process is what makes the final decision. But in the end Its Me who has to pull the trigger on what ever decision is made. Being the "Head of the house" in a biblical sense is not about being in power or making all the decisions as final. Its more about me being responsible for my family and to God. When I make a final decision I'm making it and the consequences and the results fall on me not my wife and kids. I am the one the takes the heat for a bad decision. Its my responsibility to protect my family and that's why I am the sole responsible party. Even though my wife is my equal Its not her that anything will fall on should a decision be a bad one; Its me. And as Christ directs I am to protect her and the children from anything. Thats why the buck stops here!

    In addition, I dont require her to be submissive to me. Its not like I own her its more a of a business structure. Not everyone can be the president of the company. So she voluntarily puts her self underneath my protection and leadership.

    And most importantly...There is a section to this that you are leaving out. Biblically the wife should submit but no one ever brings up what the husbands responsibility is to his wife.... "He is to love her like Christ loved the church" And ultimately what that means is I am to love my wife to the point of death where I would give my own life to protect her and save her. Its a two way street and those two commands are together in the same thought.

    I'm not married but I am a Christian. If I were ever to get married again, MassiveDelta explains perfectly the relationship I would want my marriage to be.
  • Regmama
    Regmama Posts: 399 Member
    Yes, And Yes I'm what you refer to as "the boss" but that's not technically how it is.
    We make mutual decisions together everything is done together. My wife, as the bible refers, is my "help mate". Even though I am the head, When at all possible she is a major part of the decision making process many times her wisdom/ideas/thought process is what makes the final decision. But in the end Its Me who has to pull the trigger on what ever decision is made. Being the "Head of the house" in a biblical sense is not about being in power or making all the decisions as final. Its more about me being responsible for my family and to God. When I make a final decision I'm making it and the consequences and the results fall on me not my wife and kids. I am the one the takes the heat for a bad decision. Its my responsibility to protect my family and that's why I am the sole responsible party. Even though my wife is my equal Its not her that anything will fall on should a decision be a bad one; Its me. And as Christ directs I am to protect her and the children from anything. Thats why the buck stops here!

    In addition, I dont require her to be submissive to me. Its not like I own her its more a of a business structure. Not everyone can be the president of the company. So she voluntarily puts her self underneath my protection and leadership.

    And most importantly...There is a section to this that you are leaving out. Biblically the wife should submit but no one ever brings up what the husbands responsibility is to his wife.... "He is to love her like Christ loved the church" And ultimately what that means is I am to love my wife to the point of death where I would give my own life to protect her and save her. Its a two way street and those two commands are together in the same thought.
    This is how my husband and I run things.

    OP, More importantly, what you are referring to is not monitarily being the boss, but spiritually being the head of the family. As spouses we are responsible for helping each other to heaven as well as any children. BUt the father/husband is the leader of this and frankly, based on statistics, children are more likely to attend services, pray, etc. if their FATHER does.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    Ha if my husband was the 'boss' nothing would get done. Kids wouldn't have clean clothes, they would miss doctor's appointments, bills wouldn't be paid, etc. I handled all the bills/finances, appointments, kids' school stuff, laundry, shopping etc. My husband actually has it quite easy. A bit frustrating at times when he throws a hissy fit about not having time to play his video games.

    Ha! I totally get this! That's why I said my husband is the head of our family/home, but not the "boss". There have been some good replies here as to why the man is the head of the family in the Christian sense. That is true of our home. But, just ask our kids: I'm the home work boss, the science fair project boss, the dinner boss, the "take a good shower" boss, etc.....
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,716 Member
    "I am not the boss of my home. I don't know when it happened. I don't know why. But I've seen the bosses job. And I don't want it." -Bill Cosby
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    My husband is the boss of the remote, but the advantage is when he is flipping through 957 channels in 27 seconds I can play on MFP without getting "the look".

    Major decision we make together. We have had separate checking accounts for most of our 18 year marriage, so small monetary decisions aren't even discussed. For the big things we collaborate.

    Some things he "puts his foot down" about and I don't argue unless it's really important to me. In other words, if it isn't something I feel strongly about, I let him think he is getting his way. :wink:
  • april_beth
    april_beth Posts: 616 Member
    We make all decisions together. He actually refers to me as, "The Boss" because I know our schedule. You know, "That sounds good, let me check with The Boss."

    hahah - this is MY house through and through.

    and quoted last night from my husband talking to his mother: "yeah, she said 6:00 is when to come over for supper. i just do what i'm told so i dont get in trouble" :D
  • gemco
    gemco Posts: 129
    no! i don't have a boss, i have a partner.

    we're both atheists and we're not American. we're a pair of people who work together and compromise when needed.