Clean Eating, vegan style?

NGMama Posts: 384 Member
edited October 2024 in Social Groups
Is anyone following Tosca Reno's clean eating plan? It relies heavily on a mix of protein and carbs. I love the ideas but not sure I can do it effectively as a vegan. I have seen one meal plan that way but I don't want to endlessly repeat the same week of food.

It's turning out that all the books that have said "the weight just falls off when you become vegan" just isn't true for me.

Have a great Monday!


  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    Vegan circles seem to be going crazy with either 1. extreme low fat (think McDougall, Campbell, Esselstyn); or, 2. all whole foods (think Fuhrman, Chef AJ). Then there's the whole 'eating clean' idea which should be patented because the phrase is quickly losing meaning like the word 'natural' did.

    Also, now that veganism is in the public consciousness, some people are promoting it as an effortless way to lose weight to draw people into the practice. I am into this lifestyle to 'suck less' as the t-shirt says. That's an easy way to stay motivated, and not subject to tossing in the towel because the pounds don't drop off.

    My vegan health plan is this: Eat plants in as whole and natural a state as possible. Eat lots of fiber. Count those calories and watch those portion sizes--they matter. Unlike the people who totally restrict fat or refined foods, I will spray olive oil on my pans and I will have the occasional Gardein product or piece of bread. I try to emphasize whole foods, but sometimes a convenience food makes things easier over the long haul.

    Oh yes, and for moderate vegan nutritional guidance from someone who reads the latest research and demands evidence, try this: She isn't promoting any products and is a licenced RD and ethical vegan.
  • Halloch
    Halloch Posts: 18 Member
    Pounds dropping off. Well not for me either, but after 52 years here I realize the only true way to lose weight and keep it off is slow and steady. Now with my whole foods, vegan lifestyle I have no cravings. Food has become enjoyable. I know all the meat eaters don't believe this but its true. I will lose my excess weight but I also know it will take time.
    Best of luck Amy. Remember you have friends going through the same as you.
  • NGMama
    NGMama Posts: 384 Member
    Thanks lovelies. It's so nice to be around others who get that making healthy choices DOES feel good. I totally agree about the cravings, the longer I eat whole, nutritious foods and don't try to conform by eating chicken and dairy, the better I feel.

    I think the reason why there is the miraculous weight loss propaganda is more related to the "before" lifestyle. If someone's eating a meat and processed food filled diet, it only makes sense that they would initially lose a lot of weight. I did have a healthy diet before I transitioned (plus I have PCOS) so I didn't get that "vegan boost".

    I appreciate the's nice to have others around who aren't consuming huge chunks of meat several times a day in an effort to lose weight. :wink:
  • gingerb85
    gingerb85 Posts: 357 Member
    The weight didn't just fall off me when I became vegan and I didn't substitute a lot of carbs and processed foods for meat either. However, I do take medication for a heart condition that makes it harder for me to lose weight. What did jump-start my weight loss was a short (3 weeks) raw vegan stint and starting to exercise.

    For the most part, I have always been a more "whole foods" type person - eating foods in as close to their natural state as possible. That far predates my veganism.
  • NGMama
    NGMama Posts: 384 Member
    Hi Ginger,

    Me too, that's why I wonder if the people who lose were eating really poorly prior to making the transition.

    I'm not sure I could do raw food totally. My body tends to react better to food that is heated (which was actually shown in a digestive test I did). However, there is a new raw, vegan store opening up near me so maybe that will change!

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