What is everyone doing......

PanteraGirl Posts: 566 Member
Hi All,

Just thought this would be a good icebreaker and for all of us to get more ideas and opinions on what are good ways for people to get rid of that last 20 lbs.

1. What are you doing to lose the last 20 lbs or so?

2. Is it working for you? If not, what would you change?

3. Do you like it? Why or why not?

My answers

1. Eating healthier, drinking less, and Jillian Michaels 30 day shred.

2. It a little rough at the moment....I have been eating healthier and drinking less however do to not always having the time to work out consistently. I'm maintaining weight rather than losing or gaining. So with that said....I have to work out schedules with my boyfriend so that other things don't keep getting in the way of my work out time....

3. I love eating healthier although of course, and drinking less.....the 30 day shred is a really good video...but not as effective due to the fact I'm not actually doing it in 30 days.

Your turn :)


  • RieBerg
    RieBerg Posts: 261 Member
    1. I am doing couch to 5k and experimenting with fitness classes. Basically, before I was just counting calories and now I am working out.
    2. I think it is working, however I just started again after falling off for a few weeks. My scale looks like I lost a couple pounds already, but Thursday is my official weigh in with the scale at work which is more accurate.
    3.I leave the fitness classes feeling like a weak idiot because it seems everybody else knows what they are doing and I am either dizzy or can't keep up with the moves, so we will see. I have still yet to try all of them.
  • KLynnBear
    KLynnBear Posts: 16 Member

    1. I started jogging two weeks ago, lift weights once a week, and am trying to stay within my calorie goals. I wish I could limit my carbs and workout (because I know I would see results) but restricting my carbs seems to lead to binge eating for me....

    2. Although I feel better and my skin is looking fabulous I have yet to see any change on the scale or in the fit of my clothes.

    3. I like running and feeling more in control of what I'm eating, but I want to see some pay off in the mirror or on the scale!

    Background info: I lost 57 pounds in 2007 and gained back 25 by 2008. Since 2008 I've been desperately trying to get the results I got a few years ago without much success.
  • Laineiac
    Laineiac Posts: 2 Member
    I'm new to myfitnesspal but not new to the routine. I've lost 79 lbs from the start (about 5 years now, eek) but I've got the last 20 to go to get to my goal... it was only 10 lbs but a knee injury and Thanksgiving got the best of me.So, I'm glad that i found this board. Because I'm sick of my pants being tight. :)
    1. I've been trying to drink more water and have less chocolate and wine. Challenging, especially this time of year!
    Also, I do Body Attack class at Gold's Gym three days a week. If you've never been, it's amazing because you burn about 700 calories in an hour class. I've been running since this summer as well and that i absolutely love!

    2. I really enjoy working out. But I just need to stick to eating better to get results which is the hard part. And I'm SO busy with holiday things and work schedule etc... that I just wish i had a few more hours to get things done.

    3. Like it so far. I'll like it even more when i see the number on the scale go down! We can do this!!
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I started my diet in June after getting weighed at hospital appointment and finding I was 12st 7!

    First few months I tried calorie counting but was still eating carbs.. I couldn't exercise much to start with and struggled to manage 30 mins due to my disabilities and the fatigue it causes.

    1) found MFP joined in August, found post about link between hypothyroidism (I was born with mine not working) and wheat intolerances so went wheat free/low carb and dropped 7lbs instantly.

    2) managed to increase my energy levels and exercise for longer and the weight has been dropping off consistently for the last three months.

    3) seem to be stuck at the minute, now body has got used to new levels of exercise and wheat free/clean diet, though have lost 2 stone (28lbs) , 12" off tummy and 8 " off waist, gone from uk size 20 to a 16 (sometimes can fit in 14-16's!) which I'm thrilled with but still would like to get past the 10st 7 (147lbs) mark as I have another 18lbs to lose!

    Limited to how I can shake things up due to physical disability and been housebound so thinking of trying Intermittant Fasting for a few weeks until I get my new Wii Games for xmas.
  • im doing calorie cycling/ intermitant fasting and weight training/cardio (a little lol)

    basically i eat monday ,wednesday and friday on gym days between 12pm and 8pm,
    then on non gym days i start eating i.e tues and thurs at 3pm untill 8pm,
    gym days i eat 1800 calories and burn 3000 apparantly, on non gym days i eat 1400-1600 and burn 2600....
    then weekends i try to eat normally, this should let me lose around 1-2lbs a week.

    im currently losing the last 7lbs to drop my bodyfat % from 11 to around 7-8
  • jbpretty
    jbpretty Posts: 221 Member
    1) What am I doing? Zigzagging calories. I'm going to start the "30 Day Shred" tomorrow.

    2) Is it working? So far the zigzagging has been. Today I changed my goal to a 1/2 pound per week and that gave me 250 extra calories a week. I know the marg, but the number just seems HUGE after restricting myself for so long. I'm a little nervous. Any advice as to whether or not I should bump it up again. It went from 1280 to 1530! I'm excited to try the "Shred" because of other's results.

    3) What do I like or not like about it? I like zigzagging because it lets me cheat without guilt do its not actually cheating. It also works because if I haven't planned something and extra calories come up, I can make up for it in the next day. I think I'll like the "Shred" if it gives me the results I want. After 5 babies and 17 years of being overweight, I don't expect miracles, but SOMETHING would be great.
  • RieBerg
    RieBerg Posts: 261 Member
    I think half a pound is a good goal because you can try to lose weight as fast as you want but its not gonna happen if it is unsustainable.
  • jbpretty
    jbpretty Posts: 221 Member
    I know the marg

    *Should read that I know the MATH.

    I agree, I'm just a little impatient and want this weight to come off faster. I guess I'll have to up my game then. We had a sewer back-up in July so my treadmill hasn't been set up since the but I'm hoping very soon. I wish I could get my mojo back.
  • Laineiac
    Laineiac Posts: 2 Member
    Hey Shakybabe,
    I've got Celiac disease. Is that what you also have or do you just have wheat sensitivities? And that will definitely help you loose weight and increase your energy. I've found that being 100% wheat free has given me so much more energy as well.
  • coe28
    coe28 Posts: 715 Member

    1. What are you doing to lose the last 20 lbs or so?

    2. Is it working for you? If not, what would you change?

    3. Do you like it? Why or why not?

    1. Watching my calorie intake and making sure I do some form of exercise at least 5 days per week. I walk during my breaks at work and use my home elliptical whenever my 2-yr old allows me time to :)
    2. I've been doing this about 2 weeks and have lost 3-4 lbs so far, so it seems to be!
    3. I do like it. It fits in my busy schedule and makes me feel good about my progress!
  • sirabe
    sirabe Posts: 294 Member
    1. I started cycle calorie counting and upping intensity. I also decided to actually eat most of my calories burned. Taking it reallyslow for these last 20 lbs. Hopefully, I will just keep it off if it's gradual. I plan that it will take the entire year to lose the last 20 lbs

    2. I just started doing this this week. My previous thing was sticking to 1200 calories and it was not working for me to well

    3. So far yes I get to eat more food.
  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 992 Member
    1. What are you doing to lose the last 20 lbs or so?

    2. Is it working for you? If not, what would you change?

    3. Do you like it? Why or why not?

    1. Pretty much what I have been doing, counting calories, going for runs when possible (stupid weather) and I'm going to be doing the 30DS again soon!

    2. Not sure yet, it's been working for the last 20lbs, so hopefully it'll keep going.

    3. Yup, I like it. Because it's fun...
  • 1. I have just started, so I am counting my calories and working out five days a week. I started yoga which I love and I want to start kick boxing. I get bored so easily which causes me to quit.

    Little background, I am a yo-yo dieter. I am three days on and then five days off. It's time for me to find something that sticks. It's hard for me to stay in the gym, so I am committing to only 45 minutes a day five times a week. Cardio and weights.