Eight months to go and just starting...

Hello, fellow Brides! I am to be married in August of next year... have not even tried on a single dress because I don't want to look in the mirror and see all the areas I want to improve. I am a plus size woman marrying a slim and fit man, and I want to look good next to him! I am about 50 pounds more than he is, and would love to weigh less than he does someday, but I don't know what a good goal is for the wedding. Any suggestions?


  • shlobiwan
    shlobiwan Posts: 109 Member
    Hey there!

    I'm right there with you. But honestly, though I weigh more than my partner, I don't compare myself to him. I aspire to weigh less, but that's for me.

    Set a goal and a plan for yourself. I lost 25lbs doing weight watchers online a couple of years ago and now I'm embarking on a heavy lifting regiment.

    Whatever you do, find what's right for you and get your motivation going. Just remember it's all about you!
  • ClariRose
    ClariRose Posts: 49 Member
    I'm in a similar boat. My fiance is Filipino and not my taller than I am. To make matters worse, over the last ten months he has lost weight and I've gained. That seems to be changing and I do want to not look like a hippo next to him for our wedding. I did tell him he can't lose anymore weight because when he loses, I gain. I know the two are not related, though. Good luck!
  • jessicaloubell
    jessicaloubell Posts: 12 Member
    I wish I had 8 months! I need to get this weight off by mid-May! I already have what I'm wearing but it doesn't fit! I gave myself a year and a half and haven't lost a pound in the last year! I gotta get crackin!