Diary Buddy!

Hey everyone, i'm new to this Board.. I'm looking for any UK ppl to swop diaries with.. :D
I'm currently 200lbs :( 5ft4 and want to get to goal at 147 next year...


  • whats swapping diaries? if ya want another friend though :-) im always free
  • Andylee63
    Andylee63 Posts: 154 Member
    Hey everyone, i'm new to this Board.. I'm looking for any UK ppl to swop diaries with.. :D
    I'm currently 200lbs :( 5ft4 and want to get to goal at 147 next year...

    Yep you can add me as a friend and swap diaries...
  • caroltina
    caroltina Posts: 453 Member
    I am 211 and 5'4" - I was 206 before xmas and have lost 98lb on my total journey - if swapping diaries means checking each others out I can do that