just to vent or complain about anything....



  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Ugh my worthless ex is now the high king god messiah leader of the local Occupy group and has created a whole fake life story which is now all over various local new outlets. HE IS SUCH A LIAR!!!!!
  • theresabugx
    theresabugx Posts: 97 Member
    WARNING: Some contents of this thread are graphic and may be disturbing, sorry.

    Not really sure what I am about to do here... its not really venting and definitely is not complaining. I guess I am just sad and disgusted with the world in general.

    I watch the news everyday, I really shouldn't because it makes me so sad. Why is this world full of so many bad people, now I know most people in the world are good people and the news obviously doesn't do many stories about your average good hearted person.
    But everyday people are killing children, and lately it seems like a lot of parents are killing their own children!! It's insane and makes me so angry and sad.

    I watched a story about a little 9yr old girl in Indiana was murdered by a family "friend" over Christmas weekend, he beat her and cut her up with a hacksaw!!! I am completely disgusted, he confessed they found her head, hands and feet in his freezer and the rest of her body was chopped up put into garbage bag and into a dumpster at a convenient store near the home. The neighborhood they lived in has 15 registered sex offenders out of 54 homes!! The little girls mom left her 3 daughters age 9, and 6 yr old twins with this guy for over a week while she was supposedly sick. The reason the family even know the guy is because he was a drifter and about 4 yrs ago met the victims grandfather (who was convicted of molesting a girl from age 9-14) they "hit it off" and the grandpa asked if he wanted to move into his trailer and help out with cooking and cleaning. The grandpa died 12/3/11 and the guys stayed in his trailer. The whole story from every direction sounds like there is a lot more to it. It really breaks my heart.

    I don't understand why child molesters are ever let out!! If I had it my way they would be stoned to death publicly. Children are innocent and our justice system does not protect them.

    There are so many more stories a dad threw his 2 yr old daughter off a bridge while she was strapped in her car seat.
    Another dad shoved a baby wipe into his infant sons throat.
    A mom gave birth to twins in her bathroom and smothered each 1 to death and put the bodies in her laundry hamper.

    These sound like horror stories and they are, but they are real!! Why is this happening, and it really is everyday something horrific happens....:cry:

    I know, it is SO sad. Those are just the ones that they have figured out. 6 children have come up missing in approx the last month and a half, all under the age of two. COME ON! And so many of the parents are giving the same BS story. Oh, I put them to bed and the next morning they were gone. Seriously? They just up and left the house????? Parents are losing their minds and don't have any compassion for their children any more. Back when Jenna was a baby I knew someone whos daughter's boyfriend repeatedly sexually abused her son until he finally killed him. He wasn't quite 2. He was babysitting him and she didn't check on him for over 48 hrs after she got home!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SERIOUSLY?! How much jail time you might ask? I don't know what he got, but I know she was in less then a month. WOW! We are living in a sick society and the sad thing is that so many people want kids and there are all these parents killing their kids. I don't know why tossing newborns in a dumpster is so popular, but it seems to be. I fear what the world will be like when my kids are adults. :(

    PS And as for the 9 yo little girl and her sisters.... what gaurdian in their RIGHT MIND leaves 3 little girls with a MAN that is not a family member.... even then sometimes!

    ugh god angie, i guess i should be happy i dont get to watch the news much , and dont have to see this stuff. god im literally sick to my stomach. man that sucks poor kids!!!!
  • Ok has anyone heard this story http://news.yahoo.com/video/detroitwxyz-20910802/taunted-girl-dies-from-fatal-disease-27867302.html
    it about a little girl who dies from huntington disease at age 9, very sad but at least she is no longer in pain. My outrage is at the neighbor which seems to be an adult who was posting horrible pics on facebook about this little girl... wtf seriously. If I was that little girls mom I would beat the f**k out of that woman. People are sick
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Last week I spent 5 days straight trying to keep my kittycat/best friend alive...it didn't work :( I'm sofaking sad and not sure what to do.
  • SkinnyRuthy
    SkinnyRuthy Posts: 154 Member
    I have been very upset at all the horrors out there in this world. The more I hear about child molestation, the more I want to hold my kids close. I don't understand people that kill kids. Why?? Why!!!! They are so precious and innocent. The one thing I take heart in is that God says "what you have done to the least of these you have done unto Me." There will be justice at the end of this life...I take heart in that and I believe it with my whole heart. All I think about is the kids eyes... how much horrible pain must be in their eyes when they are being hurt. Oh, those poor babies :(
    My worries are a lot less, but here they are:
    I am 14wks pregnant and have an 8.8cm fibroid tumor that is low in my uterus. This could cause complications during childbirth. I want to go through a midwife. I am scared about all the things that "could" happen. But, I know that God is no stranger to my situation and that He will take care of me, but I am still struggling.
    I have a lot of back issues (at the age of 29). I have a torn disk, 2 bulging disks, and an arthritic back not to mention the ridiculously tight muscles because of it. It hurts. I'm tired of it hurting.
    My husband and I just got married in April of last year and I am ridiculously happily married. I love him with my whole heart. But, despite having a lot of social media friends, I don't have any real friends. The friends I grew up with were going through so much when I got married that even tho I've known them for years and they were in my wedding and I have been there for everything thick and thin, they were both too consumed with their breakups and own lives that they weren't supportive at all. Things just slowly unraveled after that, so the two people that I was closest to, I don't have any more. I know that things change as you get older and life moves forward, but it really sucks when I look through my contacts list on my phone for someone to text and I don't have anyone I want to. Yes, I have a lot of "friends" but no one calls me and asks me how I'm feeling or how the pregnancy is going or how life is in general. No one. My mom loves me. I know that. My step dad is great too. It's just that it would be nice to have a friend my age who actually gave a care. That's all.
    This is my pity party. I'll get over it and life will bring other things for me to concern myself with, but for today, these are my complaints.
  • theresabugx
    theresabugx Posts: 97 Member
    Last week I spent 5 days straight trying to keep my kittycat/best friend alive...it didn't work :( I'm sofaking sad and not sure what to do.

    oh im so sorry sofaking6, i know how you feel we lost one of our dogs about 6 months back. its still hard to look at his picture and not cry :(
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Last week I spent 5 days straight trying to keep my kittycat/best friend alive...it didn't work :( I'm sofaking sad and not sure what to do.

    oh im so sorry sofaking6, i know how you feel we lost one of our dogs about 6 months back. its still hard to look at his picture and not cry :(

    Thanks Theresa...it really does help to hear from people who have gone through the same thing. His sister died last year and so now I am alone in my place for the first time in 17 years! It's so strange...I keep looking for him..hopefully the grief will ease up soon and I can get back to a more normal mentality.
  • MollyDukes
    MollyDukes Posts: 233 Member
    Last week I spent 5 days straight trying to keep my kittycat/best friend alive...it didn't work :( I'm sofaking sad and not sure what to do.

    I'm sorry to hear that. I know how you feel, We had to put my dog down in march. It was the hardest thing for me to do! 17 years I had her and it seemed she was always there when no one else was. I still have two dogs now but I miss her so much. Sometimes I will be driving home and think...Going home to see my baby girl....oh wait, no I'm not. :cry:
  • theresabugx
    theresabugx Posts: 97 Member
    Last week I spent 5 days straight trying to keep my kittycat/best friend alive...it didn't work :( I'm sofaking sad and not sure what to do.

    I'm sorry to hear that. I know how you feel, We had to put my dog down in march. It was the hardest thing for me to do! 17 years I had her and it seemed she was always there when no one else was. I still have two dogs now but I miss her so much. Sometimes I will be driving home and think...Going home to see my baby girl....oh wait, no I'm not. :cry:

    i know, yesterday i passed the animal hospital where barley (my dog) passed and i thought, maybe id be able to pick him up :(((
  • MollyDukes
    MollyDukes Posts: 233 Member
    Last week I spent 5 days straight trying to keep my kittycat/best friend alive...it didn't work :( I'm sofaking sad and not sure what to do.

    I'm sorry to hear that. I know how you feel, We had to put my dog down in march. It was the hardest thing for me to do! 17 years I had her and it seemed she was always there when no one else was. I still have two dogs now but I miss her so much. Sometimes I will be driving home and think...Going home to see my baby girl....oh wait, no I'm not. :cry:

    i know, yesterday i passed the animal hospital where barley (my dog) passed and i thought, maybe id be able to pick him up :(((

    That's hard...it's like when the hospital called and said Molly's ready to come home. Yippee...oh wait, it's not really molly :-) or the 1st night when I came home without her, i went straight to bed, Sam my Labradoodle ran up and down the hallway until my husband came in...no molly....came and laid beside me and whined and whined and whined. Then at dinner he wouldn't eat until i " fed molly"! Three weeks like this...I couldn't take it anymore, so we bought Sam, Daisy a goldendoodle :-/. The 1st night, I cried and thought...how could I replace my friend. Still miss her lots. Last week especially because it was the 1st time I had NO DOGS (construction at home...whole other story) around me so I really missed the greetings at the door or the nudge to " pet me".
  • theresabugx
    theresabugx Posts: 97 Member
    Last week I spent 5 days straight trying to keep my kittycat/best friend alive...it didn't work :( I'm sofaking sad and not sure what to do.

    I'm sorry to hear that. I know how you feel, We had to put my dog down in march. It was the hardest thing for me to do! 17 years I had her and it seemed she was always there when no one else was. I still have two dogs now but I miss her so much. Sometimes I will be driving home and think...Going home to see my baby girl....oh wait, no I'm not. :cry:

    i know, yesterday i passed the animal hospital where barley (my dog) passed and i thought, maybe id be able to pick him up :(((

    That's hard...it's like when the hospital called and said Molly's ready to come home. Yippee...oh wait, it's not really molly :-) or the 1st night when I came home without her, i went straight to bed, Sam my Labradoodle ran up and down the hallway until my husband came in...no molly....came and laid beside me and whined and whined and whined. Then at dinner he wouldn't eat until i " fed molly"! Three weeks like this...I couldn't take it anymore, so we bought Sam, Daisy a goldendoodle :-/. The 1st night, I cried and thought...how could I replace my friend. Still miss her lots. Last week especially because it was the 1st time I had NO DOGS (construction at home...whole other story) around me so I really missed the greetings at the door or the nudge to " pet me".

    Yeah they are pretty amazing! no matter what the are right there to greet you with a wagging tail :) I have 2 dogs right now, Jager (yellow lab) he is My dog (follows me everywhere) and emma (german sh haired pt) shes my husbands dog. I dont know what ill do if/when i lose either of those, But my jager it might just destroy me hes been like my guardian angel. Hes always been kind of like an old soul ( like a reincarnated grandfather) lol. I guess we have to enjoy the time we have with the animals that are here with us and keep the memories of the ones no longer, close to our hearts :)
  • GouchisGirl
    GouchisGirl Posts: 321 Member
    Last week I spent 5 days straight trying to keep my kittycat/best friend alive...it didn't work :( I'm sofaking sad and not sure what to do.

    I'm sorry:frown:
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Last week I spent 5 days straight trying to keep my kittycat/best friend alive...it didn't work :( I'm sofaking sad and not sure what to do.

    I'm sorry to hear that. I know how you feel, We had to put my dog down in march. It was the hardest thing for me to do! 17 years I had her and it seemed she was always there when no one else was. I still have two dogs now but I miss her so much. Sometimes I will be driving home and think...Going home to see my baby girl....oh wait, no I'm not. :cry:

    i know, yesterday i passed the animal hospital where barley (my dog) passed and i thought, maybe id be able to pick him up :(((

    That's hard...it's like when the hospital called and said Molly's ready to come home. Yippee...oh wait, it's not really molly :-) or the 1st night when I came home without her, i went straight to bed, Sam my Labradoodle ran up and down the hallway until my husband came in...no molly....came and laid beside me and whined and whined and whined. Then at dinner he wouldn't eat until i " fed molly"! Three weeks like this...I couldn't take it anymore, so we bought Sam, Daisy a goldendoodle :-/. The 1st night, I cried and thought...how could I replace my friend. Still miss her lots. Last week especially because it was the 1st time I had NO DOGS (construction at home...whole other story) around me so I really missed the greetings at the door or the nudge to " pet me".

    That is the hardest part...I put a little reminder under the corner of my doormat so that I remember *before* I open the door that nobody will be running up to say hello to me and get cuddles. Those days when I'd forget he wasn't there were the worst.

    I had found some old pics of him and put them on the kitchen counter...they got wet & stuck together and I feel so guilty about that..someone broke into my storage locker awhile back and stole all my boxes of pictures so those were all I had from when he was young. Dang!

    And I have to figure out how to get the last horrible days out of my head and remember the awesomely fun and sweet 16+ years we had instead. Why does my brain torture me?
  • MollyDukes
    MollyDukes Posts: 233 Member
    Last week I spent 5 days straight trying to keep my kittycat/best friend alive...it didn't work :( I'm sofaking sad and not sure what to do.

    I'm sorry to hear that. I know how you feel, We had to put my dog down in march. It was the hardest thing for me to do! 17 years I had her and it seemed she was always there when no one else was. I still have two dogs now but I miss her so much. Sometimes I will be driving home and think...Going home to see my baby girl....oh wait, no I'm not. :cry:

    i know, yesterday i passed the animal hospital where barley (my dog) passed and i thought, maybe id be able to pick him up :(((

    That's hard...it's like when the hospital called and said Molly's ready to come home. Yippee...oh wait, it's not really molly :-) or the 1st night when I came home without her, i went straight to bed, Sam my Labradoodle ran up and down the hallway until my husband came in...no molly....came and laid beside me and whined and whined and whined. Then at dinner he wouldn't eat until i " fed molly"! Three weeks like this...I couldn't take it anymore, so we bought Sam, Daisy a goldendoodle :-/. The 1st night, I cried and thought...how could I replace my friend. Still miss her lots. Last week especially because it was the 1st time I had NO DOGS (construction at home...whole other story) around me so I really missed the greetings at the door or the nudge to " pet me".

    That is the hardest part...I put a little reminder under the corner of my doormat so that I remember *before* I open the door that nobody will be running up to say hello to me and get cuddles. Those days when I'd forget he wasn't there were the worst.

    I had found some old pics of him and put them on the kitchen counter...they got wet & stuck together and I feel so guilty about that..someone broke into my storage locker awhile back and stole all my boxes of pictures so those were all I had from when he was young. Dang!

    And I have to figure out how to get the last horrible days out of my head and remember the awesomely fun and sweet 16+ years we had instead. Why does my brain torture me?

    It will get better. The last 24 hrs with Molly were hell!! She wouldn't lay down because she was scared she couldn't get back up...she walked into corners and banged her head over and over again. I had to leave for work, the joy of being a contractor, when I returned...she was stuck in between my night stand and bed, laying there in a pool of urine and drool ( extreme panting going on). That night I grabbed a blanket and " slepted " with her on the floor. The next day I knew what had to be done....there was no maybes this time. At the end, I knew Molly was in peace. She did a lot for me and now it was time for me to let her go.
    Your right though...even with my dogs now...I still miss Molly not greeting me at the door!
    I'm sorry your pictures got wrecked and stolen....I had a couple in photo albums but the ones on my computer are gone...it crashed.
    We are here for you, so keep venting if you need too!
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    That is the hardest part...I put a little reminder under the corner of my doormat so that I remember *before* I open the door that nobody will be running up to say hello to me and get cuddles. Those days when I'd forget he wasn't there were the worst.

    I had found some old pics of him and put them on the kitchen counter...they got wet & stuck together and I feel so guilty about that..someone broke into my storage locker awhile back and stole all my boxes of pictures so those were all I had from when he was young. Dang!

    And I have to figure out how to get the last horrible days out of my head and remember the awesomely fun and sweet 16+ years we had instead. Why does my brain torture me?

    It will get better. The last 24 hrs with Molly were hell!! She wouldn't lay down because she was scared she couldn't get back up...she walked into corners and banged her head over and over again. I had to leave for work, the joy of being a contractor, when I returned...she was stuck in between my night stand and bed, laying there in a pool of urine and drool ( extreme panting going on). That night I grabbed a blanket and " slepted " with her on the floor. The next day I knew what had to be done....there was no maybes this time. At the end, I knew Molly was in peace. She did a lot for me and now it was time for me to let her go.
    Your right though...even with my dogs now...I still miss Molly not greeting me at the door!
    I'm sorry your pictures got wrecked and stolen....I had a couple in photo albums but the ones on my computer are gone...it crashed.
    We are here for you, so keep venting if you need too!

    Thank you!! Clyde's last 24 hours were spent at the hospital in an oxygen chamber...the last couple of times I saw him he was drugged and shaved with an IV needle hanging off his leg :( He had multiple x-rays and blood draws and even an ultrasound of his heart & lungs..I would give anything to have had him with me on that last night! I would have gladly slepted with him on the floor :)

    Yesterday I gave away the leftover food, litter, box liners and drinking fountain. I'm keeping his carrier full of his toys though. It helped to be able to help another animal & owner out.
  • Sherie13
    Sherie13 Posts: 250 Member

    Thank you!! Clyde's last 24 hours were spent at the hospital in an oxygen chamber...the last couple of times I saw him he was drugged and shaved with an IV needle hanging off his leg :( He had multiple x-rays and blood draws and even an ultrasound of his heart & lungs..I would give anything to have had him with me on that last night! I would have gladly slepted with him on the floor :)

    Yesterday I gave away the leftover food, litter, box liners and drinking fountain. I'm keeping his carrier full of his toys though. It helped to be able to help another animal & owner out.

    I don't know what's worse... My Neo (dog) started coughing so we took him to the vet. She ran some blood work and called me the next day to say he had a heart problem and to call a specialist immediately. She said it could take up to a month to get in to see him. Poor Neo died that night in my arms. I'm not sure if I would have wanted to know he was sick or had it the way it was, had him ripped from me so suddenly.

    I gave away everything... His bowls, his crate, this toys, his food... everything. I couldn't have it around anymore and I knew people who could use it. And every time I did laundry and happened to catch a glimpse of a white towel on the floor I would think it was him and start to cry. It will take time to get over this... I'm still not over it and it's been a year and a half. Non-pet owners don't realize that they are like our children, our best friends, our confidants... We are here for you if you need us! :heart:
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member

    I don't know what's worse... My Neo (dog) started coughing so we took him to the vet. She ran some blood work and called me the next day to say he had a heart problem and to call a specialist immediately. She said it could take up to a month to get in to see him. Poor Neo died that night in my arms. I'm not sure if I would have wanted to know he was sick or had it the way it was, had him ripped from me so suddenly.

    I gave away everything... His bowls, his crate, this toys, his food... everything. I couldn't have it around anymore and I knew people who could use it. And every time I did laundry and happened to catch a glimpse of a white towel on the floor I would think it was him and start to cry. It will take time to get over this... I'm still not over it and it's been a year and a half. Non-pet owners don't realize that they are like our children, our best friends, our confidants... We are here for you if you need us! :heart:

    And I am SOOOO appreciative of that...everyone at home was really sweet, but now they definitely expect me to be over it..not gonna happen! Except my mom who totally gets it and calls me every day :)

    I think you were lucky with Neo..and he was lucky to be with you, at home, in his safe and happy place, when he died.

    Lemme see if this works to show him off...16+ years and he never stopped hanging on the bathroom counter with me..lovin' on his brush lol..

    ok not working... this? http://www.flickr.com/photos/28504188@N06/4923036107/in/photostream
  • Sherie13
    Sherie13 Posts: 250 Member

    I don't know what's worse... My Neo (dog) started coughing so we took him to the vet. She ran some blood work and called me the next day to say he had a heart problem and to call a specialist immediately. She said it could take up to a month to get in to see him. Poor Neo died that night in my arms. I'm not sure if I would have wanted to know he was sick or had it the way it was, had him ripped from me so suddenly.

    I gave away everything... His bowls, his crate, this toys, his food... everything. I couldn't have it around anymore and I knew people who could use it. And every time I did laundry and happened to catch a glimpse of a white towel on the floor I would think it was him and start to cry. It will take time to get over this... I'm still not over it and it's been a year and a half. Non-pet owners don't realize that they are like our children, our best friends, our confidants... We are here for you if you need us! :heart:

    And I am SOOOO appreciative of that...everyone at home was really sweet, but now they definitely expect me to be over it..not gonna happen! Except my mom who totally gets it and calls me every day :)

    I think you were lucky with Neo..and he was lucky to be with you, at home, in his safe and happy place, when he died.

    Lemme see if this works to show him off...16+ years and he never stopped hanging on the bathroom counter with me..lovin' on his brush lol..

    ok not working... this? http://www.flickr.com/photos/28504188@N06/4923036107/in/photostream

    OMG! You are gonna make me cry! How cute is he! Everyone kept asking me if I was gonna get another dog, so I know what you mean... Some people just don't understand.

    Neo had a heart attack and was struggling to breath and could not move when he woke my BF (now ex-BF) up. He must have tried to wake me but I didn't hear him... So as he was struggling to get to his side of the bed, by BF heard him fall against the wall and woke me. I was calling the animal hospital with him in my arms and he looked up and me and then was gone. I just kept thinking... What if I woke up earlier? What if I had gotten him to the DR sooner? You at least got to try to save Clyde... You did everything you could. I'll always wonder if I could have done more... I hope it brings you come comfort to know that you did all you could for Clyde. He loved you (and his brush) very much! :)
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    OMG! You are gonna make me cry! How cute is he! Everyone kept asking me if I was gonna get another dog, so I know what you mean... Some people just don't understand.

    Neo had a heart attack and was struggling to breath and could not move when he woke my BF (now ex-BF) up. He must have tried to wake me but I didn't hear him... So as he was struggling to get to his side of the bed, by BF heard him fall against the wall and woke me. I was calling the animal hospital with him in my arms and he looked up and me and then was gone. I just kept thinking... What if I woke up earlier? What if I had gotten him to the DR sooner? You at least got to try to save Clyde... You did everything you could. I'll always wonder if I could have done more... I hope it brings you come comfort to know that you did all you could for Clyde. He loved you (and his brush) very much! :)

    And all I keep thinking is how I could have done things differently or better...I mean, I sang him off to sleep and I have actually berated myself for not doing it louder...like I said, our brains just torture us like this!

    CHEERS! to our most dearly, dearly beloveds..let's each tell a good story now. One of my favorite things Clyde would do is get himself up as high as he could (in my current place that's the top of the fridge) and then yoooowwwwl until someone came up and admired him for it. Then he was happy and would come back down. He just did it for the applause!
  • MollyDukes
    MollyDukes Posts: 233 Member

    CHEERS! to our most dearly, dearly beloveds..let's each tell a good story now. One of my favorite things Clyde would do is get himself up as high as he could (in my current place that's the top of the fridge) and then yoooowwwwl until someone came up and admired him for it. Then he was happy and would come back down. He just did it for the applause!

    I had stomach surgury and Molly was the only one around. I was on the floor with her and I couldn't get up...the pain. All of a sudden she crawled under my chest and pushed up....it was amazing...she never did nothing like that before. That night (not allowed to sleep on my stomach) she crawled in between my legs so I couldn't roll over almost like she knew. After that she always helped me up.

    I haven't gotten rid of everything of Molly's and but could never bring myself to share with new Daisy...plus I can't bring it out...it drive sam nuts!