The dangers of sitting. It could happen to you!

GiygasDestroyer Posts: 30 Member
edited October 2024 in Social Groups
It is long winded and I apologies for that, but it is important to explain in detail for the full effect.

You guys are probably going to think this is absurd, and wonder why I am even telling you this, but I find it to be relevant to not only fitness but also gaming and nerd culture all together. It could even be relative to someone who works in an office. No it’s not about the dangers of sitting down because it can cause poor circulation or raging buttroids, but it’s another issue all together you may not know about.

I do a lot of computer gaming and or interwebs surfing from my computer chair. In actuality my mobile seating unit I use frequently for any activity I have to do seated. I have this habit of sitting with my legs crossed, like how you would sit at story time in elementary school. It is a nasty habit that I knew one day would catch up to me eventually. Due to the fact that I sit with my legs like this, and genetically I have some slamming thighs, a small part of my outer left thigh is constantly up against the arm rest. Over the last year I didn't notice anything, which is until I started to try and get into shape.

About 2 weeks ago I noticed a small weird indention on my outer left thigh when I was looking in a mirror, but just thought it may just have been some cellulite or a shadow and went on with my day. "I'm almost 30, it could be anything," I thought to myself. As the last 3 weeks went by I did not really pay attention to it until I was in bed a few nights ago. Then I saw it, a crazy curve shape in my leg. My natural reaction was PANIC. Now keep in mind my legs react to stimulation very quickly so I gain muscle rabidly in that region and I had recently started C25K. I tried my awesome google skills out to find what the affliction was more in-depth, but no deposit, no return. A few nights later it was keeping me up, until an idea struck me. I rushed over to my computer chair did my natural pose. BAM Perfect fit! Needless to say I laughed because it was the most absurd thing in the world. It reminded me of the "Bonsai Kitten" craze from the internet many moon ago.

Yes, sitting in my computer chair has put a dent in my leg. With my new found knowledge I googled it more specifically and found that it is actually something called a "Vanity Indention." The name developed because many women would/still do sit in front of their vanities or stand in front of the sink counter for long periods of time doing their beauty routine. That constant pressure in the same points can put indentions in them, such as on top of their legs in a strait line. From what I gather it breaks down the fat cells over time, but I’m not a doctor or a scientist so I’m not exactly sure.

It typically effects people who are already in shape, and many claim it start to appear soon after they begin heavily exercise in that region. That’s how I found out about mine. Good news is the effects subside over time. The bad news, it may never permanently go away.

Has anyone else experience this phenomenon? I thought it was strange and note worthy as a lot of us probably spend a lot of time in chairs or at our desks at work.
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