What position do you play and what exercises do you use to i



  • TJ_Rugger
    TJ_Rugger Posts: 164 Member
    Been playing for 10 years now started in college in Virginia and moved to Richmond and started right back into it.

    Being an American I have to support the Eagles . . . 2x Olympic Gold Metal winners and reigning Olympic XVs Champions . . . . that being said rugby was only in the Olympics 2 times in the 1920s . . . . but WE WON! HAHA!

    Over my 10 year rugby career I have played every position . . when I entered college I was more fit and was a back and then once I realized that I could drink beer and eat pizza EVERY NIGHT in college, I started to move my way up to the FRONT ROW!

    I would love to speed up and slim down and get in the loose three!

    Trying to get through the SPARTACUS Workout
  • NNAhuja
    NNAhuja Posts: 669 Member
    Being an American I have to support the Eagles . . . 2x Olympic Gold Metal winners and reigning Olympic XVs Champions . . . . that being said rugby was only in the Olympics 2 times in the 1920s . . . . but WE WON! HAHA!
    Can't wait to see rugby back in the Olympics in 2016!! I think I heard it was 7's.
  • sableandargent
    Yup, it's 7s. I want to be in Rio, refereeing it. Dream Big, right?
  • NNAhuja
    NNAhuja Posts: 669 Member
    Yup, it's 7s. I want to be in Rio, refereeing it. Dream Big, right?
    You wanna be one of the sirs and I wanna be in the game.
    We can dream it or we can work hard and achieve it.
  • 16bluediamonds
    Awesome. Ive just joined this site and pleased to find such a group.

    Im a League player (5 years) and Union player (11 years) in the UK and Played in Australia too.

    Am a qualified rugby coach/sport scientist...so anyone with questions id love to help. Equally, I love to learn from others too, so always looking for new knowledge about the game and training/fitness methods and tactics.

    Im very surprised but happy to see so many girls in this group playing rugby. Im all for it (did my thesis on socio-psychology of female rugby players and their self identity - that was not the title though).

    I, personally, like to keep my workouts very simple. Rep scheme, 3-4 sets 10,8,6,4 - getting heavier each time. I always have a spotter and use forced reps.

    Bench press then press ups to max, squat (varies of back/front/overhead), Pull ups, shoulder press (or upright rows) , then a finisher...either such as power cleans, dead lifts, or mini circuit such as, BB jammer press, curls, hang cleans, hanging leg raises (4-5 rounds of 6-10 reps depending on heaviness).

    Later in the month (just got back into it after lay off) ill add complex training where you do a similar plyometric exercise after the weight exercise. e.g. weighted squats followed by body weight squat jumps. This is excellent for maximal strength and power improvement above weights on its own or plyometrics on its own.

    Good luck everyone if your season is just starting! Enjoy the game, have fun, esp the socials and feel free to ask me any questions if you want.
  • CatseyeHardcast
    CatseyeHardcast Posts: 224 Member
    Downunder here. I am a union player from when I was under 7 in New Zealand. Love the game and now like to enjoy watching my twin boy and girl play on the weekend. Such a great sport.

    I am a prop, second row, flanker. It is great to see most of the posters in this forum are dirty pigs. Yep us filthy forwards that do all the hard work. respect to you all.

    I focus on Squats, Deadlifts, Overhead Press, Rows and Bench Press.
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    What do you all do weightlifting/strength training wise when you are in-season? I transitioned into lifting heavier (less reps), compound lifts, power moves but I get sore from them and don't want to be sore in-season.
  • Hawksfan1029
    Hawksfan1029 Posts: 4 Member
    7 year veteran here, I play back row in 15's its mainly Right Wing and my secondary is Fullback. All I can say is Cardio Cardio Cardio, if your huffin and puffin after 20 mins no matter how much you can lift or squat your completely useless. The workouts totally depend on if its off season or not. You just have to be smart with what you do, listen to your coaches and trainers. In my off season I am always hitting the weights hard.

    Run/Jog 15 - 20 min Walk 10 min (4 days)
    Bike: 30 min (2 day)

    Bench Press (4 Sets 20 - 10 reps)
    Dumbbell Bench Press (5 Sets 15 - 8 reps)
    Decline Bench Press (4 Sets 20 - 10 reps)
    Upright Bench Press (4 Sets 20 - 10 reps)
    Upright Dumbbell Bench Press (5 Sets 15 - 8 reps)
    Cable Flys (6 Sets 15 reps)
    Dumbbell Flys (4 Sets 15 reps)
    Seated Fly (Machine) (4 Sets 15 reps)
    Push Ups (4 sets 25 reps)

    Thats just the chest trust me with the right diet and proper work ethic you'll be a monster i know its worked for me! If you wanna know more about my other workouts (triceps, biceps, back, shoulders, legs, traps, and lats) and how i schedule everything feel free to message me! Good Luck!
  • thunderthyghz
    thunderthyghz Posts: 45 Member
    Primary: TH/LH Secondary: 8/Lock (goal is to try to play every position once! But only abt 5min max in the backline)

    I do A LOT of squats!!! 100-200 per day depending on weight lifting routine
    Endurance running
    Interval training ( ex: run 3min jog 2min, stoping every 5 minutes to do a specific exercise [burpees, push ups, down ups, squats, and so on])
    Stregnth training and body weight workouts
    Also I try to keep a clean DIET, because NUTRITION IS KEY!
  • Space_Cadet20
    RUGBY!!Last fall was my first year playing club rugby at my university, currently I play loose-head prop and love every minute of it! To help ensure my position next year and possibly get moved over to tight-head, I'm getting back into chippers. I go out to the football field and set up a course for myself. I'll start off by 5, 10, 15, 20, each corner of the field is something different. the first corner can be jumping-jacks, then burpies, next you can do push-up and then sit-ups, the corners can be whatever you want, also make sure to sprint between sets, KEEP MOVING!!. Four or Five rounds of this should feel about right, but like I said you can do whatever you want and there is no time limit, that's why its called a chipper. You can track your total time when you do these so each time you go out you can improve your time. Our coach calls us forwards, hounds because were always looking for the ball, always looking for that person to tackle or ruck so remember you can be the strongest forward on the field but if you don't push yourself cardio wise your gonna feel ****ty when you cant make it to any of the rucks and help your team mates out so sprint your *kitten* off in between sets . Hope this helps someone of you guys out!:) 48 days till pre-season!!
  • simonkurth
    simonkurth Posts: 395 Member
    I'm a retired rugby player from New Zealand with a fairly extensive playing career. Prop. Moved to the states gained a ton of weight maxing out at 314
    All of my years playing I trained like the mentioned above heavy lifting, deadlift, sprint training etc.

    Nothing I mean nothing has every got me into better shape than P90X and P90X2. X2 especially is amazing for explosive power. I haven't lifted a weight over 40lbs to get there.

    36 and feeling 22 again.

  • KinoM
    KinoM Posts: 359 Member
    Used to play union openside flanker until a knee injury put me out of the game for good. At the time I did a lot of mid & long distance running for cardio, then plyometrics & body weight calisthenics for strength & explosive power. And lots and lots of core work.
  • CubicalF13
    CubicalF13 Posts: 263 Member
    Fly half and Inside centre

    Alot of running, calisthenics and alot of repetition. On days you dont train, you will want to do some cardio like cycling, rowing or swimming. My mind set during training was to be the fittest guy on the paddock. And 9 times out of 10 it did seem that way on game day.