
heidiberr Posts: 643 Member
Hey everyone--let's get this party started!

I'm Heidi--I'm pretty awesome. and I love DMB.

I'm 24--I've lost almost 89 pounds so far--6 to go.

Andd you are?


  • diaryoffatdad
    diaryoffatdad Posts: 175 Member
    Im FD,
    I can attest to the awesomeness of Heidi, and also fancy myself quite awesome

    I am a huge DMB fan,

    I am 27, working on a PhD and married with the worlds coolest baby

    nice to meet you all
  • cornerofgreystreet
    cornerofgreystreet Posts: 180 Member
    I'm Megan. I have been a huge DMB fan since my first show in 97 at Somerfest in Milwaukee.

    I live in Minnesota. I spent alot of years traveling around the country seeing Dave. Now I have 3 kids and they have put a damper on the traveling, but I still see them at Alpine Valley every year and try to catch another venue or two in addition to that. Looking forward to another full summer of them touring!
  • heidiberr
    heidiberr Posts: 643 Member
    Yess! More tours! I'm planning on dragging my fiance to a show in the near future. He doesn't know this yet, but he will love it. (haha)

    I sell textbooks for a living--two years out of college (officially 2 years last week). I'm getting married in June. Hope to have awesome DMB fan babies in the next 2-3 years.
  • dancingnancies
    dancingnancies Posts: 255 Member

    hi all, i am becky, 28, i live in Connecticut. Huge Dave fan as well. Have been going to shows since 2000. My most recent show was Dave and Tim's acoustic show. Amazing!

    i'm a child psychotherapist and i love my job. i'm married with a new puppy! (no dmb fan kids yet !)

    happy to meet everyone!
  • diaryoffatdad
    diaryoffatdad Posts: 175 Member

    hi all, i am becky, 28, i live in Connecticut. Huge Dave fan as well. Have been going to shows since 2000. My most recent show was Dave and Tim's acoustic show. Amazing!

    i'm a child psychotherapist and i love my job. i'm married with a new puppy! (no dmb fan kids yet !)

    happy to meet everyone!

    so very jealous of the dave and tim.......we don't get thoes concerts up here in Canada, and travelling is not really in the budget for a grad day
  • PantalaNagaPampa
    PantalaNagaPampa Posts: 1,031 Member
    Hi everyone... I am Shawn.

    I live in San Antonio and dare I say the biggest DMB fan here.. LOL

    Oh, and It looks like so far, I am also the oldest, at 40 years old. I actually grew up in Northern Virginia and heard about Dave in the local college seen in the early 90's, yes I am that old.

    I have been following Dave's carrer and music since 94 and love that I am still a fan today. I have also logged 37 concerts tours and shows.

    Anyone who is a Dave fan, is welcome to send me an FR.

  • dancingnancies
    dancingnancies Posts: 255 Member
    Hi everyone... I am Shawn.

    I live in San Antonio and dare I say the biggest DMB fan here.. LOL

    Oh, and It looks like so far, I am also the oldest, at 40 years old. I actually grew up in Northern Virginia and heard about Dave in the local college seen in the early 90's, yes I am that old.

    I have been following Dave's carrer and music since 94 and love that I am still a fan today. I have also logged 37 concerts tours and shows.

    Anyone who is a Dave fan, is welcome to send me an FR.


    by the way, gorgeous dog!!!! what kind is he/she?
  • PantalaNagaPampa
    PantalaNagaPampa Posts: 1,031 Member
    Hi everyone... I am Shawn.

    I live in San Antonio and dare I say the biggest DMB fan here.. LOL

    Oh, and It looks like so far, I am also the oldest, at 40 years old. I actually grew up in Northern Virginia and heard about Dave in the local college seen in the early 90's, yes I am that old.

    I have been following Dave's carrer and music since 94 and love that I am still a fan today. I have also logged 37 concerts tours and shows.

    Anyone who is a Dave fan, is welcome to send me an FR.


    by the way, gorgeous dog!!!! what kind is he/she?
    her name is Ziva, she is a Boerboel, which is a south african mastiff. she is almost 8 months old and is about 100lbs. she will hit about 140 when full grown.

    What kind of new puppy did you just get?
  • diaryoffatdad
    diaryoffatdad Posts: 175 Member
    Hi everyone... I am Shawn.

    I live in San Antonio and dare I say the biggest DMB fan here.. LOL

    Oh, and It looks like so far, I am also the oldest, at 40 years old. I actually grew up in Northern Virginia and heard about Dave in the local college seen in the early 90's, yes I am that old.

    I have been following Dave's carrer and music since 94 and love that I am still a fan today. I have also logged 37 concerts tours and shows.

    Anyone who is a Dave fan, is welcome to send me an FR.


    by the way, gorgeous dog!!!! what kind is he/she?
    her name is Ziva, she is a Boerboel, which is a south african mastiff. she is almost 8 months old and is about 100lbs. she will hit about 140 when full grown.

    What kind of new puppy did you just get?

    friend request is on its the dog too, I have a Bullmastiff, anything from the mastiff family could steal my heart.
  • PantalaNagaPampa
    PantalaNagaPampa Posts: 1,031 Member
    Hi everyone... I am Shawn.

    I live in San Antonio and dare I say the biggest DMB fan here.. LOL

    Oh, and It looks like so far, I am also the oldest, at 40 years old. I actually grew up in Northern Virginia and heard about Dave in the local college seen in the early 90's, yes I am that old.

    I have been following Dave's carrer and music since 94 and love that I am still a fan today. I have also logged 37 concerts tours and shows.

    Anyone who is a Dave fan, is welcome to send me an FR.


    by the way, gorgeous dog!!!! what kind is he/she?
    her name is Ziva, she is a Boerboel, which is a south african mastiff. she is almost 8 months old and is about 100lbs. she will hit about 140 when full grown.

    What kind of new puppy did you just get?

    friend request is on its the dog too, I have a Bullmastiff, anything from the mastiff family could steal my heart.

    Thnx for the FR...

    Yeah, I love the big block heads.. she already snores and grunts in her sleep, and acts like she owns the place. sweet but stubborn
  • heidiberr
    heidiberr Posts: 643 Member
    Aww I have a puppy too. But she's a Basenji--not a big beefy dog----someday! When we've finishing buying our house!
  • heidiberr
    heidiberr Posts: 643 Member
    Also--I saw Tim with them when I saw them in London (Big Whiskey Tour) He's pretty much amazing.
  • PantalaNagaPampa
    PantalaNagaPampa Posts: 1,031 Member
    Aww I have a puppy too. But she's a Basenji--not a big beefy dog----someday! When we've finishing buying our house!

    Thanks for the FR.

    We have a small dog too. We have a tneacious little rat terrier that loves to pick on the mastiff puppy.. she grabs her lips and jaws when they play..

    Anydog is a great dog, if you love them.
  • dancingnancies
    dancingnancies Posts: 255 Member
    Aww I have a puppy too. But she's a Basenji--not a big beefy dog----someday! When we've finishing buying our house!

    Thanks for the FR.

    We have a small dog too. We have a tneacious little rat terrier that loves to pick on the mastiff puppy.. she grabs her lips and jaws when they play..

    Anydog is a great dog, if you love them.

    we just adopted a bernease mountain dog/lab mix. he should get pretty hefty too. about 100 lbs!

    Also, Tim is amazing! he tours with the band fulltime now. love it!
  • heidiberr
    heidiberr Posts: 643 Member
    Aww I have a puppy too. But she's a Basenji--not a big beefy dog----someday! When we've finishing buying our house!

    Thanks for the FR.

    We have a small dog too. We have a tneacious little rat terrier that loves to pick on the mastiff puppy.. she grabs her lips and jaws when they play..

    Anydog is a great dog, if you love them.

    I grew up with two rat terriers--they are fun, but a handful. Chloe (my dog) is essentially our child--haha. She is babied so much.
  • PantalaNagaPampa
    PantalaNagaPampa Posts: 1,031 Member
    our dogs are pretty much our Kids. My wife is a school teacher, so she gets her fill of kids all day, not sure if we will have any. I feel too old to have kids at this point in my life... the dogs are enough and easier to ignore when I need a break. they also enjoy a good DMB jam session.
  • cornerofgreystreet
    cornerofgreystreet Posts: 180 Member
    So happy to see the response to this thread!! Shawn, I am almost as old as you are, 37. And you'll have a fight on your hands declaring yourself the biggest fan! Nice to have some more DMB fans along for the ride. I have been lucky enough to have Shawn and Becky on my friends list for awhile so I am happy to meet the rest of you!
  • PantalaNagaPampa
    PantalaNagaPampa Posts: 1,031 Member
    So happy to see the response to this thread!! Shawn, I am almost as old as you are, 37. And you'll have a fight on your hands declaring yourself the biggest fan! Nice to have some more DMB fans along for the ride. I have been lucky enough to have Shawn and Becky on my friends list for awhile so I am happy to meet the rest of you!

    I tell you what Megan, since we are all here, we will call it a tie for biggest FANS..

    It has been nice to have you and Becky on my FL for awhile now.
  • AliceIsRunning
    AliceIsRunning Posts: 220 Member
    I can't tell you how excited I got when I found this group.

    I'm Alice - I'm 42 - from the L.A. area and have been to 100 shows. That's right - you read correctly. 100 gloriously fun, exciting shows. I've been to many states and 2 countries to see them :))

    I thought I was done after last year - especially when they announced they weren't touring this summer - but I recently read that they're getting ready for a 2012 summer tour and I'm excited.

    Feel free to send me a Friend Request. I love to give and get motivation and I'm trying to be active on these boards.

    LoVe! Baby!
  • PantalaNagaPampa
    PantalaNagaPampa Posts: 1,031 Member
    Hi Alice, welcome to the group... You ahve taken over my spot as the "senior" member.. LOL.

    OK so here is the deal with the 2012 tour, we all live in different cities, so this way we can all follwo the tour and have a place to stay in each respective city where we have a fellow MFP DMB fan.. right?

    I am gearing up for the 2012 season. I want to catch atleast 2-3 shows next year, various venues. Hope to see some of you there.