Introductions! :)



  • akb2006
    akb2006 Posts: 198 Member
    Why is it that we do that to ourselfs? Its like I get in a groove and then I cheat becuase I'm doing so well and ione day turns into 20. If anyone needs extra motivation/texting/phone/emailing buddies let m know I will seek you out haha!
  • blonde20fan
    blonde20fan Posts: 233 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Jessie. I am 32 years old, (5'11) from Michigan and I am losing weight to get healthier. I suffer from a lung/heart disease called Pulmonary Hypertension. I have some restrictions but I am working hard on getting the weight off to feel better and live longer. I have lost 30 pounds with MFP and 15 pounds before that on my own. I am excited to join you all in getting under 200!!! Please feel free to add me and I will be encouraging and supportive! I love the idea of weekly challenges. This is my first and only challenge so I plan on dedicating myself to it 100%! Good Luck and I wish us all lots of success!
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    Hi everyone! Just joined the group. I am hoping to be in onederland by my 34th b-day May 31. 37 pounds to go!

    For the month of January I decided to focus mostly on eating and logging. My goal was to say within calorie budget, knowing that the last 10 days of the month will be tricky (I had a vacation, and then a company meeting next week. No control over the food!)

    My profile has a good summary of my goals and where I've been. I haven't really ever put in a concerted effort to lose weight ever. Save a 6 week stretch about 3 years ago. It was actually pretty successful: I dropped 12 pounds and a dress size. Then life happened and I switch jobs a few times. I ended up about 35 pounds from that point, and found out I was hypothyroid along the way.

    So this year I'd like to get back on track and get stronger and healthier. Hopefully I'll drop some dress sizes along the way. aiming for an 8-10. I don't really care about the number on the scale to be honest. It is all about measurements, muscle tone and how I look. If that means I am there and I weigh 170, that's good enough for me. :)

    Last time I was in onederland was at some point in college. Post-college I gained at least 20 pounds during the first 2 years, but I don't think I actually stepped on a scale during college. I was a bit smaller than I was in high school at some point, and went from wearing a 14-16 to 12 and then back to 14 -- so not a big difference in the scale, but I remember a huge increase in muscle tone.

    Hoping to be at my goal in November-ish. Before the end of the year.
  • Micheller1210
    Micheller1210 Posts: 460 Member
    Onderland, I hear it absolutely wonderful Haven't been there in years, Im in my 40"s and would love to participate with you all, today is day 1.
  • Blessedmommy_2x
    Blessedmommy_2x Posts: 419 Member
    Well... I am 27, married with 2 toddlers. I have 72 lbs to lose to get to a "healthy" weight, depending on what I look like at 170, I may need to lose more.... I joined MFP last year, and lost 34 lbs, but then got in a car wreck injuring my back and neck and gained it all back PLUS MORE

    I RE-joined MFP January 7th, weighing in at 242- largest I have ever been (even when I was pregnant, the highest I was, was 240) Can not WAIT to get to Onederland!!! :smile:
  • adalton6
    adalton6 Posts: 204 Member
    I am 30 year old mom of 4. I live in the beautiful state of West Virginia. I have been married 8 years ( on February 1st!)to the love of my life. I started my weight loss journey because we are going to renew our vows on our 10th anniversary. But i have changed my train of thought on why I need to loose weight. I want to be healthy and a great example to my kids and family! I have lost 22 pounds since starting MFP. I am looking for a goal of 150 as of right now. I wanna be healthy but do not want o be a toothpick! LOL. Feel free to add me of you would like!
  • adalton6
    adalton6 Posts: 204 Member
    I guess I'll start.

    I'm 29, and I turn 30 on June 22nd. I REALLY REALLY want to get to onederland by my 30th birthday.

    I have two kids (9mo girl and 2.5y boy) and I run an at-home childcare center from my home.

    I'm 5'9 and since September I have lost roughly 37lbs!

    My daughter Baylee's birthday is on Junee 22 also! Great job on your weight loss so far!