What are you currently working on?



  • itreycee
    The Entrelac is beautiful! And the colors. I have a book I bought on the subject of Entrelac but I haven't gotten there yet.
  • emberin
    emberin Posts: 56 Member
    Have you done steeks before? I'm of Norwegian descent and I've always been intrigued with the process. I guess I'm a bit intimidated. Please post it when you are finished or even in the middle. I'd love to see it! I'm working on a shawl made up of many smaller units. Also, I'm an art quilter and I'm working on those as well...

    I've never done steeks before. The thought scares the heck out of me, but I really like this vest and need to learn to A) follow a pattern B) grow out of my comfort zone. I still haven't tried entrelac either, but one thing at a time right?
  • annrum
    annrum Posts: 144
    I just finished a beanie hat & I'm on a zig-zag scarf (both crochet). My sister saw my hat yesterday & now wants one... so that's for after the scarf! :smile:
  • VinVenture
    Currently knitting a ravenclaw scarf for my little sister