

  • shellym27
    I just wanted to say Heyyyy to everyone. I know that there are going to be some rough patches in the days ahead but I'm really glad that I have this group. I've only done the Fit Test but after come on here and reading your post I got motivated again. Thank you!!
  • Lavern77
    Lavern77 Posts: 108 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Lori. I got about 100 pounds of weigh to lose. So far I've lost 10 pounds since joining MFP in August, so my progress has been slow, even tho I've been doing alot of exercise. I'm hoping that Insanity is just the kick in the butt I need to transform this body. I'll be doing my workouts early in the morning before work, since after work my time it taken up with my 2 kids and husband and all the having a family involves. Happy New Year to you all, lets Dig Deeper than ever before!
  • rosavasquez
    Hi, my name is Rosa and I just had a baby boy on Oct. 21st., right before the Holidays...I didn't stand a chance lol. I bought Insanity when I was still pregnant and let a friend borrow it. I'm getting it back tomorrow and I'm excited to start. I'm nervous, of course, but I have about 40 lbs to get rid of so I'm ready to get to it!
  • glittermouse
    glittermouse Posts: 590 Member
    Hi, Everyone!

    My name is GlitterMouse. Feel free to call me G.Mouse for short. I'm new to the group and I'll be starting a little later (Took the Fit Test on Jan 8).

    I'm 27 years old, 5'6" currently 274 pounds. I'm looking forward to Insanity because I've seen and heard about the great results other MFPers achieved. I was traveling after Christmas and the holidays, so I'm just getting home and starting into this new adventure. I'm excited (and a little scared/nervous), but I'm ready to give this my all. For the next 60 days, I"m going to do everything Shaun T tells me to do.

    Glad to meet all of you and looking forward to encouraging one another!

    <3 G.Mouse
  • Jackielyn1002
    Jackielyn1002 Posts: 5 Member
    I am brand new to MFP and Insanity. We (my husband and I) just started a couple days ago. I am hoping to loose about 30 lbs. Just a quick question, when logging your exercise what kind of exercise do you put in? Today I put Aerobic, high impact.
  • H0neybug
    H0neybug Posts: 47 Member
    Hi! I'm obviously insane to be taking on this insane workout. I'm extremely out of shape because I HATE to exercise. I am hoping that by doing this workout with others it will motivate me to stay and finish the program.

    I am 43, married and the mother of 4 children ranging in age from 12 to 21. My husband is extremely fit from his line of work. I work retail and the most exercise I get is walking.

    My current weight is 148lbs. I would love to get down to the weight my Wii says I should be (119), but realistically think that 125-130 is a good number for me.

    I took the fit test last night and did the first workout this morning.
  • nuclearboi9
    Hello Everyone. Glad to be on the Insanity team. Time to dig deeper. I just started last week, Jan 2, 2012 and are expecting great results.

    Question: When adding your exercise inputs for the day, what are folks using for the Insanity workouts?
  • Gareth_Gumbs
    Hi all

    i'm just started with a group i set up at work and my girlfreind. On Day 3 now and loving the insanity.
  • shellym27
    I am brand new to MFP and Insanity. We (my husband and I) just started a couple days ago. I am hoping to loose about 30 lbs. Just a quick question, when logging your exercise what kind of exercise do you put in? Today I put Aerobic, high impact.

    I first I was putting in " Aerobic, high impact." but its not that accurate so I bought a heart rate/calorie counter watch.
  • H0neybug
    H0neybug Posts: 47 Member
    Was it high or low? I like to think I'm burning more than just 353 calories as much as I

    I am brand new to MFP and Insanity. We (my husband and I) just started a couple days ago. I am hoping to loose about 30 lbs. Just a quick question, when logging your exercise what kind of exercise do you put in? Today I put Aerobic, high impact.

    I first I was putting in " Aerobic, high impact." but its not that accurate so I bought a heart rate/calorie counter watch.
  • choniez
    choniez Posts: 1 Member
    Hey guys! I just got my HRM yesterday. I burned 740 cals during yesterday's workout. Today was lower because it was recovery day (It was in the low 400s). I'm in my second week and didn't think I was burning that much during the workouts. I knew I was getting wrecked because I'm a smoker and a boozer but after 2 weeks I'm eating clean and down 10 lbs. Hopefully I don't fizzle out (I'm nutritious for my laziness).
  • sweetlee_jll
    Hi everyone! Thought i'd introduce myself, my name is Jessica. I just moved to Colorado and it's not the only change I want to make. I am 5'2 and weight 193 pounds! Most people wouldn't admit that.. but i'm planning on changing that with healthy eating and Insanity! I just started today.. I have done it before but didn't make it very far. Also, I just made my profile today.. my cousin recommended it and now I found you guys and it makes me feel a lot better. :)

    I could really use some help and maybe a partner if anyone lives in Colorado!
  • LauRoxx
    LauRoxx Posts: 115 Member
    Hola everyone!! I'm Roxanne.
    I've been on a break from exercising ever since my last season on my university's dance team ended in April 2011. Still trying to get my life together since graduating and unfortunately it doesn't leave much motivation to work out.
    I'm 5'4" and 130 lbs. There's not really much weight for me to lose, but I'm hoping to shed the excess fat, tone up, and get my cardio endurance back up.

    I've had Insanity for a few months now but FINALLY started on 1/16. I was originally planning to start on 1/1, but literally came down with strep throat that day and the next week wasn't much better.