June 1 Goal (in addition to 125K cals burned)

rgoodearl Posts: 360 Member
I know we have not started the challenge yet...but I'm trying to think of some long range goals to set for myself. Here's what I'm thinking...I've been working hard since April 2010 on living a new life style...some days are better than others! My goal is to work the next 6 months to get some form of 6 pack abs. I'm 42, so far my abs are still hiding ! Anyways, my goal / personal challenge will be to post shirtless pics on June 1...now that I've stated this to my friends here on the group, I guess I will have to get busy !!!

What is your goal for June 1 ?


  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I'd like to drop the last 10 pounds. I'm training for my second half marathon (in May) and hopefully will do a third in October. I'd like to run a 11 minute mile by June 1--my current "easy" pace is typically 11:30/12:00. I'd like to start doing strength training at least 2x a week and lower my bodyfat percentage.

    I have a lot of fitness goals, but mostly for the whole year--not sure how far I'll get by June.
  • erm511
    erm511 Posts: 16
    My goal is to loose a little less tha 100 pounds by the end of the year. I'd like to see 50 of those gone by June 1. I'm not sure what other realistic goals work with this one.
  • jamerican23
    jamerican23 Posts: 177 Member
    my Goal is to loose the next 40lbs by june 1st my workout lately is a little lopsided so this will keep me accountable to push more in order to get to my Goal.
  • I have a goal of at least 60lbs bu June 1! i want to get out of the 300s for the first time in many yearss
  • Mustangsally1000
    Mustangsally1000 Posts: 854 Member
    My goal for June 1 would be to lose another 25#..and see where I am at that time. Not sure what that will look like. I want to have particiapted in a 5K (which I have to walk because running is not allowed on this artificial hip that I have. ) I want to be more active, more energy, and to move into a strength program that is safe for my hip! Focus is the name of the game!
  • lazyspice
    lazyspice Posts: 8,258 Member
    My goal would be to run 10-11 minute miles.

    I started C25K as a total running novice in October and I'm currently on week 8.

    At the moment I can run 2 miles in 25m16s (treadmill only so far, I've not been brave enough to venture outside yet!).

    I plan to start Bridge to 10K part way through January.

    Weight wise, I would like to see another 20lb gone by then - I'm going for a slow loss as I won't stick to it if I try to do it any faster (I have a long history of abandoned diets!).
  • neenaj33
    neenaj33 Posts: 347 Member
    My goal is to be AT or BELOW 300lbs!
  • Tankplanker
    Tankplanker Posts: 365 Member
    By June I want to have competed in a Sprint Triathlon. I also want my abs, I'm hoping they will show up sooner than that as I should only have another 20lbs to go or so according to my BF%.
  • ansonrinesmith
    ansonrinesmith Posts: 741 Member
    First Half Marathon by April 15th
  • My goal is to be AT or BELOW 300lbs!

  • soccer8s
    soccer8s Posts: 238 Member
    Not sure, but now that you posted it...I probably ought to have 3 month goals....

    March 1 - 20lbs down...
    June 1 - another 10lbs and running a full 5k (haven't ever done my time...but will update it with something realistic)
    Sept 1 - maintenance and posting a pic of me in a bathing suit...SCARY, but I will do it (before and afters)
    Dec 1 - just focused on maintenance and burning those cals!!!!

    I'm going to try for 900 cals burned per day at least 300 days this year!!!! At least 25 days per month!!!!
  • SaraTN
    SaraTN Posts: 536 Member
    I like the concept of the 3 month interval goals but right now I am focused on today, this week, this month, with "long-term" goals only six months out. After I complete my first marathon, I will decide if I want to run a 2nd and 3rd or if I will want to try to tackle another obstacle. :wink:

    By March 1st: To be at my goal weight of 125 or 18% body fat.
    By June 1st: Complete my first Marathon (actually scheduled for April 1st) and be at the half-way mark of burning 125,000 calories.
  • keljel
    keljel Posts: 2 Member
    My goal is to be down 20 pounds by June. I'm the same way, if I try to "shock" myself, and not go somewhat slowly, I will end up giving up. Also, I want to find more activities that I enjoy doing, and so don't feel like a workout. One thing I LOVE is line dancing, and it actually burns quite a bit of calories!