Introduce Yourself & First Team Challenge

Hello Ladies...So here we are 4 days before the the New Year! My goals are set and I am so excited that all of you ladies have decided to join this team.

Ive decided that I want to keep this team very positive yet challenging in a fun way. I am a mother, student, not very religious, but very spiritual.
Hence my screen name, "FitbyFaith". Well ladies the first challenge is going to be very simple all you have to do is post below your...
1. Name (screen names are ok)
2. Goal weight.
3. What are your fitness plans going to be in 2012.
4. Tell one of your friends or mfp about our team.(Its ok if they dont join :-) )

And thats all....The official first challenge is going to be very fun & simple. I will post that challenge this week.

So get ready ladies...lets make 2012 THE YEAR WE MADE IT HAPPEN!


  • mrshmiller9
    Hi I'm Heather
    My goal weight is 130- from there I'd like to get as close to 120 as possible but I want a goal I feel is attainable.
    Right now I'm doing 30 day shred which I will continue the month of January, I'm adding in yoga and Pilates when I can as well. I plan on walking/jogging soon. After 30ds I plan to master TurboJam and Zumba lol. I have to mix it up or I get bored.
    I'm ready to stick to exercising and logging my calories.
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    Hello Everyone! :happy: :happy: :happy:

    Wooo-hoooo for 2012! I am so freaking excited about the year to be here! :bigsmile: I have some big, BIG plans for the upcoming year and I am ready to start accomplishing them. So ready!

    My name is Becky, I am a social worker in Montana. Currently, I specialize with geriatrics. We have some major developments going on and I am a key part of those changes... so this next year is going to be a whole lot of hard work, long hours, big stress and finally seeing our vision becoming a reality! That means though -- if I am gonna work THAT hard then I am gonna play even harder!

    The thing that excited me most was doing a Bucket List for 2012... the things that needed to happen before 2012 kicked the bucket - not me! :laugh: I am toying though with calling it my Kick-*kitten* Lifestyle List for 2012. Anyway - it's not about goals. Goals are easy to set... this list was all about what it was gonna take to push me and excite me! So... I came up with a list of 25 items! Some of the Fitness related goals are 1) Climb Koko Head in Hawaii (1048 steep railroad tie steps to the top of a volcanic crater! What was I thinking?!?) 3) Jog/Run a 5K without needing to stop 5) Try Snowbiking 6) Walk on the Glacier at GNP before it melts and disappears... I have already started training (so-to-speak) for the Koko Head Workout. They call it's Nature's Stairmaster! Someone pointed out to me yesterday... that is actually 2096 stairs because I have to come back down. Oh Lordy! :wink:

    Goal weight, goal weight, goal weight... :ohwell: Would you believe me if I said that I really just don't know?!? I don't know what my ultimate goal is! I don't... Right now - I just want to get back to the weight I was prior to December before the New Year... from there, I want to be out of the "3"s... that's right, out of the freaking threes! So... I am still looking at another 100 pounds to release to the Universe! I'd be happy to be anywhere in "Onederland" but ultimately... by the time I get there -- I will probably know better and more. Until then - I am going to force myself to celebrate every pound and every point of a pound. I am looking forward to the "2"s and I am looking forward to seeing my collarbone pop out here soon... It's ready to show itself to the world! Soon... very, very soon... and for the rest of my life! :laugh:

    Oh... and fitness plans (sorry, thought it said goals) will be to continue with Zumba at least one night a week, train triathalon style, become a jogger, and learn the kettlebells! I just met with a trainer tonight and got assigned to a personal trainer. She's supposed to be great and will help me improve my endurance and "really" gain strength!

    As you can tell... I'm a pretty wordy/talkative person and I love the smileys! :blushing: I will be telling one of my MFP buddies about this when she returns from Vacation... and have another one or two who may be interested.

    Looking forward to getting to know everyone! Bring on 2012!
  • jomom2
    jomom2 Posts: 429 Member

    My name is Joanne. I am a sahm. I am feeling really optimistic for 2012. I want to start it right and I think taking care of myself is my goal for the year.

    My goal weight is to be in the 190's.

    I use to do spinning and I loved it so much, I would like to get myself back to spinning. I also have insanity video workouts. I will try anything that keeps me moving :smile: :smile:
  • techteachergirl
    techteachergirl Posts: 161 Member
    Hi! Amanda here! I am a 29 year old, married mother of 1. I actually lost 80lbs to get to 160 before I got pregnant and... well... here I am again! :grumble: My ultimate goal is 140 or less, but I would like to be into "onederland" by the time school starts back next year. I am a teacher and our school is moving to a new building next year. So, new students, new building... why not a new me! :wink: My time is very limited and exercise has never been my thing so as far as "fitness plans" I want to make sure I am drinking my water, under calories 6-7 days (I don't always us a "free day," but I have found if I don't allow it every now and then I get frustrated), and move more. I have mini weight goals on my profile.

    I will tell my mom about this group. She is on mfp too!

    Feel free to add me and I look forward to doing this together! WOO HOO! Let's get this part started!!!:drinker:
  • sheerambiance

    I'm Calesia and ready to shed those pounds for 2012.

    My goal weight is 225lbs.

    Last year I started losing weight on 12/26/2011. I successfully lost 36lbs and today I have gained all but six poulds back. I also used myfitnesspal during that time so I know it works. If you can committ to logging, you are always conscience of your intake.

    So once again here I go and my determination is to lose it this time and not gain it back.

    Good luck to all!!!

    Let's Go Divas!:happy:
  • phresh21
    phresh21 Posts: 132 Member
    My name is Pam, and I am a SAHM of 4 and a full time student.

    My goal weight is 160/150 somewhere inbetween there. As of right now I don't really want to be less than 150, but I guess time will tell.

    My fitness goal for 2012 is to have fitness become my lifestlye, not just a diet. I don't want to go around the diet loop anymore. I'm hoping that one day I will be able to do more than just the treadmill or elliptical, but as for now my knee doesn't allow it :(. I am also keeping up with weight lifting and hoping to double what I can do now by the end of the year.
  • Emican2020
    Emican2020 Posts: 35 Member
    Hello Ladies!

    My name is Emily and I am a stay-at-home mom to 4 beautiful children! I am so excited to get hot n sexy this year with a weight goal of 135 :) I am working with a trainer and he was telling me every body has a different body shape. For my build and type he thought 130 to135 would be a great weight for me.

    My goals for 2012 is to not only lose the weight but to be toned and healthy on the inside. So instead of focusing on BMI and just weight, I will also be focusing on body fat percentage. I am so pumped.
  • MamaDee2
    MamaDee2 Posts: 843 Member
    Hi! Amanda here!

    I will tell my mom about this group. She is on mfp too!

    Feel free to add me and I look forward to doing this together! WOO HOO!

    Hello! I am Mom! My name is Dee and I am a sahGm, I keep Amanda's son Reid.
    I lost my job back in August and there was a lot of stress and frustration leading up to that - it was one of those situations you knew it was coming cause someone bought out our company but it drug on for a couple of years.
    Anyway I have lost 155 lbs and in the past couple of years I have put 50 of it back on - this is what happens when you don't get things under control when it first starts happening!
    My goal is to get back to 150 so that I can play happily and healthy with my grandson. Also want to make a committment to exercise 5 to 6 days a week.
  • fitmom_pam1976
    fitmom_pam1976 Posts: 1,192 Member
    Hi, my name is Pam. I am a stay at home mom of 2 beautiful kids. I am 35 years old and would like to get HEALTHY in2012! My goal weight is 140 lbs.

    I go to the gym twice a week. I would def like to increase my workouts and eat healthy. I hope i can do this woth ur support.
  • ChangeAhead
    ChangeAhead Posts: 1 Member
    Hi divas!

    My name's Jean.
    My weight goal is 160 lbs.
    I plan to exercise 3-5 times weekly & I'll tell as many people as I meet about my MFP group! *smiles*

    I've been on MFP before. I do well for a time, something happens, I get discourage, & I quit. I've been on this cycle for 20 years. I wanna get off the marry-go-round. So, here I am. If not now, when?

    I'm excited to be here with all of you & I KNOW it will be what WE make it! *smiles*
  • carhicks
    carhicks Posts: 1,924 Member
    Hello all,
    My name is Carla. My goal weight is 175, but once I reach that I may try to get to 160.

    My other goals for 2012 are to complete a 5K, purchase and ride a normal bike, buy clothes in a regular store and reach my goal weight.

    My fitness plans are to continue with what I started this year. I go to the gym 6 days a week and vary up my exercise routine. Participate in 2 Zumba classes per week (i only do one now) and get my elliptical sessions up to 30 minutes, but keep my heartrate down in the 140 range.

    Okay ladies, let's do this.
  • livinginwoods
    livinginwoods Posts: 562 Member
    Hello ladies! My name is Carrie. I live in central Wisconsin and work for the Census so I spend a lot of time sitting and driving. I struggle with this for eating. But my goal is to be 225 I am currently 381 (as of Dec. 1) I started the 30 day shred yesterday but have been doing some other work out DVDs. I plan on sticking to it this time. Now or never.
  • Klein1475
    Klein1475 Posts: 248 Member

    My name is Tammy
    My ultimate goal weight is 110
    My goal for 2012 is to get completely out of the 200's... That is 40 pounds which is definitely do able...

    this is my exercise regimen:

    1000 **minutes of exercise for the month
    1000 **crunches each week 100 AM and 100 PM X 5 days a week
    ---90 **Ride bike 2 X a week
    **EA Program 4 days a week
    I am on a bowling league as well

    I drink about a gallon of water a day...
  • Klein1475
    Klein1475 Posts: 248 Member

    My name is Tammy
    My ultimate goal weight is 110
    My goal for 2012 is to get completely out of the 200's... That is 40 pounds which is definitely do able...

    this is my exercise regimen:

    1000 **minutes of exercise for the month
    1000 **crunches each week 100 AM and 100 PM X 5 days a week
    ---90 **Ride bike 2 X a week
    **EA Program 4 days a week
    I am on a bowling league as well

    I drink about a gallon of water a day...

    I am 36 about to be 37 in a couple of days... I am already trying to live healthier... eating smaller portions and have lost 30 so far but TOM was in town and I went up... Not worried though...

    I am very busy... I am a stay at home mom, wife, home school our son and am constantly on the go... We have an awesome schedule that helps keep it all together... I bowl on a league... I work out at home...

    I started MFP in the beginning of August 2011 at 267 pounds and worked out for about 3 weeks before I rolled my ankle and ended up in a E-boot (kind of like a cast) for 7 weeks... I am so glad to be out of that thing... That was miserable... I couldn't do anything... I started back in Nov. and was at 256 but had to take it easy b/c my ankle was really weak and I didn't want to reinjure it... I have gone full force since the beginning of Dec. and I am currently at 239...

    I want to be completely out of the 200's by the end of the year plus some... I don't do anything half way... It's all or nothing and I am giving ME my ALL... I am worth working very hard for...

    I am very glad to be part of this challenge...

    Thank you so much for putting this together...
  • RAS10710
    RAS10710 Posts: 53 Member
    1. Name (screen names are ok)
    2. Goal weight.
    3. What are your fitness plans going to be in 2012.
    4. Tell one of your friends or mfp about our team.(Its ok if they dont join :-) )

    1. Hi everyone, I'm Ruth (RAS10710). :smile:
    2. My current weight is just under 105kg. My ultimate goal weight is 70kg, but coz I'm sort of tall that might be slightly too low and bony looking. So I'm initially aiming for 75kg. Once I reach 75kg my plan is to re-evaluate and decide which would be the healthier weight to maintain.
    3. My fitness plans for 2012 are:
    - Firstly, to get into the habit of logging everything everyday and drinking lots more water
    - I got the original Zumba workout DVD set for Christmas and I want to work up to using this five times a week for workouts, plus walking on the two remaining days of the week I don't use the DVDs
    - By the end of 2012 I want to be down in the 80s somewhere, preferably right on 80kg. It would be great to lose the last 5kg and reach 75 too!! But for now my goal is 80kg.
    4. I will post on my profile about this group to spread the word :happy:
  • Kindrex83
    Kindrex83 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi!! My name is Lyndsey. I'm a single mom to a 1 year old.

    My goal weight is 145 (currently 208) My goal for the year is to learn to eat healthier be more active and teach my daughter healthy habits for life.

    I am currently doing 30DS. I plan on going to the gym 4 days a week. I would also like to start running. I have a jogging stroller so I don't have any excuses. I also want to get a bike and take my daughter biking.

    I'm looking for more friends, support and motivation so feel free to add me.
  • maflanc
    1. Name (screen names are ok)
    2. Goal weight.
    3. What are your fitness plans going to be in 2012.
    4. Tell one of your friends or mfp about our team.(Its ok if they dont join :-) )

    Hi Im AnnMarie and I live in NC.
    Im hoping to get down to 200lbs
    I just bought a new house and my plan is to cook healthy meals and eat out as in frequently as possible. ( I was eating all 3 meals out every day!) I plan to walk a few times a week and once some of the weigh comes off maybe join a gym.
    Good luck ladies!
  • ProudMomoftwo
    Sorry this is so late - just found this site through another MFP friend.

    1. Name (screen names are ok)
    2. Goal weight.
    3. What are your fitness plans going to be in 2012.
    4. Tell one of your friends or mfp about our team.(Its ok if they dont join :-) )

    My name is Louisa ( pronounced Lou-Ee-Sa )
    I am 42 and a SAHM of two great kids. I homeschool here in Missouri and workout at home / outside.
    My 14yo fit & athletic daughter is my exercise partner.
    My 10 yo son is a ball of energy and he usually rides his bike along with us....

    I am 5 ft 6 in. tall
    My SW was 254
    My CW is 208
    My GW is 155ish
    My daughter & I walked our first 5K in Sept. and got 3rd in our respective age categories YAY US!
    We graduated C25K program in Nov. and are currently doing Week 3 of Bridge to 10K.
    We plan to RUN the same 5K this coming Sept. LOOK OUT!
    I am currently doing a 15 day PUSH ( to motivate myself out of the holidays ) and am working out 2x /day 7 days a week.

    Goals for 2012 are:
    1) Get under 200
    2) Play ladies Vball & possibly coach my daughter's team
    3) learn to Kayak this summer
    4) RUN the 5K in Sept.

    I will tell all my MFP friends - no worries there

    Keep pushing forward...
  • MrsSYDL
    MrsSYDL Posts: 65 Member
    Hello Ladies!
    I have been searching for a group that wasn't HUGE (I get lost easily) but big enough for frequent activity & motivation. I hope that I am not too late and l am looking forward to this journey with each of you!

    1. Name (screen names are ok)
    Shavon (MrsSYDL)
    I am mom of 2 (almost 9 year old, & 5 year old), wife, assistant principal, & ready for a healthier me!

    2. Goal weight ---
    Ultimately I want to be 125 lbs. or a size 6 (which ever is first)
    I have this broken into smaller goals:
    mini goal 1 - Size 10
    mini goal 2 - 140
    mini goal 3 - Size 8 - I want every 8 I try on to fit!
    mini goal 4 - 130
    Ultimate goal - Size 6/125 pounds

    3. What are your fitness plans going to be in 2012.
    I am training with a personal trainer twice a week (for now). It was a great gift from my husband. We are getting a great rate because he is a friend of a friend. I am making the best of my time with him because it is budgeted for a small time.

    I am training for my 2nd half marathon. I have been interval training at least once a week and planning to increase that to at least three times over the next few months. Still working on the motivation to training like I am suppose to be training.

    Ultimate goal: 2 days of strength/3 days of interval/marathon training.

    4. Tell one of your friends or mfp about our team.
    Done :-)
  • FitbyFaith

    Check out the January Jean Challenge...for this months challenge!

    Hope all of you are staying motivated and logging in each well as logging your meals and excercise.

    Just wanted to welcome all you new Divas to the team!! :happy: