Let's Catch Up!

drbaska Posts: 157 Member
Sorry I've been off line for a bit - I've been drug down by this killler cold - been getting most of my workouts in, but with that and the holidays, I've just gotten behind on posting. Anyway, I'm on my last week of Chalean Extreme/TF hybrid. That means I'm about to enter the Lean phase of CHX. That means it gets harder. :-)

How is everone else doing?


  • RheneeB
    RheneeB Posts: 461 Member
    Hey there - getting pumped up and ready to melt some major fat!!! My daughter just ordered Insanity but she won't be getting it for about a week so she is going to borrow my Turbo Jam until she gets it.

    I am ashamed to admit that I have fallen off the wagon bad this past week. So much holiday bouncing around from family to family and my eating habits went down the drain. She is in college right now earning her masters degree and has put some old weight back on. I can count on her pushing me to stick with it!!

    I have my workout schedule ready......now I am just waiting for January 1st!! WoooHoooo
  • RonKay
    RonKay Posts: 85 Member
    Hey Turbo buddies! I hope you've all enjoyed the Christmas season! Like you Rhenee, I feel off the wagon and ended up taking 5 days off Turbofire! Along with this, I stopped logging what I was eating. I've decided to completely start week 5 again but getting back into logging the food I'm finding is hard.There's still so much naughty food left over, i m finding myself graving on a lot of it!

    The good news is my weights stayed the same over Christmas.The bad news is I've now been stuck on 177lb for 5 weeks now!I would be lying if I said the scales staying the same wasn't discouraging. I'm working SO hard with my TF workouts, making better food choices but the scales aren't budging. But I suppose I just have to ignore the scales and carry on with my Turbofire workout, hard work gets rewarded in the end, right?
  • RheneeB
    RheneeB Posts: 461 Member
    Just stick with it....I remember the good ole days when I could "diet" for a month and lose 15 pounds. Now each pound represents a monumental phase in my life!!! All I can do is keep telling myself that I am worth the effort!! My mom, dad and sister live in Naples, FL and they have all started a diet together.....one of my brother in laws and two of my sister in laws have chimed in on the weight loss efforts and my daughter just purchased Insanity. This brings out the competitor in me which will help me stay on track!!! None of them live near me so it will be fun to see what everyone looks like the next time I see them, which is typically every 6 month....except my daughter....she is in college 4 hours away but I see her every couple of months. Only my daughter knows about my Turbo Fire challenge starting in January so I am so motivated to shock the britches off of them when they see me again!!! :devil: They are NOT the reason behind my desire to lose weight and get into shape but they definitely are going to help enhance my chances!!!!

    Last night I went to an office supply store and bought 2012 agenda refill!! I am going to use this to track everything since I will be able to tote it with me to work or wherever. One of my problems is that I get too organized about things and then I end up not being able to keep up with all of it. I figured with an agenda, I can log food, log exercise, keep up with tracking my weight and measurements.....all in one.
  • drbaska
    drbaska Posts: 157 Member
    I'm kick starting my January with the Shakeology 3 day cleanse. Has anyone tried it? I do it once a month now. And I drink Shakeology every day which has really helped slim me up, whittle down the body fat, and keep me energized. If you're really serious about making 2012 THE year, I would recommend trying it.

    Also, great way to break a plateau!