worst date ever!



  • slay0r
    slay0r Posts: 669 Member
    Bump! This thread is epiiiiiic.
  • Sauchie
    Sauchie Posts: 357 Member
    Wow, I feel so bad for you. It must have took alot of willpower to sit through the date. I think I would have kindly excused myself and left.
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    How RUDE!

    As Calvert said, you never know if you're making a good friend. Least she could have done is enjoy the evening.

    It annoys me even if my girlfriends spend the whole night texting someone. I totally think phones should be banned on nights out! Apart from if you need them to ring so you can make an excuse to leave the date....lol

    Better luck for next time :flowerforyou:
  • im_blessed
    im_blessed Posts: 74 Member
  • emilysheafit
    emilysheafit Posts: 23 Member
    I only have on bad experience!

    I went on a blind date but my friends were there he just didn't kow (protection =]) and he came in high! Then he flirted with a bunch of the girls, smacked my butt then tried to kiss me. I basically ran out of there, haven't seen/talked to him since. Ugh, worst date ever!
  • jend114
    jend114 Posts: 1,058 Member
    here ya go (copied from the worst date ever thread). Last Friday (1/20) ironically was my worst date ever. Met this guy on eharmony. Seemed pretty normal so we moved to texting. His profile said he worked for the Dept of Childrens and Families for the state. My mom works for the state so I had her check to see if he really did, no luck finding him. Whatever, maybe he's too new. Got tons of creepy vibes with talking via text telling me he wanted to make me happy, told him my dream vacation was Hawaii and he said I guess I'm saving for there now. Friends said to give him a chance so I agreed to drinks. Met him at the local bar in the casino. The guy was WAY shyer than me which I didn't think was possible. He asked about my Pandora bracelet, then proceeded to tell me he had one but never wore it, he just likes to collect the charms. I should've taken that chance to bolt but I didn't. Then told me he wanted to delete his eharmony account, um 1 date doesn't mean a relationship dude. He then wanted to leave the bar because it was too loud. Whatever fine with me. So we started walking around the casino. He asked to hold my hand. Seriously. If it had been anyone but him I might have thought it was sweet but since I already had the creepy vibe, it creeped me out even more. Grow a pair and grab my hand if you want to hold it. Then he asked if I wanted to go look at the charms because one of the shops sells Pandora charms. Um no way. The only suggestions he had for after the casino was to go back to his place which wasn't happening. The next morning I sent him a text saying I'm sorry I didn't feel a connection. He tried to guilt me saying oh I'm never good enough. Thankfully I haven't heard from him since.
  • YouAreTheShit
    YouAreTheShit Posts: 510 Member
    She's such a loser! That's hilarious! My sympathies, of course. But still hilarious after the fact!

    My worst date ever... I picked her up. Started off to our destination. 15 minutes in she clammed up and wouldn't talk.

    I turned around and took her home.

    It was still early. Called someone else and had a great time!
  • jaxdiablo
    Here is my most recent worst date, but not really a date...

    So I was talking to this woman from a website for people with a specific group of interests. She told me she just wanted to see what kind of places around my area there were to hang out. Ok, cool, no biggie, let's meet bs, whatever...

    So she comes into town and is staying at a friends place, which is perfectly fine, she lives about 45 minutes away in another state. So I meet her and her friend at a sushi place, they had already ordered I had already eaten dinner, so I had water and basically kept up the witty banter to make them both comfortable. Good enough, I get the blessing from the friend. We go outside and she starts smoking (never mentioned that), and after that we are on her way. About 5 minutes out of the parking lot "I guess I should spill". And then the BIGGEST SIGH I have ever heard. "I'm married." Alrighty then... "To a preacher." Holy crap... "Who cheated on me 13 years ago in a way that I will never ever share with anyone because it was so horrendous". Uh yeah, so where does your friend live again?

    That was that... I mean really, who doesn't share that information with you?
  • ejoy319
    ejoy319 Posts: 104
    Worst dates ever.... top 3

    #3 On his phone the whole time... in the car.... at the restaurant he set in right in front of him and wouldn't stop checking things, there was a moment that his service was interrupted and I thought he was going to explode.... I finally text him from my phone and let him know I was ready to leave :) He didn't like that...lol!!

    #2 Had a great dinner with a guy which went well, there was a little bit of ex drama talk on his part but not too bad. He walked me to my car, I hugged him and then he crashed his mouth onto mine like he was trying to perform CPR and gave me a fat lip... um no thanks.

    and #1 This was actually about a 3rd date with this guy... we were watching a movie at his house and he excused himself to the restroom, came back and (I am a nurse) told me he had a problem and could I check his hemmorhoid. I politely said no thanks and that maybe he should see a doctor... that was our last date... Yikes!!
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Wow!! Being rude to the wait staff really shows a lot about a person''s true character. Sorry your date went bad,

    Worst date ever when his wife and other girl friend showed up at the restuarant to confront his cheating butt during our dinner. It was very entertaining though.