A little bummed out

Jaytee79 Posts: 237 Member
Hi ladies,

I know I've been a little absent lately. I'm sorry but life has been crazy hectic lately...but I'm still logging everyday. I have lost 19 lbs to date and while I don't see a difference my husband says he does.

While at work tonight one of my coworkers asked me when I am due. My son is now 15 months old. My feelings are hurt and I feel offended and fat.

I've lost inches in a lot of places...but not a lot of them are from the belly :( Any tips? Words of wisdom or encouragement?


  • mebuthalf
    mebuthalf Posts: 167 Member
    I've had 3 kids, and I get asked more now if I'm pregnant than when I was. I think my tummy has just been stretched out for so long there isn't anything to hold it in. Don't get disappointed, use it as fuel for the fire. I to am frustrated that my chest is disappearing, all the more to make my stomach look bigger, but my tummy can't stay forever and neither can yours. Keep up the good work!