
sunnydays33 Posts: 181 Member
This is one I have wanted to try for years!! I so want to be a runner...I mean, I want the body of a runner and those damn 'highs' they rave about! I do a version of this on my walks now and when I have to be on a treadmill at the hotel, I do intervals. However, I would really like to run for a full 30 minutes. I plan on getting fitted for new shoes this week and am looking for suggestions on podcasts that you guys are using.


  • CRSE1214
    CRSE1214 Posts: 196 Member
    Not exactly sure what a Podcast is since I'm a relatively new iPod user. I downloaded the Couch to 5K program app from active.com for $.99 this morning. It's really simple to use. Your "trainer" tells you when to warm up, when to walk (1:30) and when to jog (1:00), when to cool down etc. I could still listen to my own downloaded music and get motivated by the tunes.
  • sunnydays33
    sunnydays33 Posts: 181 Member
    Nice! I need to look into that one for sure, and you can't beat a buck! ;o)

    That's pretty much a podcast, but there is an unlimited world out there of very interesting podcasts. I like to think they are kind of like radio programs...usually no commercials and privately funded. There is every topic imaginable from comedy to news, sports, cars, etc.

    Some of my all time faves:

    This American Life
    Radio Lab

    Both of these are funded by NPR and are sooooo interesting. I drive a lot for work and get tired of listening to music-I need more stimulation, so these can range from 20 min to an hour and a half programs. I am a big fan of the comedian Adam Carolla, so I subscribe to his podcast too-hilarious! These are all free which is awesome!! Go to iTunes and search podcasts...it's an endless list.

    The C25K one I will check out, seems way easier than trying to use a stop watch, ya know.
  • liberella
    liberella Posts: 57 Member
    Hey Sunny - Funny you should ask ... a couple of years ago I did a few weeks of this program before I started experiencing some pretty explosive pain in my hips. I too fantasize of myself as a runner - I have dreams of taking smooth gazelle-like strides covering amazing amounts of ground in short periods of time. It could happen, right?

    Anyhoo ... I came across these podcasts http://www.kissmyblackass.org/podcasts/.

    Great, upbeat current hip/hop, r&b-type tunes that I always like and never own myself. The Suz will just come on and nicely say now run for 90 seconds, then she'll come back on to tell you when to stop. I loved it.

    Hope you like!
    -liberella :flowerforyou:
  • CRSE1214
    CRSE1214 Posts: 196 Member
    I will def check into the Podcasts especially FREE ones. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE FREE-LOL!!! Day 2 of C25K went well, so well in fact that during the 5 minute cool down I keep jogging and continued an additional 15 minutes walking/jogging since I was in a groove!!!
  • liberella
    liberella Posts: 57 Member
    Boy - talking about this podcast really got me thinking about starting up this program again ... I keep thinking I want to do the Missoula 5k this July when I go west to visit family. I'm gonna get started up again and just go slow and steady ... it wins the race, right?
  • fee2dancesing
    I was able to download it for free on my phone (C25K). It's really cool. It lets you know when you need to walk and jog. I tried it for the first time this week, unfortunately I wasn't able to complete the first session. My shins and calves were so tight that I couldn't finish. So for now, I'm going to make that my goal time to beat. I'm confident that as I lose more weight, jogging/running will get easier. So right now the time to beat or at least have get easier is 11 minutes 28 seconds. Any tips for things that I can work on in the mean time?

    Other than that, I signed up for a 5k, March 15th and I want to be able to walk/jog it if possible. If not, I want to do a brisk walk.
  • CRSE1214
    CRSE1214 Posts: 196 Member
    I was able to download it for free on my phone (C25K). It's really cool. It lets you know when you need to walk and jog. I tried it for the first time this week, unfortunately I wasn't able to complete the first session. My shins and calves were so tight that I couldn't finish. So for now, I'm going to make that my goal time to beat. I'm confident that as I lose more weight, jogging/running will get easier. So right now the time to beat or at least have get easier is 11 minutes 28 seconds. Any tips for things that I can work on in the mean time?

    Other than that, I signed up for a 5k, March 15th and I want to be able to walk/jog it if possible. If not, I want to do a brisk walk.

    I start week 2 tonight. Are you running indoors on a treadmill or outdoors? I walk/jog on my indoor treadmill and find if I try walking too fast for my stride my shins are burning. Normally if I slow it down a little the pain goes away. I'm 5'3" and my stride is not very long. I walk at 3.3 MPH (had to work up to this) and jog anywhere from 3.8 MPH to 4.2 MPH. Slow and steady!!!