New to the group =)

RAS10710 Posts: 53 Member
Hi all,
I'm a first time new mum. Some people consider me a young mum too - I turned 21 in April 2011 - about halfway through my pregnancy. I was using MFP sporadically during the pregnancy just to track what kinds of food I was eating and check out the nutrition info (that stuff interests me).

My baby boy is now 5 months old and I'm STILL wearing my maternity jeans, maxi dresses and stretchy skirts that got me through the pregnancy (dresses and skirts right now coz I'm in Australia and it's summer). I didn't lose much weight after the birth, just the 7-8kg (15-17 lbs) from giving birth, blood loss (I had a PPH coz of troubles delivering the placenta) and whatever causes weight loss in the 24hours after birth. With a bunch of recent stress I've regained half of what I lost and feel horrible, uncomfortable, sluggish, unfit and just plain yucky.

Now the new year is here and I've found new resolve to finally start doing something about all this weight. I've got to lose 15kg (33lb) to be back at pre-pregnancy weight, and then lose a further 15-20kg (33-45lbs) to get back into a healthy weight range.

I've started logging again, this time to track calories and I'm trying to use my Christmas present - Zumba workout DVDs - at least every second day if not everyday.

I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone in this group!! :happy:


  • carolina_r
    carolina_r Posts: 359 Member
    RAS10710 - Welcome to the group!!! I think many of the moms on here can relate to your story. The changes that happen with our bodies due to pregnancy can be tough to deal with, but this site CAN help! My son was around 6 months old when I started MFP. He just turned 10 months, and I'm happy to say that I am now below pre-pregnancy weight! Nothing magical...just careful logging, and taking things one day at a time.

    If I can give you some advice - TAKE PICTURES and MEASUREMENTS!!! You will want these 3 months down the line, because sometimes it is hard to realize how far you have come without them :)

    Good luck!