Gluten-Free alternatives to pasta?



  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    Tell me about preparing buckwheat pasta. I have only found it once, and when I cooked it (no directions) it just all stuck together in a clump. Do you need to rinse it? How long do you cook for? I still have a bit on my counter.

    Buckwheat pasta (be warned, its so good it's addictive!)
  • Gosser
    Gosser Posts: 178 Member
    I haven't got any at the moment to check the packet but I think I am right in saying don't cook in the microwave and only cook for about 6-8 minutes

    You can also get 100% buckwheat noodles (check the packet says 100%)
  • Gosser
    Gosser Posts: 178 Member
    Oops, forgot to say....

    Buckwheat pasta should be rinsed in warm water AFTER cooking to stop it turning into a sticky blob
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    Thanks! will give it another try!

  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    Tinkyada is the best brand IMO for gluten free pasta. But I actually like some of the whole grain rices. Black purple or red rice, wild rice or jasmin. Polenta is a super alternative for pasta with sauce. Be careful of buckwheat or soba pasta as most brands are made with wheat also and not gluten free.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    Also have you tried miracle noodles. They are great with peanut sauce or curry.
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    I don't have it very often, but pastas made out of quinoa or a combination of quinoa/rice are pretty good. You just have to make sure not to overcook them or they WILL turn to mush.
    Anyway, brown rice and quinoa are my other "starch" options for sides if I feel like I need something pasta-like, although I usually prefer a baked potato since I get plenty of fiber from other sources.
  • mandy_lynn
    mandy_lynn Posts: 165 Member
    I love corn pasta. I think it has a better texture and flavor over the brown rice pasta.
  • gillybumbler
    DeBoles makes excellent GF pasta. I also love Lundberg macaroni noodles. Lundberg even holds up well for leftovers. Tinkyada is good when you first cook it, but doesn't taste well the next day.