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  • justagirl2013
    justagirl2013 Posts: 226 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I am a lurker on COTH but my name is RAZZAREZ. I just don't have the time to dedicate to message boards anymore, and gave them all up November 2010. I still post occasionally on Coth and lurk when I can, but I mainly search for things I am learning in my lessons.

    Anyhow, I really need to loose weight. Ideally I'd love to loose 50 pounds by my friends wedding this summer, but that may be an unrealistic goal that may have the side effect of me regaining the weight. Instead, I'm shooting for 20 pounds by my birthday at the end of March. I am currently 5'4" and weigh 215. Not cool!!!

    I've never been thin persay, but I was doing well up until 2 years ago when I stopped working with horses. I quickly put on 100 pounds and was disgusted with myself. Last August I started working out and lost 25 pounds by 12/13. However, I got the awful news that my heart dog was diagnosed with CHF and I became depressed. There went my running partner :( I've gained back 10 of those pounds, and hate the way my clothes fit again.

    I hate exercising! I love food. However, I have to do this for not only me, but my family. My riding sucks, and won't get better until I lose weight. My instructor is great, but I know that with weight loss and fitness, my riding ability will increase even more.

    I'm excited to join this group, and hope that I can play a part. Best wishes to everyone with their goals!
  • I am Taylorgohogs on COTH!

    I am a college student am unfortunately overweight. I love horses and started riding a couple of years ago. I currently compete in both dressage and hunter/jumpers. I have been slightly heavy my whole life, but since going away to school I have put on quite a bit of extra weight. I am 5'8" and weight 275 at my heaviest. I would like to get down to 200 pounds or less. Riding is definitely the motivation that I need to lose the weight! I cannot imagine my life without riding and competing and I am not going to let some extra pounds get in my way!

    I was overjoyed when I found the thread on COTH! This is just the support I needed to get going with my weight loss!
  • Hello! I'm faybe on COTH and Bonnie in real life :). I joined because I saw this on the Rider Fitness thread over on COTH and thought it would be good motivation to keep me on track. I used to be very active- rode multiple horses/day, ran, hiked, swam, etc... then I started vet school. The first two years were on par with "bank teller" in the activity department- so. much. sitting! It was awful. I'd sit for 8 hours a day in class, then go home or to the library to sit for 5 or 6 hours more. The 20 minute walk to school and the occasional 30 minute run didn't really do much to help the situation, and around the end of second year I was in the worst shape of my life and weighed in at about 160 lbs (my heaviest).

    Since then the curriculum has improved (I'm spending more time in the hospital and less in the classroom, so am on my feet more and starting to feel my "active" self coming back). I started training for my first 1/2 marathon this past fall, and am down to 155 lbs (and up LOADS in strength and fitness). I'd like to keep up that downward trend, and hopefully this site will be a good way to keep myself on track. Thanks to whoever set this up!
  • jingoace
    jingoace Posts: 219 Member
    Hi..I am jingoace on COTH & MFP. My name is jan, and I have about 30# to lose. My goal is 150# by Christmas, but it is terribly frustrating to not see any losses, and even gains. I ride one horse several times a week, and work with other horses on the ground daily... probably 4 hours a day, every day. Every time I try to "diet" I have gained weight, so joined MFP to keep track of calories & salt intake & to try to figure out what else I can do. I am also trying to reduce my weight to take the pressure off my knees - had knee surgery in 2009, and am maintaining my limited range of motion with Euflexxa injections, every 6 months, until I finally have to have knee replaced. (We jokingly call these my "hock injections" cuz it is the same product used for the horses! LOL) That is where I'm at right now.

    Why I Want To Get In Shape:

    To feel better, look better, and be better.
    Want to be able to ride a horse over 8 fences w/o loss of breath
    Want to be able to bike 1/2 day w/o being exhausted
    Hate my thighs rubbing together
    Want to be able to gallop on my horse comfortably
    Wanna be able to fit in size 10 jeans

    Proudly Owned by 4 Horses & 1 Pony.
    :) J
  • Hello! I'm two sticks on Coth but I mostly lurk. My name is Sara, and a combination of a back injury (2 ruptured discs) plus a new office job and having to sell my horse due to finances, have gained about 15 pounds and just feel overall "unfit" and unhealthy. I joined a gym and did a few sessions with a personal trainer (a xmas gift from my mom) to develop a routine that I can do with my back injury. However, I have a hard time staying motivated to go to the gym on my own and do the work outs. I feel stupid doing the different exercises without the trainer around. I have a hard time maintaining healthy eating habits, I will be good for a few days and then slip back in to unhealthy eating. Once I eat something "Bad" I tend to get in the mindframe of "oh well, I have ruined this day already" and then eat a whole bunch of crap.

    My starting weight was 139, I'm down to 135, and I'd like to hit 130 or less by Feb 20th- when I'm surprising my bf in Vegas for his birthday. I know I need to be good and work out hard to reach this goal, especially now with a little under six weeks left. I would love to find someone to talk to to try and stay on track and motivate each other.
    My goal weight would be between 125-130 (I'm 5'4) but it's less about the numbers and more about the way I feel (winded walking up the stairs... eww) and the way my clothes fit (they don't!).
  • Blugal1
    Blugal1 Posts: 92
    Welcome srs2712 and all other new members! Our group is up to 63 members now. Let's make 2012 the best year ever!
  • 63 members = fab stuff! :)

    I know how you feel srs2712 - bad/junk food is my downfall, esp potato chips = my kryptonite lol
  • Saw this on COTH Fitness thread this morning (like, apparently, many others) and am always looking for motivation. I am Pegasusmom on COTH. I'm 55, have fought my weight all my life and finally have had succes with Weight Watchers to the point I was at a maintainable weight of 152+/-. I'd love to be thinner, but realistically. . .

    I feel good at that weight, have energy and my blood sugars are stable (I am Type II diabetic). Over the last six months I have not eaten as I should and my weight has crept up, currently at 162. It's hard to get started again, I can still fit in all my clothes (a little less comfortably) and I am still relatively fit.

    I am a combined driver now, after organizing horse trials, dressage shows and combined tests for over ten years, and one of my motivations is that my pony doesn't need to haul the extra weight around! And, unfortuantely, there are an awful lot of VERY heavy women in the sport. It's a bit disappointing, and honestly, I walk far more now than I ever did as a parent of an eventer or currently as a wife of an eventer. Combined Driving offers a real bonus in that area, unfortunately many simply don't take advantage of it and choose to putter around on ATVs.

    I'd like to be on my way and around 155-157 by the end of February, when I head to Florida for the first CDE of the season.
  • Hi guys! I'm juby2be on COTH and on Fitocracy. I'm Mary in real life. ;)

    Anyway, I started out last month (december of last year) around 220.This was/is the heaviest I have EVER been.

    I got sick in December and I lost 5 pounds that first week of being sick- so down to 215. THEN I remained sick (my bad cold turned into a bilateral ear infection/sinus infection/throat infection AND eye infection) and went down another 9 pounds. So I'm at 206 now.

    How did I go from being a fairly fit, active person to over 200 pounds you ask? (Actually, you probably didn't.... but I do- every. single. day!)

    It started during my internship for college. I thought I sprained my ankle while working, and as it turns out I actually tore my tendon in my foot. It hurt to put weight on it, so my activity went WAY down for a few years until I finally had surgery. After surgery I was basically bed-ridden for 2 months, and it still took almost 6 months after that to pretty fully get back to being my usual active self. There's still some pain in that ankle, but nothing like what it used to be.

    Add to that some medication that made me CONSTANTLY hungry, and the weight just kept packing on. Seriously, I put on 40 pounds in under two years- and another 20 before I finally figured out that the medication was making me SO hungry that I physically couldn't stop eating because I NEVER FELT FULL. Combine that with a lack of exercise due to my ankle injury....well, you can see why I am DESPERATE to get this weight off.

    It's funny, growing up I always thought I was fat. And I probably could have stood to lose 10 pounds or so, but I was NOT fat. Now I just wish I looked the way I used to look back when I THOUGHT I was fat. (Ah, the irony!)

    Anyway, if you actually read through all that congratulations! I will end on a positive note and say that I am SUPER excited to be a part of this group, and I can't wait to see how successful we all are!
  • Blugal1
    Blugal1 Posts: 92
    It's funny, growing up I always thought I was fat. And I probably could have stood to lose 10 pounds or so, but I was NOT fat. Now I just wish I looked the way I used to look back when I THOUGHT I was fat. (Ah, the irony!)

    Been there, done that, have the T-shirt.

    Welcome Mary, here's to a happier, healthier 2012!
  • Hi all - I'm Emily aka SkipHiLad4me on COTH. I have been using the MFP app on my phone for the last week or two but just realized where the COTH group was on here! haha!

    I turned 30 this year (groan!) and I work at a desk job. I had always been super active growing up and weight was never an issue. I ate whatever I wanted. Obviously things have changed!! My weight was at its highest about 3 years ago - 138lbs. I lost 10-12 lbs on Weight Watchers (just before my wedding!) and but since then I've sloooowly started creeping back up. When I hit 135lbs again, I decided it was time to put a stop to that once and for all and changed my eating on Jan 1. I've lost about 5lbs already and am looking to lose 2-3 more and then maintain while building muscle. My biggest goal is to improve my fitness and flexibility. I haven't been riding nearly as much as I used to because my horse is semi-retired and after working all day, I have a really hard time coming home and making myself workout. Riding has always been my working out! And now I just want to lounge on the couch and relax! :) DH and I have started on a no carb/low carb diet and are trying to cut out a lot of processed and sugary foods as a permanent diet change. Looking forward to feeling stronger and healthier in 2012!
  • Blugal1
    Blugal1 Posts: 92
    Welcome to all the newcomers! We now have 70 members in our group!

    Here's to a happy, healthy 2012!
  • Snowdenfarm
    Snowdenfarm Posts: 84 Member
    Hi! I am Snowdenfarm here and on CotH, real name Cheryl. I am 57, rode growing up and worked in horse jobs into my 20s. Then work, husband, kids and life interfered with my horsing. Got back into horses at 50. but I have never quite gotten my seat back. Looking to lose a few pounds and increase my muscle tone to help feel more secure -- that and grippy leather.

    I was using the Loseit! app, but I like Fitness Pal much better. As usual, just turn to the collective CotH wisdom to find the best of everything!
  • spotteddrafter
    spotteddrafter Posts: 120 Member
    Hi everyone - I am spotteddrafter on COTH. I love that most of the people here are lurkers on COTH, because that's mainly what I am too! lol I'm on there daily, sometimes several times a day, and read a lot, but just don't post a ton.

    I have 1 horse, a 16yo spotted draft (hence my handle) mare. I have always been a bit overweight, but now it's just ridiculous. I currently weight 253.2 and am 5' 9". I have always convinced myself that I'm still healthy, as all my lab numbers are in the perfect range....and I am actually really active. But, no more excuses!

    I'm looking forward to this journey, especially with supportive horsemen and women to cheer along the way!

  • ChocFiend
    ChocFiend Posts: 219 Member
    Hi there im Alex. I haven't heard of COTH before being on MFP so i'll go check it out. if the name isnt already taken i'll probably sign up as WarmbloodX on there.

    so why am i here.....im 25years old & i have a 17.1hh warmblood gelding. I've had him since a foal (and nearly lost him too as he had no mummy :-( ) & Im now at the point when hes broken and riding away. hes had 2 easy summers of just school work, riding across the fields, etc. but now I want to jump! and boy can he jump! but...my lack of core strength and overall poor fitness atm is just letting us down. when im not fit im not confident in my riding & that certainly reflects in my neddy.

    so the plan

    - get fit!
    - get confident!
    - lose some lbs in the process (hopefully 30! currently at 182 , 152 is a good number for me)

    my main goal for the first part of the new year!
    - go to a local show on May bank holiday and do a jumping class.
  • onawho
    onawho Posts: 196 Member
    did we just convert a MFPer to a CoTHer?

    That is AWESOME!!!
  • ChocFiend
    ChocFiend Posts: 219 Member
    you certainly have ...& yes im signed up and my user is 'WarmbloodX'

    although Im not 100% on what things are - I think there are different terms for things between the USA and UK so im just trying to get to grips with that.

    i LOVED reading the US perspective on the Queen out riding at new years ,.... lol'd a lot (in a good way!)
  • cagey22
    cagey22 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi and welcome ChocFiend!

    Glad to hear you found COTH. The language thing can be tricky and even after 8 years or so living here in the states, I still have to double check some of the horsey terminology, but feel free to ask for interpretation from a fellow Brit ;)
  • So I Finally got smart enough to find the group section on my iPad. I have a love hate relationship with this thing. I am jennywho on COTH as well, more of a lurker, but so thankful for horsey advice when I need it. I am the heaviest I've ever been at 170 now 164. My entire life I was lucky enough to keep trim by being active, but the last six years the weight has slowly been creeping on. I am slowly learning about portion sizes and eating healthy, I've got a lot to learn. I have a two year old daughter and manage two thoroughbred farms and am anxiously awaiting the day that my schedule allows me to start riding regularly again.
  • Im new!! Im deuceswild11 at COTH!! Come check out my diet thread on OT day. I just started a new diet, called the simple diet, I am my heaviest at 198 lbs and looking to go back to my pre college weight of 135. Woohoo!