
Has anyone used these in combination with diet and exercise? Ive started taking Acai fat burn 5000 after doing quite a bit of research and wow did I sweat during my workout.. sometimes its really hard for me to sweat because even though Im over weight I have a strong base from all the farm work and sports I do. I felt it really utilized the time I spent on cardio much better. I have read its only effective for a few weeks until your body adapts, then take a month off, then on again for a few weeks. Anyone else try these? BTW, the Acai did not have the caffeine so that's why I liked it.


  • jingoace
    jingoace Posts: 219 Member
    That is a question to post on the regular MFP boards, under "General Diet and Weight Loss Help".

    You may discover a plethora of people who've used it, and/or have soem great suggestions for you.

    By using the "Search" function, in the regular mssg boards, you can learn aLOT of info in a short
    period of time. imho, :) J