Saying HI!



  • lynus85
    lynus85 Posts: 50 Member
    hey everyone! im pretty new to using the online version- i use the moble app whcih doesnt have any message boards etc.
    Ive been using MFP for about 5 months now and just recently hit my half way mark for my weight loss. Its been a long journey getting as big as i did- 289 at my biggest and I know its going to be a long journey to get healthy again.

    Im recently married ( just over a year) and I teach at the elementary school level in Ontario. My husband and I are both on this journey together to get healthy before we start a family within the next few years.

    Im looking forward to getting to chat with you all, feel free to add me as a friend if youd like :)

    best of luck to all of you with your journey!!
