mom of 4 little chickens ready to get this weight off.

Hi - My name is Holly. I have 4 little chickens 6, 3, 2, and 71/2 months. I work full-time and so betweeen taking care of my family, home, and work, I don't find much time for myself. My husband and I decided to join the YMCA so we can all do stuff to stay active. I am going to try and make myself have the discipline to get up every morning and start doing couch to 5k and other active things!
I need encouragement! I looked at a picture of myself on NYE and I was so bummed to see the girl in the picture and all the weight I have put on from having children! We won't be having any more little chickens so I know that if I can make this a lifestyle change not just a diet/workout plan it will be good for my whole family not just me!
Hit me up if you want to be my friend on here and lets encourage each other to reach our GOALS!


  • carolina_r
    carolina_r Posts: 359 Member
    Welcome and good luck!!! You've got quite the little brood :) So great to see that your husband is supportive - you can do it!