August 2012 Babies



  • EliseMarie24
    EliseMarie24 Posts: 49 Member
    Yay!!!! Congrats Melissa!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Aw, congrats!! My due date was yesterday..still nothing. So she has until Monday to come out on her own, if not, induction scheduled on the 21st. DH will be home Saturday (unless she comes sooner) and I can't wait to be a family of 3! Of course, he'll only get a week home, then it's back to Chicago for him, but as soon as I'm ok'd to travel, we'll go see him every other weekend (and he'll be here on the opposite weekends). Doc appt tomorrow for a typical last check of everything then they'll go over my induction info. It's so emotional to go from not thinking we'd ever have kids (been not preventing since 2006) to thinking she'd be pre-mature and needing the cerclage to her being stubborn, lol. What a trip it's been!!
  • EliseMarie24
    EliseMarie24 Posts: 49 Member
    Bru - I hope she makes an apperence for you soon. That does sound like a roller coaster of emotions that you had to go through. It will be amazing once you have that sweet angel n your arms! :). My due date is the 20th so maybe we will have our great stories to tell shortly after:)
  • candylea
    candylea Posts: 34 Member
    Congrats Melissa!
    I had my beautiful little Ivy on the 14th.
    Has anyone else had there baby?
    How is everything going?
  • EliseMarie24
    EliseMarie24 Posts: 49 Member
    Hey ladies! I had little Travis on the 18th. It was a lot quicker than I thought it would be. I started with contractions at 6:30pm Friday night and had Travis at 7:04am Saturday morning. I hope you are all doing well:)
  • mpederson
    mpederson Posts: 123 Member
    Welcome Ivy and Travis :)

    EliseMarie- everything happened super fast for me as well. Actually the whole experience was nothing like I thought it was going to be but i'm not sure why I had expectations in the first place as I had nothing to compare it to. My water broke around 1 am Sunday morning then I started very mild contractions around 230 am. They were 10-15 minutes apart until around 6 am and then they got closer together. Even at 930 am when they were 3 minutes apart the contractions were still very mild. We got to the hospital just after 10 am and Kaleb was born at 11:15! I only went to the hospital when I did because my mother and sister insisted. I was sure I was supposed to wait for something more intense before I went but it never happened until it was time to push. I was already 7 cm dilated when we got there. oops.....maybe next time I'll not cut it so close.

    Kaleb is 17 days old now and we're struggling to breast feed. I'm not giving up by any means but the home nurses came every day for a week to help and to make sure he was gaining weight plus we see a lactation nurse once a week. They gave me nipple shield and he latches onto that just fine, just not the bare breast. Keep working at it I guess.

    I stare at my kid all day in awe. I can't believe I made that :)
  • EliseMarie24
    EliseMarie24 Posts: 49 Member
    Congrats candy lea & Melissa! :)

    Melissa - that was really quick for your first one. :-) I felt contractions for about three days before I went into actual labor with my first. Good for you on keeping up with the breast feeding. It's not easy. It wasnt as difficult the first time for me but this time it is. Every baby is different. I hope it gets easier for you. :-).

    It is a wonderful thing having these beautiful healthy babies in our arms now. :-D
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    For some reason, my post never posted :/

    So Monday night, 8/20,, naturally, I couldn't but 2hrs before the induction. Tuesday morning,8/21,, I got up from my 2hrs of sleep at 3:45am, called the hospital to make sure we had a room ready and by 4:30a, Nick and I headed up. Got checked in and put in our L&D room and by 6am, I was hooked up to the machines, including pitocin,still only a 3cm, having a few contractions but not feeling them. Tried sleeping while I could before things got crazy, but no such luck. Got up at 8a to go to the bathroom and I had just sat back on the bed when my water broke, I was a 4cm. 1hr later I was starting to feel the contractions a bit and we decided to get the epidural. Just a little after 10a, I was a 7cm and moving fast! But the epidural was in so good that I didn't feel ANYTHING, not even the slight pressure I should. Still not getting much sleep, just resting, progressed slowed a bit and I was a 9cm by 2:30p. The nurse had me do some practice pushes. By 3:00p, I was a 10cm and we started pushing again. She wasn't under the pelvic bone just yet so I pushed for a while, but I still couldn't feel anything so Nick watched the monitor and told me when I was having them while the nurse counted out for me. Nurse turned off the epidural and left to call the doc and told Nick and I to continue the same way. Doc was there by 4 and omg! He started stretching things I didn't know could be stretched! I was definitely feeling the pressure then and was finally feeling when the contractions were starting. I focused my breathing as best as I could, kept my eyes closed through every push and by 4:37pm, Miranda Katherine was here! 8lbs 3oz, 19.5in long with Daddy's nose and a head of dark brown hair. The epidural was completely worn off by the time doc was putting a few stitches so that;s the only real pain I felt. 100% worth every bit of everything! Nick was such a trooper, made it through the epidural and cutting the cord. I swelled pretty bad so I waddled like a penguin for my hospital stay. Didn't feel much pain til we got home last night.My feet never swelled until after delivery and today they are enormous! I couldn't get much sleep at the hospital but Nick was amazing last night and let me sleep for a while and he took care of her. I'm trying hard to breastfeed, but she has a problem latching on the left and only half the time on the right, so we have been going back and forth with formula. First night done, a lifetime to go <3
    *She's 3weeks yesterday, and since we brought her home, I've been pumping and using formula as needed*
  • mpederson
    mpederson Posts: 123 Member
    congrats bru!!!! welcome Miranda!

    My boy is 4 1/2 weeks old now and he still has trouble latching. Sometimes he gets it sometimes not but he never stays latched so we've been using a nipple shield and he feeds fine with that. I guess if I have to use that while I breastfeed then works. It's still a big challenge though.
  • EliseMarie24
    EliseMarie24 Posts: 49 Member
    Congrats Bru! :-).

    Travis is still having a hard time nursing even with the shield so I'm pumping & supplementing with formula as well. I found a great pin on pinterest about exclusivly pumping & is great help.
  • candylea
    candylea Posts: 34 Member
    We struggled with bf some in the beginning. I was just too sore for too long and I couldn't get her to open her mouth big enough. She is doing pretty good now. I have hardly any pain now so that's a relief. It was bad.