
trkinsky Posts: 63 Member
Anyone taking L-Arginine/L-Citrulline (500mg each) for Nitric Oxide production during the anaerobic phase of a heavy workout. I get these amino acids (at least the Arginine) in my protein shakes but on heavy workout days I take the extra supplement.

If you have any other supplement ideas I am all ears.



  • alicollins74
    alicollins74 Posts: 335 Member
    I like this post b/c I was wondering if there was something else I could use. I currently drink the protein shakes from Complete Nutrition. However, they are very expensive. So once that is gone, I will be looking for something else to try. What protein powder do you use?

    Are those the amino acids in the BCAA? I know someone that keeps talking about BCAAs...

    I also use a pre-workout drink-Jack3d. Then I also take multivitamin and fish oil...

    So I am interested in supplement ideas as well...
  • trkinsky
    trkinsky Posts: 63 Member
    I use the GNC Amplified Wheybolic Extreme 60 (Someone need to speak with their marketing dept about the naming!). I usually cut back to 1.5 scoops and get 30g of protein and BCAA'c. I mix it with 8OZ of skim milk to improve the flavor and get an additional does of protein.

    I try not to take alot of supplements other than the protein shake because I am unsure of the efficacy and/or the safety.

    I just joined the "Supplements" group on MFP and hope to get some of my answers there.

  • Sir_Cumference
    Sir_Cumference Posts: 3 Member
    I try to drink about 10 oz of chocolate skim milk after my boxing workouts. I take a multi-vitamin everyday too.

    I looked into other stuff and then I saw some discussions on chocolate milk and decided that was simple enough for me to understand!

    In the past I tried creatine, but honestly, I was never convinced that it did anything.
  • digit78
    digit78 Posts: 177
    Creatine was great when i was into getting muscle size. Helped me get an extra couple of reps out but more than anything, I saw immediate visual improvement in terms of muscle size and definition. It was all just surface improvements though due to it being from water retention, as soon as I took a rest from creatine the muscle would drop................. not to mention I was peeing like crazy while on it!

    Personally, I see no value in creatine from a boxing perspective.

    In terms of supplements, I take a multivitamin and a magnisium tablet a day. I also have a protein drink on occasions following a particularly tough session.
  • trkinsky
    trkinsky Posts: 63 Member
    I also tried the creatine and stopped. The chocolate milk is a great workout supplement. I take the MegaMan Sport multivitamin. I guess the only other supplement I use is Glucosamine Chhondroitin. Everything else I get from my food.
  • trkinsky
    trkinsky Posts: 63 Member
    The BCAA's (Branched Chain Amino Acids) are numerous. The Arginine is one of them the Citurlline is not. They are building blocks of proteins and are helpful in post workout recovery. Leucine, Isoleucine, and Valine are the most prevalent and are considered essential in the human body. Most of the BCAA's are not synthesized in the body but need to come from external sources. The cool thing is that when found in food sources they are often cited as the result of a "healthy" diet.

    My son is a PhD student in Pharmacology and has studied the use of amino acids in muscle growth. If you want more info I am sure I can have him dig it up.
  • digit78
    digit78 Posts: 177
    I've been doing a bit of research on supplements as my training is ramping up and I am eager to back up push ally and stay sharp. Supplements in use are:

    - magnesium tablets (i also have Epsom Salt bath twice weekly with ginger added)
    - blackmores men's multi vitamin
    - fish oil (triple strength)
    - VitC/Garlic/Horseradish
    - Ibroprofen (sparingly and only if I'm getting sever calf problems)
    - Craze pre-workout powder
    - Creatine (I may stop this for reasons stated above, albeit I have read research that indicates it has good results for minimising concussion - I'll see how it goes).
    - WPI Whey Protein