Introduce yourselves!



  • ccreek23
    Hello All

    I'm Christy. I am 31, live in Mississippi and want to be healthy! I have about 75 lbs to loose. I haven't always been overweight but, I have just added a few pounds every year since I had my kids. I work full time, go to school part time, and am involved with the children's ministry at church. I am married and have 2 kids, both school age. It is a struggle for me to be physically active because I work in an office and sit down for most of the day. I am learning that although it is important for me to continue my education and work, I still need to take care of my body first and set a good example for my kids.

    I am so glad you started this group! I would love to find some one who has a similar journey ahead!
  • ItsJenn32
    Hi there, my name is Jenn. I have been working at this for a little over two weeks now and I am loving how its making me feel. I need to lose over 100lbs and so far have lost 17. I have joined Goodlife Fitness and it's a great gym. I am looking for friends to share success and anything else in regards to a healthy new life.

    Please feel free to check out my profile and if you'd like a new friend, please add me.

  • ccreek23
    Seems like there are alot of people that have similar goals!
  • MrsDunn8910
    MrsDunn8910 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm a sales associate and a student. I'm working on my degree in Education. The thing that made me decide to change my life is because I'm tired of being unhappy with how I look and I finally feel like I'm ready to "put the gloves on". My family and friends are my inspiration. They support me on this journey. So far, I've lost a few and have gained further motivation. Normally, I would have gone back to the normal of junk food, staying up all night, games and music. Basically, I was living an unhealthy lifestyle and I need a change. I need to especially change things if I'm going to have kids soon. I enjoy everything from music to books to games, this list could go on. I'm into a lot of things and am a lot of things put into a blender and put on puree. I love to laugh and have fun as well as have serious discussions. I'm looking forward to meeting my "twin".
  • stroud3_2012
    Hey guys!

    Im 18 and live in small town. Im a senior in High School! I am looking to change my life for the long haul.

    Im 270 pounds and 5ft 4 in. I am looking to find someone like me to help me in my journey.

    Also I am becomming a vegetarian. Meaning right now i do eat meat but only once a week if that. I am slowly working my way to becoming Vegan for a few different reasons.

    I com from a family of "larger" wemen so I am hoping to change all of that!

    Thanks For Reading
    God Bless
    Allie Bear
  • jazzzin35
    Hello all!!!

    I often remember my good old high school and college days when I could eat literally anything I wanted and never had to worry about growing out of my 32 x 32 jeans....those days ended long ago.

    I am 39 years old, 6' tall, and currently weigh in at 255 lbs. That is way down from topping out at over 290 last year. I probably cracked the 300 mark at some point before I started measuring again.
    My dad is a big man and has struggled with back and heart troubles all his life and is now dealing with diabetes to boot.

    That is NOT going to be me!!!! My first goal is to be "overweight" by the time I am 40. Birthday is in August and I have to get down to about 220 to get there. From there, I will probably try to get below the 200 mark.

    I would love to have some friends to challenge, push and support me as I take this on.


  • scarsocc10
    scarsocc10 Posts: 3 Member
    Howdy everyone!!
    My name is Scarlett and I am from the incredible state of TEXAS! I grew up in, and call San Antonio home, however I have been going to school in College Station, TX for 3 1/2 years now. I am currently a student studying Environmental Studies and am a member of the Fightin' Texas Aggie class of 2012. The plan is to take off a year after I graduate and then try to go to Law School the following year.
    Everything is kind of up in the air right now because I got engaged right before Christmas to my boyfriend of 6 1/2 years!!! We met in High School when I was 15 and he was 17 and it has been perfect ever since. He has already graduated and is currently working in San Antonio, so the long distance is not fun at all!! Our wedding is scheduled for the June following my graduation, which is Dec. 2012. I plan on taking that year off of school so we can enjoy being newly weds and save up some money before I go back to school and he is the only one working full time. We have a 4 year old Welsh Corgi named Gilly, who we are absolutely obsessed with and just recently put the deposit down for a new English Setter puppy that will come to be ours forever in late March!
    Me and my fiance both have gained together since high school and really want to look amazing for each other on our wedding day. I used to be an avid soccer player, and he used to be a intense baseball player but once we left for college, and werent as active, our weight just got away from us. He has about 40 lbs. to lose while I have about 65 lbs, so I will probably be at it a lot longer than him!
    Anyways, I look forward to this journey!
    Sorry for the length of this entry, I tend to get overly excited!!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,022 Member
    Hi I am a sahm of 7, I am 48, happily married, live in sacramento california. I have fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue and hypothyroid I was sick and tired of being sick and tired . I joined mfp in july 2010 and have lost 95lb only 5 more lbs to go to reach my original goal.
  • kittyneutron
    kittyneutron Posts: 160 Member
    Hello! I am a 35 year old SAHM. I live in Norway with my teenage son and hubby, and our wonderful Norwegian Forest Cat.

    I developed anorexia at a very young age and when I became pregnant I gained well over 75 lbs. Because of my many years of disordered eating my weight went up and down for years.

    Five years ago I went through a series of traumatic events and shortly thereafter started to experience unexplained pain and fatigue. It grew worse and soon I became bedridden. I saw a number of specialists and took many tests throughout the following year and was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and ME (myalgic encephalomyelitis) or better known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). After 3 years of working closely with a psychologist, doctor and physical therapist, I experienced a 6 month remission and was overjoyed, only to relapse shortly thereafter. This was two years ago, and I have had some ups and downs but thankfully have not returned to the state I was in the first year of my illness.

    I am not able to exercise normally, and if I time it wrong a 10 minute walk can mean spending a week in bed with nausea and aches. I have periods of weakness and periods of being stronger, but it has been a long journey to learn about how to best live my life after becoming sick since nothing is logical anymore! I used to ride my bike an hour a day, loved to dance and worked out a few times a week, it is hard to believe I am not able to walk 10 minutes when I want to!

    Currently I attend a water aerobics group that I love once a week, and try to walk when I am able. I am at home and do my best to take care of housework as well.

    As Christmas approached last year I noticed that I had been eating badly-not paying any attention to what I was eating and often going into dehydration or triggering weakness because I had not been feeling up to preparing food. I used a lot of time thinking about how I could go about losing weight this time, but knew it would be a waste of time unless I was motivated and ready to commit. My first step was a book by Geneen Roth called "Women Food and God". This book was instrumental in helping me overcome some of the sick thinking that results from eating disorders and learning to love myself. What I learned from this book was that no positive change will come from a place of hate. Wanting to lose weight because I despised myself and my body was the wrong place to start. Instead I have tried to use the wisdom I've learned from the book-no more beating myself up. No more criticizing the body that looks back at me in the mirror.

    As I write this I am 2 weeks in. It has not been easy in some regards, but in other ways I feel very strong and determined. I feel almost like someone has opened a door of possibilities. I never thought I could reach a weight that is BMI healthy. Now I know that it is totally possible!

    I enjoy going on walks, being with my cat, surfing online and reading blogs, as well as swimming. I also love films and books and travel and am excited for my 5 year anniversary cruise coming up this May.

    I would love to find a match here, and am happy to correspond with anyone who is interested in friendship here :)
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hi, I'm Jenn. 32 years old. I live in Indiana. 3 Girls, 13 yr twins and a 9 yr. Married for 10 years, and we have a chocolate and a black lab. I work as a surgical technologist in a hospital. Been doing that for 12 years. Love my coworkers, but they bring me down. They convince me to eat poorly. I have no will power. I can't walk to the cafe and just look I have to get something because the urge is so powerful. I am fine if I stay away, so that is what I do.

    I want to get healthy so I can keep up with the kids. I was so tired all the time even after 10 hours of sleep a night! Napping after work and still tired. I want to look good for me, as well as my hubby.
  • ready2beme
    ready2beme Posts: 151 Member
    My name is Sarah. I'm 5'2 and 227 lbs as of this morning. I am a mom to 4 beautiful children, 2 boys (5.5 and almost 4) and 2 girls (2 and 8 months) I did really well after having my second losing the 70+ lbs I gained while pregnant, but I have yet to get below 190. And since having my girls so close together I hadn't really had time to recuperate, I've finally found my mojo and here I am.

    My birthday is Aug. 1. I would like to lose 50lbs by then. My plan is to count my calories, drink my water, and try to exercise 5 days a week for at least 30 minutes/200 cal burned a day.

    Today has been my first (of many!) success :)
  • JennArlen
    JennArlen Posts: 32 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Jenn. Im 27 years old and a mother of 4, I have 3 girls (6, 3, 2) and I have a little boy that is 14 months old. Im a stay at home mom, and a full time online student. Im 5'7 and weigh 168 pounds. I had 3 csections (one every year for the last 3 years) and I just recently had my spine fused in September. Im hoping that since I am done having kids and finally took care of my back problem I can finally start to work on ME! I would love to lose my extra weight (around 40lbs) and tone everything else up :)
  • tlovesb
    tlovesb Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I'm Teresa, 43 years old, live in north Florida, married, but no children. I'm 5'3" and weigh 125-130 (I think, haven't weighed recently). I'm trying to get back into a regular exercise routine after having both my jaw joints replaced last year. I'm thinking of trying Jamie Eason's 12 week plan, but haven't decided for sure yet. My goal is to be in shape to compete in a figure contest by the time I turn 45. I use a fitbit to track my steps, my dh recently bought me a road bike that I'm learning how to ride, and I want to start a C25K program once I get to the point that running doesn't make my jaws hurt too bad. I weighed about 170 in high school, lost 50 pounds, then spent the next 20 years gaining and losing the same 20 pounds or so. I want to get back down to around 110, but won't mind weighing more as long as it is muscle and not fat.
  • HiiYelladiva
    HI! My name is Racquel, I live in Madison, WI.

    Im 23, 5"4 and currently 169-173 pounds. (Whenever I eat it seriously goes up and down)

    I have a B.A. in Criminal Justice and I will complete my Post Bacc. Certificate in Paralegal Studies this May. I am currently looking for jobs on the East coast.

    I have a weakness for anything I shouldnt lol. That includes sweets, fried foods, salty chips, you name it. I lost my first 20 pounds with Slim fast, and now I am hoping diet and exercise will kick the last 20!
  • CheshireKat13
    Hi! I'm Kat and I'm from the Los Angeles area.

    I'm just starting my weight loss journey for hopefully the time that sticks. :) I'm 37 years old, 5'3" and currently 210 pounds. My goal is 150lbs. After being way too skinny until I hit my 20's, I want to keep some of my curves!

    I'm mom to 2 wonderful boys, ages 8 and 5 who are in kindergarten and 3rd grade. They sure keep me on my toes! I am also a web developer. I work for a company that helps teachers do data analysis on school assessment data.

    My husband lost 60 pounds last year using this site and the HCG diet. He's really been helping me by cooking healthy food. I have a serious weakness for sweets and soda though! So I know it's time to focus on cutting that out and benefiting from his cooking.
  • Angelia_Freeman
    Angelia_Freeman Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I’m a 46-yr old female looking for a fun sensible approach to weight loss.

    I am married, have two children ages 15 and 20 and a really cool dog. I am at a point in my life where I can focus on my own goals and my time is not relied on as heavily as when the children were younger.

    My spouse and I own a business that he works and manages and I work in supply chain management for a medical IPA. I recently graduated with a BS in business administration and I am preparing to open my own Life Coaching business within the next couple years.

    With a little more time on my hands I have found I can focus on the fun stuff like exercising, friends and quality family time. My personal goals include a year of running open class 10k races with my children, run in a marathon and lose my unwanted weight.

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • chesterdogmine
    chesterdogmine Posts: 20 Member
    I am a 57 year old male who retired from corporate America early several years ago. I don't have any real hobbies. I have lost weight; gained weight; lost weight and now gained it back. I weigh 220 lbs and would love to get down to between 170 and 180 lbs. I have dedicated the year of 2012 to me-- I call it the year of Joseph (my real name). I got the idea from a Seinfeld TV episode. I have joined a gym and try to go at least 4 times a week. Right now I am focusing on cardio. I am married (for the 2nd time) and we are "empty nesters". I live in a small town between Houston and Austin Texas. I was a football official for quite a few years but gave it up several years ago. I enjoy watching hockey now. I know my way around gyms pretty good. I have studied anatomy and exercise phsiology so I know what I should do.
  • heather21h
    Hi there - I think this is a great idea!! My name is Heather and I live in Georgia, I'm 30 years old and recently married. I have been struggling with my weight for most of my adult life - I am not super overweight - I just have about 15-20 lbs that I need to lose but I've needed to lose it for about 10 years at least now...I'm sick of constantly worrying about my weight. Also, I'm 5'4" so 15-20lbs on me looks like ALOT!! I would love to have a buddy on MFP where we could motivate each other and really know what it is like to be so close yet so far away :-)

    If I sound like you...Feel free to friend me if you would like and we can support each other!!
    Good luck everyone.
  • Sabrielle4
    Hi All - I'm Ava. 29, 5'4" and living in the Midwest although I'm from the Northeast originally. I teach at a university am unmarried with no kids. Since moving to the Midwest for grad school and now staying for work weight has slowly crept up and I've decided it's time to stop talking about changing my lifestyle and actually do it.

    I'm a vegetarian (although I have no problem with anyone who isn't) and have trouble finding time to exercise and not a lot of willpower when it comes to eating well. About five years ago I weighed 120 and felt fantastic while doing yoga and teaching belly dance daily but with grad school came a lack of time to do either one.

    I'm working to remove the bad habits that have crept in over the last few years and go from my current weight of 145 and get back down to 120-125 though healthy eating habits, resuming yoga and making time to be physically active instead of using a busy schedule as an excuse.
  • Rachel122810
    Rachel122810 Posts: 35 Member
    Im 24 and a mother of a beautiful 13 month old baby girl. I have 2 PRN jobs so I make my own schedule and work about 30 hours a week. I have no babysitter but support from both sides of the family. During my pregnancy I gained 50 pounds and I have managed to lose abput half which was easy because I breastfed. I really want to get back to what I was before I got pregnant which was 110. I currently weigh 133 and I struggle every day to eat healthy and to exercise. I have yet to take family portraits because I want to look my best for those pictures so that is part of my motivation as well as summer is right around the corner. Last year I had to wear a beach dress over my bikini :( And this year I am hoping to be able to just wear the bikini and fit back into my old clothes