Cheat days this weekend for challenge participants?

moxette Posts: 104 Member
Hi guys, hope you are all having a great week and have been logging and following the challenge to the best of your abilities. Be sure to log your water for the week and calories burned for the week with exercise on Saturday night or Sunday morning, I am thinking of adding a column for days food logged as well?
We are logging 7 days a week, what does that mean when you want to go out on Saturday night? I am going to enjoy some cheating! Yup really I am! I have learned that for ME, I have to go out and eat some yummy things and go a little over my calories so I can start fresh on Monday. But I am going to log all of it to stay within challenge rules.
If I don't take a break you will find me in the DQ drive-through Tuesday night and it wont be pretty. I take a break to stay on track for the long run.
So make a decision on what you are going to do this weekend. If you cheat, keep it in control, log it, don't feel bad about it and learn from it. You know what is best for you so I challenge you to make your own choices and see how they work. Keep drinking your water and this weekend.... IF YOU BITE IT, YOU WRITE IT. Have a great weekend!


  • pamelapeldo
    pamelapeldo Posts: 47 Member
    I have to say that your quote "if you bite it you write it" has been one of the greatest tools to keep me logging since I started all of this! It really makes me be more mindful about what I'm doing...especially since I am posting for all to see. I would encourage everyone to make their diaries open to their friends. It has helped me a lot with accountability.
  • eisenmansandy
    eisenmansandy Posts: 15 Member
    I totally agree, making my diary public has really helped me think twice when I am eating and what I am eating. I tend to eat mindlessly and I find that when I am searching for that something I usually do a double think on how many calories this is going to add to my diary and decide I'll just have a glass of water instead. It has also helped me see that others have the same sturgles with food that I do.:drinker:
  • sdow
    sdow Posts: 71
    Good thoughts all. I am on a roll with this since the Valentine's Day challenge. But, we are invited out to eat on Saturday night. So, it is probably a good idea to allow myself a day of a few more calories. The nice thing about logging is it makes me eat foods without the sauces, etc. Simple foods are easier to log and seem more accurate than trying to guess ingredients. I
  • bemusic
    bemusic Posts: 12 Member
    I have to say that I'm scared to make my diary public! LOL!
  • traceyrick
    I'm definitely shopping "smarter", staying on (trying) the perimeter of the grocery stores. I cheated so bad yesterday I didn't log it! Is that ok? I usually don't have time to see everyone's food diaries - but am glad I'm not the only challenged one!
  • eisenmansandy
    eisenmansandy Posts: 15 Member
    I have learned to put my recipes in under the recipe collum and it figures your calories per serving, then if you make it again its there for the next time.