What was your wake-up call?

To start losing weight and adopting a healthy lifestyle? Was it a comment from someone, or an incident, a bad photo?

Mine was recently, the obligatory NYE "photo opportunity"! This wake up call has spurred me on to lose weight for good this time.

Went to a NYE party, down my local. Had a brilliant time, much laughter and singing, the drinks flowed, was surrounded by my nearest and dearest people, the pub had a live band, it was great!

Until I saw the photos the following morning.... :cry: I was so mortified. I had become the "Fat Friend" - amongst all my female friends in our group, who all looked like slim and slinky Goddesses of Sexiness, like Charlies Angels. Then there was me standing next to them, like some kind of big hideous monster :sad:

So THAT is definitely it. I don't want to spend another Christmas/New Year crying over photos - yet again. This time by end of 2012, I'm determined to look lush!

So people, what's your story? :smile:


  • i remember seeing pictures of myself after a christening @ 20st and thinking urrrgggggg!!

    after that me and a mate joined the gym, she dropped out - i carried on..... then summer came and i was in my element cycling for hours seeing parts of wales ive never seen...

    back in the gym now winters here - i aint EVER goingback.....

    seeing the newyear starters in our gym fills me with even more motivation - i like to think chatting to them about where i was also helps them tooo..

    i want to do every route up snowdon this year, should be good - anyone else want to join me?

  • i want to do every route up snowdon this year, should be good - anyone else want to join me?

    If i can get a bike in my car to get up that end i'll join you :) x
  • it doesnt have to be a bike dude, a good ol trek would be a grand day, maybe when the weather is warmer.

    camp at ground zero, do the trekkin, back to camp.. beers and BBQ OHHHH YEAHHH
  • Im up for that! During the summer now :)
  • Goals and objectives! :)
  • carole456
    carole456 Posts: 121 Member
    Counldn't bend over!! Seriously, everything started to hurt! I've avoided photos for years! On the positive side I already feel the benefits after just one week, so here's to a good year
  • bethanwright
    bethanwright Posts: 3 Member
    when we finally bought a scale for our new house after living there for essentially a year and i'm heavier than i've ever been in my life.
  • ZoeSmith321
    ZoeSmith321 Posts: 21 Member
    My wake up call was seeing a photo of me on Facebook and realising that I needed to throw out my magic mirror and sort myself out! It'snow my profile pic on here as an inspirational kick up the backside (i'm the heifer on the right) and it's the very last time i'll look that way.
  • missdaisy79
    missdaisy79 Posts: 566 Member
    Crippling back pain and a stern talking to by my doctor. That's what kick started things. I started going to physio for the back pain, and from physio to the gym...when I can get to the gym I love it. Always have enjoyed the gym.
  • In March at family funeral, someone had to ask who I was as they didn't know me. When I told them, they took me on one side to ask about my health.

    I found out in April I would loose my job due to redundancy after 33 years loyal service a week after my 50th birthday in July. There were several party's for us leavers, and at one at least 4 or 5 people literally said I was twice the man they'd remembered. One said I'd put on a lot of timber.

    When I was reached 50, I had a party, and again it was mentioned that it was time I started to think about the amount of weight I was carrying. I also went to Spain for a drinking weekend to celebrate, and when I saw the photo's I knew it was time to change my lifestyle.

    I joined MFP in September and now I'm 2 lbs off losing 3 stones in weight. I want to lose 4 stones in total to get to 14 stones 4lbs. I'm also going to donate £150 to cancer research after 3 of my cousins passed away in 2011 due to cancer.
  • bobs_god
    bobs_god Posts: 85 Member
    Mine was getting fitted for a suit for my best friends wedding, I got really embarrassed when the guy fitting me for the suit had to leave twice to find a "bigger size" not kept with the normal suit sizes. My friends were questioning why he left the room and it was really embarrassing to have to tell them they needed bigger sizes for me.

    On a plus note I had to go back two weeks before the wedding and I ended up dropping 8inches round my waist and chest, turns out I ended up with a smaller size suit than two of the three guys on the wedding party.
  • Hi
    My wake up call was seeing a photo of myself last Summer, sat on the patio (wine in hand) with friends...and thinking OMG! when did Jabba come to the party? :embarassed:
    I think I'd kidded myself for far too long that "another couple of pounds" here and there was ok :indifferent: and when I weighed myself I could have cried :sad:
    I'd been nursing a torn Achilles and other foot problems since Aug 2010 and I was limited to very moderate walking (at one point I couldn't actually walk at all for 2 weeks, and had to rest it for several days at a time when it was very bad) never mind anything more vigorous and I was in such a rut...and comfort ate and ate bad food :sick:
    I'm due surgery for my foot sometime in March and although the Achilles is still not 100% I was given the go ahead to do low-impact exercise and started in September.
    It was SUCH an effort and a real shock to my body! Me and hubs got The Biggest Loser Ultimate Workout and Your Shape-Fitness Evolved for the Kinect and then invested in an elliptical/bike (combi). I also found an old W/W food book (which had gathered dust for years...) and rigorously logged our food (and points) and I was amazed at how quickly the weight started to shift, albeit steadily, and how great I started to feel. I've still got a long way to go...but...I'm still here...plodding along :smile:
    It's nice to hear people comment on how well I look, and how much weight I've lost :happy: it is SUCH a boost it makes all those achy muscles and tears SO worth the effort!
    Please feel free to add me, I've not long joined the site and any support/help would be greatly appreciated
    Good luck everyone
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    My wake-up call came when I saw my wedding photos and my sporran had dropped under my bulging, blobby belly. It was bad enough I had to get a 9yrd kilt made because I was so big, but instead of looking sharp and sexy in it, I just looked FAT


    But it took a stern talking to from one of my best friends that actually spurned me on to actually start counting calories and lose weight. I promised to give up chocolate & biscuits for 8 weeks and not only did I do that, but I dropped a stone and half in that time and caught the exercise bug.

    Ironically, my kilt is now way too big for me and I'll have to have it adjusted as I've already lost 7½" from around my belly. :happy:
  • beforeqm.jpg

    These photos were both taken on the same day back in September. I'd joined a gym back in February and had been saying for months that I was going to lose weight and attempted it half heartedly with little progress. When I saw these photos I barely recognised myself and it was a huge wake up call.

    I'm a fashion student and these photos were taken when I worked on the Look fashion show for work experience. It wasn't like everyone else there were sticks because there were girls of similar sizes to me or bigger, but it's not exactly an industry that you want to go into being overweight. And because my life is full of clothing I was constantly aware of my inability to dress how I wanted because of the size I was. So I guess everything from that day kind of caught up with me.

    At the moment I'm 24lbs down which is exactly half way through to my goal weight and it's lovely being able to go out and not worry about all the photos the next day, and it's lovely being able to dress more how I want now. It's so wonderful to now fit into size 12 jeans - I never used to be able to wear jeans at all because my size made it too difficult to find ones that would fit properly. And yesterday I bought a bodycon dress, I never imagined I'd be able to wear anything bodycon! I can't wait to get to my goal weight.
  • cheeki119
    cheeki119 Posts: 53 Member
    my size creeping up and my mum, who started bigger than me and who is now 20lb lighter =( x
  • I'm a reception teacher and the children in my class have a digital camera they can freely use. Over the term before Christmas one boy followed me around with it and took loads of photos - I looked horrendous! Even worse when I stood next to my colleague who has managed to shed a couple of stone - I looked twice her size!
    The husband and I decided that new year would mean a new regime and we have stuck to it really well. I've lost 6lbs so far and he has lost 13! We have a wedding in June where he is an usher, we both want to be slimmer for it so we have something to aim for. Losing weight also gives me a great excuse for shopping for new clothes! :bigsmile:
  • lorro
    lorro Posts: 917 Member
    I've been there with the bad photos but it never really made much difference. It just feels like the right time this time as I'm getting to the age where it may begin to affect my health. That's happened with a friend, I guess that has been a wake up call. Also I've sorted out a lot of other things in my life (some with a great deal of difficulty) and been really happy as a result. Now I think, well just this last big (ha!) thing to do.
  • lorro
    lorro Posts: 917 Member
    Heidi I'm with you on the excuse for clothes shopping. My best friend and I have promised each other a shopping trip in NY when we achieve our goal weight :happy:
  • Wychwoodlady
    Wychwoodlady Posts: 6 Member
    A pic of me at our work's Xmas party. Uggghhh! I looked pregnant!
  • Bizarrely, for me it was a combination of two good things;

    1. having a ForYourEyesOnly photo shoot which gave me a huge boost in my self confidence and made me realise that I can be sexy even at over 14 stone, and think how much more sexy i'd be at 10 stone! (ladies - I would thoroughly recommend it).

    2. Getting my first smartphone & coming across the mfp ap. It made it easy for me to obsess on calorie counting and meeting my daily targets rather than obsessing on how I was ever going to lose so much weight, which just seemed such a huge ask.

    I have now been doing mfp for 4 months and dropped nearly 2 dress sizes. I did gain a little bit over Christmas but back on track now and feeling great!

    By the way, i've just stumbled across the TeamUK group and would love to make some more friends to add to my solitary 1 friend at present & keep me motivated.
