Confession of a Foodaholic

I have been MIA from this whole site for about 3 weeks. I was/am having personal problems and reverted back to my days when I was being treated for depression - the whole cycle of eat, cry, eat, sleep, eat, cry, eat, sleep etc., etc. I did get the courage to go and face the scales and I found 7 of the 39 lbs. I had lost. It made me want to go home and just keep up the cycle but I have been so thankful for those who kept bugging me about where I was and knew I had to come back. So I have been back with the program and this is my third day of struggling but I can't give in. My body wants me to keep overloading on chocolate ~ actually anything with sugar ~ and carbs which sends my blood sugar crazy (pre-diabetic) and my last blood test was sooooo good. I am going to keep tracking which is the only way things work for me ~ but bummed about the lower points. I guess I need to exercise to earn them back. After a couple of weeks back I know the cravings will lessen and I will at least be in control of this area of my life and it will help other areas to fall into place. Thanks everyone on MFP for all the support ~ I really, really needed it more than you will ever know.:love:


  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member

    I'm sorry you're having such a rough time right now, and I think it's very brave for you to be facing your demons.

    I hope you can find the support here that you need to keep strong. Remember, if day by day is too much, then hour by hour is okay.

    Welcome to our family, I'm really glad you came back.
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Good for you by identifying the cycle only 7 pounds into it, and then having the strength to change it! Like Jalara said, take it moment to moment if needed. I too fight addiction to sugar, and I have to take it one day at a time. I am going to share some strategies that work for me in breaking the sugar cravings. I hope you will be able to find them helpful to you. Diversionary activities like taking a walk, reading a good book, playing a game, take a shower, calling a friend etc. Also I find that brushing my teeth and drinking peppermint tea, or eating a peppermint hard candy can sometimes stave off food cravings. During this time identify safe alternatives to eat that will fulfill your food cravings like sugar free chocolate pudding that will not blow your progress. If you are able to increase your activity, I find this is the number one thing that decreases my appetite. Remember one moment at a time. You can do this! :flowerforyou: