Food and smell

Many years ago I intentionally segregated my sense of smell from my desire to eat food. I love to smell great food when I'm dieting. My daughter said she recently read an article that the ability to do this is very helpful in dieting.


  • hsmithway
    hsmithway Posts: 191

    I remember reading a study a while back where they had a group of people try to visualize and imagine eating a dessert before they actually ate the dessert, and the visualizing group actually ate a lot less than the group who just went in and ate. So it seems like there must be levels of satisfaction that can be reached without actual consumption.
  • SophinMaine
    SophinMaine Posts: 48 Member
    Hmmm I wonder if this is why, when I am doing the actual cooking (without tasting it too much on the way, actually) I am never as hungry as when I am not cooking (hubby is a great cook and we both do our fair share of cooking).

    If that is true this is one more advantage of home-cooked meals!